View Full Version : Winchester 1886 carrier

08-03-2011, 05:38 PM
Im having a thread going under the "black powder cartridge" forum. But I think this question belongs here.

Im trying to make an old 86 going again. Its a 45-90 with a pretty much wasted bore. I managed to find an original barrel for it. A 50-100-450 barrel with the 1:36 twist. Its shiny, but has some issues. Bore dimension vary a bit through out..... Different story.

What I would like to find is a carrier that is modified to lift the 50-110 shell. I can modify the carrier I got, but would like to keep it original and have another carrier to go with this project. Is there anybody in here that know where I can find one? There was one on Ebay a while ago. But its gone now. And I havent found any other carriers either. No one at all. Few days ago I found a carrier I could modify on Gunbroker, but that one is gone too.

Iv found several companies that sell parts for the old 1886, but none of them had a carrier in stock. I dont need to get a 50-110 carrier, but one to modify myself.

Any suggestions folks?

08-04-2011, 12:08 AM
FWIW I've purchased alot of original 1886 parts from a man named Albert Buckingham. He's located in Tenn. and I have his contact info at the shop. You can probably get his phone # by noodle'n around on the internet. I'll check back here tommorrow and post it for you if necessary. This is THE guy for antique Winchester parts...,all of them...but CO$T lot$...HTH

08-04-2011, 09:00 AM
If you can't find a 45-79/90 carrier to modify then I'll second Tedly's advice about Albert Buchingham. He has an amazing assortment of hard-to-find original Winchester parts (has baled me out a couple of times). Well worth a phone call to see if he has one. But, those original 50 cal M1886 specific parts are going to be rare critters- probably the reason they disappear off fleabay so quickly.

08-04-2011, 12:39 PM
Thank you guys. Ill Snoogle arrund and see if I can find him... If not Ill let you know.

08-04-2011, 03:39 PM
I think this is Albert Buckingham's ph #- 731-559-4169. Sometimes he is hard to get ahold of but worth a shot if other options don't work. He's in western Tennessee, US Central Time Zone.

08-04-2011, 04:40 PM
Ill call him. Better to go straight to the best source rather than goofing arround wasting my luck.

Im realy looking forward to get this old timer to the range. Ill try the poly wads behind the 45 slugs aswell. Maybe that does the trick. I could allways try to find a receiver for the 50 barrel later on. But finding just an 86 receiver is not easy. Spend enough money as it is too......

08-21-2011, 01:16 PM
Don't get discouraged..........what you're thinking about is completely doable......if you are reasonably skilled and take your time you can do it all yourself, except for maybe the barrel, you'll need a lathe for that........Converting the receiver and the carrier is not all that hard........I've done two and working on a third...........it takes some time to collect all the info needed to get it done and then a lot of slow going..........I was just where you are now 3 years ago...............after the conversion you can start on set triggers for the beast.

John Taylor
08-21-2011, 02:09 PM
You will need to do more than just the carrier. I have converted many 86s to 50 . The lever has to be ground off so the loading gate will open further and sometimes the frame has to be opened up. The feed rails needs about .020" taken off to allow the fatter cartridge to feed. The mag tube may need to have a half moon cut in the right side. There were three ways Winchester did the modifications to get the rifle to function. Not all the frames are the same and the later ones used a threaded mag tube which makes for more problems. The way the Marlin 95 has a bulge in the mag tube would have been a great way to help the Winchester.

04-18-2012, 03:54 PM
This project has been dead for a while. But Iv been in contact with Albert Buckingham concerning an old High Wall, so I figured it would be a great idea to ask him if he got a carrier modified to take the 50-110 casing. Or if he got one to modify. However, I would like to ask you gents something. Its blasfemi and it would be the last thing to do.... but would the Miroku carrier fit the old originals??

04-23-2012, 07:33 PM
If you can't find a 45-79/90 carrier to modify then I'll second Tedly's advice about Albert Buchingham. He has an amazing assortment of hard-to-find original Winchester parts (has baled me out a couple of times). Well worth a phone call to see if he has one. But, those original 50 cal M1886 specific parts are going to be rare critters- probably the reason they disappear off fleabay so quickly.

Does he sell rifles or just parts ? looking for some 1873 and a 1876 to go with a 1886 I inherited

04-23-2012, 07:45 PM
Maybe, but he's primarily a parts specialist for old Winchesters.