View Full Version : Lube sizer die adapter

08-03-2011, 03:11 PM
Does anyone make an adapter to use a Lyman/RCBS lube-size die as a push through die as Lee push through? I have a bunch of each type but not of every size in both types. Thought it may be handy to be able to use a Lyman die in an adapter that screws into a standard 7/8-14 thread. It seems a that a Lee push through die could be enlarged to accept a Lyman die from the bottom and retained with a set screw or maybe just the o ring.

08-03-2011, 05:13 PM
Nobody makes a ready one that I know of. But Crazy Mark and beagle did an article about the same thing here-

08-03-2011, 08:39 PM
Thanks, just what I was looking for.

08-03-2011, 11:44 PM
I wonder why something like this isn't more popular? It would seem to me that the Lyman/RCBS sizing dies are fairly common, and with an adapter like this would be twice as useful as they were before. If the adapter was made so that the top of it was similar to the Lee push thru sizers, then the Lee die containers that come with the Lee sizers, and also serve to hold the sized boolits could be used with the adapter as well. If there was enough interest, I'm sure a group buy could be done with one of the forum members that could make such a thing. I know I would be interested.