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08-03-2011, 01:10 AM
can I shoot my rifles and shotguns? I don't want to screw anything up.


Bent Ramrod
08-03-2011, 02:15 AM
I held off until a couple weeks after the operation on my second eye. At that time, the optometrist and opthamologist agreed that the new lenses had settled in and it was time to get fitted for my reading glasses. They said I was good to go for any activity I was doing before the operation.

Doc Highwall
08-03-2011, 09:18 AM
Funny you should mention it, I have an appointment this morning with my Dr. after having my second cataract operation three weeks ago yesterday.

I will have to ask him that question.

Light attack
08-03-2011, 09:43 AM
Guess it's time for mine too. Went shooting yesterday and spent way to much time searching for the front sight in my Varilux lenses.

08-03-2011, 10:17 AM
I finally figured out what I am going to do about glasses, between the first and second surgeries. I use the NYX glasses with a prescription insert. I think I will get a set of clear lenses, and cut the prescription lense off the right side. That way I will have my left lense correction.

I teach autobody, so I need to have eye protection. Anyone else have a good solution?

Doc Highwall
08-03-2011, 12:24 PM
Just got back from the Dr's and he said I could shoot as soon as I feel comfortable to. Guess what I am planning to do now.8-)

Bent Ramrod
08-03-2011, 03:37 PM
I had some retina damage in one eye previous to the operation so was not qualified for the multifocal lenses (though I'd have been glad to pay extra for them). What I have are bifocals (one regular set and one set safety glasses with side shields) that are plain glass for distance and the lower bifocal lens ground to focus for close range stuff. For extreme close range there is my trusty Optivisor, but that was in the cards from the beginning anyway.

I really got religion after the operation, wear safety glasses when I shoot or work in the shop. Previously the regular glasses were judged to be "enough." I just got a face shield for casting at Harbor Freight this weekend; it "called out" to me.

They've gotten more relaxed about post-operational activities as this truly marvelous lens-replacement operation has become state-of-the-art. At the beginning, people were told not to wash dishes, wave their arms around or hold their faces horizontally (looking down for long periods or sleeping on their stomachs) for a few weeks. The any activity beyond mild walking exercise or or office work was on hold for that time. Now it's only things like boxing, Rugby football or shooting hard-kicking calibers that are definitely on hold. The lens sets in pretty quickly and solidly when everything goes right, which is about 99.5% of the time.

08-03-2011, 04:03 PM
The best person to ask would be your eye doctor.

DIRT Farmer
08-03-2011, 11:42 PM
The best person to ask would be your Dr. if they are familuar with the shooting sports, my heart surgon told me no shooting a ten ga. for a year. I found out later he, a non shooter had fired one once.

08-04-2011, 12:10 AM
I waited three weeks after my left eye. Then I started having blurred vision three weeks after they did my right eye. I don't know if shooting caused it, but I needed a capsulotomy procedure to iron out wrinkles in the cornea.

08-04-2011, 12:20 AM
Remember those " X-ray glasses" you could order from the back of comic books in the '60s? When the eye surgeon asked what kind of implants I wanted, those were the ones I mentioned. He said "ok" and just grinned. They work moderately well.....

08-04-2011, 12:30 AM
Remember those " X-ray glasses" you could order from the back of comic books in the '60s? When the eye surgeon asked what kind of implants I wanted, those were the ones I mentioned. He said "ok" and just grinned. They work moderately well.....

Amazing how your mind fills in the blanks,...

Of course I know my doctor is the best person to ask, but I won't see him until tomorrow. He also knows how important it is to keep my right eye dominant.

Doc Highwall
08-04-2011, 11:20 AM
I have a pair of those X-Ray glasses and a NEW OBAMA DECOADER RING that came in the mail yesterday.

08-04-2011, 08:05 PM
and a NEW OBAMA DECOADER RING that came in the mail yesterday.

That would have to be an industrial strength lie detector!