View Full Version : x 54r Q for Larry Gibson

07-31-2011, 03:58 PM

For awhile I was going to get out of my Noisy Magnets (Finnish M39) but I've changed my tiny little mind.

I sold my dies and now want to get some new ones. I'd like to go with Lee collet dies, but they don't show them in x 54. I know I could have them make me one.

If I am recalling correctly, at one point you posted your solution for getting a collet die set up for the x54. What was it? Or am I thinking of Buckshot? Seems like it was using some Redding products and I'm not at all familar with them.



07-31-2011, 06:54 PM
You can also talk to Lee about modifying a die or making a custom die.

Larry Gibson
07-31-2011, 07:27 PM

Sorry, not me that uses the collet die for the 7.62x54R. I use a Redding Bushing die for the .284 Winchester. I took .13" off the die mouth which allows the shoulder of the shortest chamber (they do vary greatly from bolt face to shoulder) fire formed cases I've used to just bump the shoulder of the case against the inner die shoulder with the shell holder all the way up. The die can then be backed off for the longer chambered cases. With a selection of several bushings .002" apart I can size the necks minimally and perfectly giving .002 - .003" neck tension on bullets ranging from .308 to .316. Obviously I keep cases segregated to each rifle.

Using the bushing die I've yet to lose a case from a split neck and have not had any sign of case seperation in a long time. My cases seemingly are lasting forever. The Redding bushing die and a selection of bushings is spendy up front but if one shoots one MN a lot or shoots several the cost will be amortorized quite quickly in case life not mention enhanced accuracy, especially with cast bullets.

Larry Gibson

07-31-2011, 08:11 PM

Yea, I think it's your work that I was recalling.

So you're using Redding Bushing 284 Winchester die to reload the x 54? You took .13 off of the bottom of the die (on your lathe?) so that the die shoulder would bump the shortest of your fired x54 cases, do I have that right?

Brass life was what I was thinking, along with accuracy. Although my Mosin's aren't bench rest quality I figured why not? Of course I haven't priced the dies yet. :)

Let me know if I got it right please, and thank you very much.


07-31-2011, 10:57 PM
FWIW, Sinclair lists the Redding .284 Neck Bushing Die for $79.95; bushings are $13.95 for plain steel and $23.95 for TiN. I realize that there are less expensive sources than Sinclair for reloading gear, but that'll give you an idea.

Wilson also offers a bushing neck die (requires an arbor press) that is only $47.99 at Midway. That might be something to consider - if you have an arbor press.

Lee will make a custom collet die set for right around $50, IIRC. Maybe if enough people write to them asking for one they'll start offering them as a stock item (I wrote some time ago). Forster offers their excellent Benchrest dies in this flavor, and I believe they will hone out the neck area to your specified dimension - I know they offer this service for their 6mm BR sizing dies, anyway. That will give you the desired amount of neck tension, but will only work well with one brand (lot?) of brass, as a rule.

ETA: Now that I think on it a bit more, the Wilson bushing die probably wouldn't work for this application since you can't adjust it any. It sits on a base. You might be able to rig something up, but it's not a turn-key solution.

08-01-2011, 12:26 AM
Thanks for the good ideas nicholst55, I apprecitate it. I don't know where I'm going yet but I'm getting closer! :)


08-01-2011, 01:24 AM
Also, you might try a search here ............

As I recall there were some posts about using a .308 win. Collet die plus a washer of a certain thickness ........ and also a shortened 7.5 Swiss Collet die was discussed.

The .308 trick is also over at surplusrifle.com forum ...........

Three 44s

08-01-2011, 03:20 PM
Hi Cat,
You might want to call Dave at CH Tool and Die. Sounds like it's right up his wheelhouse and he does pretty work!

08-01-2011, 04:30 PM

What Mr. Gibson says.

A Redding Type S neck bushing 300WSM die similarly shortened as Larry's 284 Win. die, serves the 7.62x54r and 7.5x55 on my bench. I prefer TiN bushings when budget allows.

My loadings for both cartridges are kept to the mild side, thus far the shoulders have yet to be "bumped". Privi brass.


Larry Gibson
08-01-2011, 05:03 PM

You have my bushing die info correct. As noted the .300 Win mag will also work and may be cheaper. I'm guessing the .300 die needs shortening a bit more though.

Larry Gibson

08-01-2011, 07:31 PM
Thanks to all you gentlemen for the great ideas. I'm not sure yet but I'm leaning toward having Lee make me a collet die. I have two brands of brass and it looks to be the cheaper route.
