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01-17-2007, 03:58 AM
Another new member if you do not mind. Basically indoor h/gun shoot from .22 to 9X19, 38 Spl & 45ACP. Basically used cast bullet tips for my 30 plus yrs of reloading.

01-17-2007, 04:39 AM
..............Consider yourself as having recieved a firm handshake and a welcome aboard. Why are you shooting indoors, no outdoors range closeby?


01-17-2007, 11:48 AM
--Welcome and enjoy this board---Plenty of knowledgeable people who have been thru it and have the answers to get you where you want to be---Mag

01-17-2007, 10:10 PM
Same from this member welcome aboard and good reading.

01-17-2007, 10:48 PM
Smitty sez,

"Another new member if you do not mind."

Mind? MIND?? We should 'mind' when another shooter comes to enrich the place with his experiences, questions, points of view, and tastes in beer?????

I don't THINK so!!!

Pull up a pew, Smitty, and kick in your two cents (or more) whenever it looks like a good time. This place is a product of its membership, and you are absolutely welcome to add your input.

We don't get wrapped around the axle if threads stray a bit, and there's a lot of fun to be had by not taking ourselves too seriously.

How do you view the subject of sheep? Cats (feline, not bulldozers)? Generators, tractors, sailboats....?

And you thought this was just a boolit-casting site, huh? Heh, heh, heh...hang around, pard, and you'll soon be as bad as the rest of this cut-throat crew.


01-18-2007, 03:54 AM
Thanks guys. I think I can get to like this board along with the members, but then it is the members that make the board good or bad.

Buckshot the reason for an indoor range is that it is friggin' cold outside, like around 12F, town roads & highways are all iced up PLUS getting up to the range is touch & go for it is almost like a skating rink plus being illegal due to only room for vehicles in one direction, four switches that are to tight & grade of the road is to steep.

Oh yes I should point out that this is the Interior of B.C. Cdn., & a little part in the center of the Cdn Rockies. As a m/c rider I know around latter part of Sept it is time to winterize my m/cs & start thinking about getting them out in latter part of March. So in reality we only have 6 months of the year to ride being cold at both ends.

We have a lot of snow to melt into the grounds before we can use outdoor & it started to become darn cold mid November & the ski hills were in prime condition of lots of skiing in early part of December. Sorry I no longer ski for I am 76+ yrs of age. So yes you have an old geezer on this board that still loves h/gun shooting.

01-18-2007, 04:37 AM
Smitty, glad to have you take some time to join our merry band. Gotta watch out for them cats and sheep. Hang around here and you'll find out. Course the conversations do drift some. Like tabasco sauce, tractors, generators, the occasional truck so we are a pretty divers bunch. Frank

Bass Ackward
01-18-2007, 08:55 AM
Welcome Smitty. Keep up that attitude.

I strive to think of myself as a newbie every day. And with my memory, that ain't hard, believe me. That means that I will try to keep an open mind to what I read and "hopefully", how I write. I think the success of this board has been that there we all have things to learn. I know I certainly have.

If we have a weakness here, it's not closing topics by reporting how problems or experiments turned out. And sometimes we need a couple of years to do that. So you need to stick around awhile.

If we can get an idea how advise shakes out, then we can dismiss old wives tales and actually move cast use ahead.

Pull up a key board, pick or start a topic, and jump right in.

01-18-2007, 10:10 AM
Smitty, Like Bass says, pull up a keyboard and pick a topic or two. I am always interested in what newbees have to offer, and am always willing to learn. Welcome!

01-18-2007, 11:02 AM
Smitty, at 76 you are not particularly old on this board. Cast bullet shooting apparently adds to longevity. You said that you are in interior B.C. Are you close to Snag? IIRC, there was a sign beside the Alcan that said Snag had once enjoyed a temperature of 85 below zero F. That kind of weather sounds ideal for casting! Welcome to the board.

01-18-2007, 11:17 AM
Welcome Smitty, your not the only m/c rider here ;) snow is finally starting to pile up here in Michigan and bamned if I didn't see someone on there sportster yesterday, bunch of die hards riders here, my bones get too cold anymore to ride below freezing any more hehe they get that way from shooting also but the wind is not as bad hehe Again Welcome, great bunch here with lots of info, goo, bad, or indifferant, it's all here:drinks:

01-18-2007, 03:17 PM
Hey, Smitty...

Welcome aboard. I haven't been here all that long, myself, but I've learned a lot in the time I have. It's a good group...maybe, the best I've ever hooked up with...so don't be bashful, just wade right in.


Uncle Grinch
01-18-2007, 08:17 PM

Let me also welcome you to the BEST forum on the WWW.

I too used to do a lot of shooting indoors, rifle, pistol, shotgun...until my wife got tired of all of the smoke and noise!!

Just kidding....

You will enjoy it here..

01-18-2007, 10:32 PM
Welcome to the board Smitty, I'm sure you will find it worth while. Take care on that m/c.


01-19-2007, 02:08 AM
Another welcome,firm handshake and all the trimmings to All of the "newbie's".

The number of posts shown below your handle have no part in showing your casting IQ nor your time on board,,everything in life just seems to be counted somehow.
I have far fewer posts than many and more than some far more experienced casters but the bottom line remains we are here to share knowledge.
Enjoy the ride,,enjoy.

01-19-2007, 03:46 AM
Last Sunday with snow, comming down & being a mite on the cold side, trap chairman & two other trap shooters were in while we h/gunners we starting to set up.

They admitted it would be nice if they could shoot indoors & I told them if they would come up with the money we could eliminate the balcony up at the lounge level for a slide back portion & with a hand throwing thing for birds they would be welcomed, for I do not turn on the heat, bar enough for the water pipes. Can you believe it they backed off due to lack of money? LOL

You have to have a sense of humor in this world of shooting.