View Full Version : Redding scale

08-07-2011, 05:44 PM
Was looking to buy a Redding balance beam scale. Is it easy to use and worth the price? I want to use it to measure charges for my powder measure. My electronic scales never seem to last and I need a good backup/primary scale. My Lyman balance beam just does not seem to make the cut.

08-07-2011, 05:49 PM
My balance beam is a Hornady, a good friend of mine has the Redding, another a RCBS, none of us have ever complained about our balance beam scales.

Le Loup Solitaire
08-07-2011, 06:22 PM
I have had 2 of these (with the brown crinkle finish) for the last 40 years and both have served me very well. I have never used the oil dampening feature and have slowed the beam swing sometimes with the point of a pencil. I have checked them regularly with a set of checkweights and both scales have never wandered from the original zero. They are still findable on E-Bay for very reasonable prices, but I would check whatever you obtain with a set of weights just to be sure that the zero is ok. I was never a fan of magnetic dampening from the beginning so these Reddings are just what I needed. LLS

08-07-2011, 06:54 PM
I also use a Redding and a Lyman. I use both scales to set up the powder bar adjustments on my Dillon. The Redding is not magnetic dampened as the Lyman is and sensitive to the slightest breeze. This includes breathing to close to it. LOL The plus is that it is very accurate. Tossed my electronic scales a long time ago. Dont have to depend on batteries or delicate electronics, The more simple, the more better, Tommy

08-07-2011, 09:05 PM
there all the same rcbs and dillon

08-07-2011, 09:49 PM
I have one, and use it to "double check" My RCBS scale from time to time just to be sure. Its a good tool. -- FYI...a couple of years ago, i was on the phone with a Redding engineer. I was trying to get the some specs on one of the vintage "Flex Ring" powder measures. He told me that the Redding beam scales used to thier bread and butter. They made those sames scales for other companies as well...if I understood him correctly.

08-08-2011, 07:40 PM
I like my #2 Redding scale. I have used two different RCBS scales and one each from Dillon and Pact (electronic). I prefer the Redding for most work. However, a digital is the way to go for weighing bullets etc.

08-09-2011, 10:03 AM
Does the Redding still have the marks under the pointer that show how much you are under or over the set weight ? My old C-H has them and they are very useful when weighing powder charges. So much so that I added them to my RCBS 505.

08-09-2011, 07:06 PM
Yes the #2 has the graduations at the pointer, that is one of the things that sets it apart from the others for me.