View Full Version : BP Lube

07-28-2011, 07:43 PM
Shot my 71/84 Mauser with BP Monday.
I use Emmerts lube as a cookie with my PP boolits.
I am not one of the chosen few BP shooters as I do not own a Sharps,Remington, Ballard ,or Pedersoli so I am bannished to the other end of the range away from the "Holy Black Shooters".
After shooting several rounds one of the BP shooters came and asked what lube I was using.
I told him and he went into a disertation on the problems with emmerts lube (ie:) excess smoke. contaminats in the air, lack of power from my powder , and then asked me to change lube so as not to affect the other shooters.

His recomendation was using beeswax and olive oil 50/50.
All natural product with no contaminates that would affect other shooters.

Opinions please.


07-28-2011, 08:05 PM
most of the pb lube formulas i have seen are pretty much all beeswax based with other ingredients like vegtable oil, olive oil, jojojaba oil, crisco. you get the idea, most info says stay with natural oils and waxes.

here is a tread with quite a bit of info, check out the bpcr lubes


07-28-2011, 08:13 PM
My opinion... Next time tell him you are using his recommended lube, and are in a hurry... and go back to shooting whatever you brung.

dave roelle
07-28-2011, 09:03 PM
The complainer sounds like an idiot to me-----------excess smoke holy blackpower batman

perhaps he didn't understand that his reccomendation was 2/3rds of Emmerts lube


07-28-2011, 11:24 PM
Just so I have this straight, the complaint is of excess smoke from your lube in a black powder cartridge. Right?

It would appear you have confirmed the existence of the Northern Lesser Spotted Neanderthalic Moron.

What a load of tripe.

07-29-2011, 04:52 AM
Gun, what I would have told him shouldn't be read by young children, what a pile. I also don't think I could have resisted saying something about his well being and possibly his mother. I would also shoot somewhere else if that is an option. Good luck to you, Mike

cajun shooter
07-29-2011, 09:19 AM
I don't know where this took place. I will say that had it taken place in the areas of Louisiana that I shoot in, this "lube advisor" would have been on a liquid diet for quite a while. A good butt stroke to the fore head should have cleared all those crazy ideas he seemed to have.

07-29-2011, 09:36 AM
Your complaining BP elitist really should start a daily program with Metamucil. Could improve his outlook.

07-29-2011, 09:44 AM
What "contaminants" are in Emmerts Lube? What's "unnatural" about it?

07-29-2011, 12:56 PM
As I understand it, this is the formula for Buck Emmert's Lube:

1750 grains Beeswax
1368 grains Crisco Shortening (White)
328 grains Crisco or Wesson Vegatable Oil

This recipe makes 1/2 pound lubricant. If you tray lube as I do, you'll probably want to double the recipe.

All of those are BP-friendly ingredients.

The lube afficionado at the range probably doesn't know what IS in Emmert's lube, so he really has no idea about it's suitability for black powder use.


Hip's Ax
07-29-2011, 01:23 PM
Myself and my friend have been shooting Emmert's (a modified version with 5% jojoba and 5% lanolin in place of the 10% cooking oil) in NRA Mid Range and Long Range competitions for a few years now. I've been shooting Masters scores and my friend goes to Raton with this lube every year. I even had a good day and came in second at the last LR match.

Tell your "Local Hero" he a loser and that if he keeps quiet no one will know just how stupid he is.

John Boy
07-29-2011, 02:33 PM
Here's the Emmerts Lube as I know it:
12 oz. beeswax
9 oz. white Crisco shortening
2 1/4 oz. Crisco or Wesson oil
Jim Luke warns that overheating the mix will ruin the lube; he uses it via pan lubing (Single Shot Exchange Compendium 2, page 266).

Different from Charlie's for example... 12oz x 437.5gr = 5250gr not 1750gr beeswax

And say your not satisfied, here's some more lubes that go back to the middle of the 1800's
Historical Black Powder Bullet Lubricants
Composition of Extensively Used Bullet Lubricants

(E.H. Harrison: American Rifleman, Jul '65)

1. U.S. Army 1855 - 1 beeswax, 3 tallow.

2. U.S. Army 1861 - 8 beeswax, 1 tallow.

3. U.S. Army 1873 - 8 bayberry wax, 1 graphite.

4. U.S. Army 1880 and thereafter - Japan wax.

5. Sharps Rifle Co., 1878 - 1 beeswax, 2 sperm oil.

6. Massachusetts Arms Co. (Maynard rifle), 1890 - 1 beeswax, 3 tallow.

7. Marlin Firearms Co., 1891 - 1 beeswax, 4 tallow.

8. Smith & Wesson, 1891 - tallow.

9. H.M. Pope, about 1900 - 3 mutton tallow, 2 bay wax, 1 beeswax, 1 steam cylinder oil, .2 of 1 acheson graphite. The bay wax could be omitted.

Matthews' Black Powder Bullet Lube— Melt 1/2 pound of yellow beeswax, and mix with it 4 fluid ounces of pure neatsfoot oil (not neatsfoot compound) and 3.5 ounces of thin shavings from a bar of Neutrogena Facial Soap.

I've made and shot Paul Matthew's lube in cold and hot weather ... good lube!

07-29-2011, 03:03 PM
That fellow is an idiot. Plain and simple.

I do happen to use Bees wax and olive oil in a 50/50 mix. It works ok for me as I live in probably the wettest area of the country. Most folks I talk to say that my lube won't hold up in low humidity areas. The Emmerts lube is supposed to be quite a bit better in almost any other conditions.


07-29-2011, 05:39 PM
BPCR lists Emmerts Lube. They show it as 50% wax, 40% Crisco, 10% oil. If BPCR doesn't have a problem with it I think Mr. Snotty should go pound sand. I am trying to be nice.

Seth Hawkins
07-30-2011, 07:30 AM
A black powder shooter complaining that another black powder shooter is making too much smoke? Seriously?

What a loser.

07-30-2011, 08:58 AM
Aparently it was the wrong kind of smoke.
I use Goex and they use Swiss.
Now that mixed with the emmerts lube creates far too much smoke and smell.

I think the whole problem was where I was shooting from.
They shoot where the prevailing wind blows the smoke away from them.
Where I was shooting from the wind blows the smoke right at them and they couldn't stand it that someone makes as much smoke as they do.
But being as I do not shoot a Sharps I am not invited to join them in "Gods Country"


Seth Hawkins
07-30-2011, 09:20 AM
Hogwash! Black powder is black powder. And I don't care if you're shooting it from a pocket pistol or a big bore Sharps. This is the first time I've heard of BP shooters complaining about another BP shooter's smoke. I could understand if it was smokeless guys complaining. But other BP shooters? That's like...., like... Well, I don't know what it's like. But it's like something! And it ain't something good! The BP guys I shoot with all take pride in the amount of smoke we make, as well as the smell. It's sort of an unspoken competition amongst ourselves. Those who don't like it are free to stand upwind of us. But even they get a kick out of watching us.

I'd forget it if I was you, and just shoot from whatever position you like. If those other folks don't like it, they can move upwind, too.

Go out there and have FUN!

07-30-2011, 11:20 AM
Aparently it was the wrong kind of smoke.
I use Goex and they use Swiss.
Now that mixed with the emmerts lube creates far too much smoke and smell.

I think the whole problem was where I was shooting from.
They shoot where the prevailing wind blows the smoke away from them.
Where I was shooting from the wind blows the smoke right at them and they couldn't stand it that someone makes as much smoke as they do.
But being as I do not shoot a Sharps I am not invited to join them in "Gods Country"


I'd bet that you could load two batches, one with Swiss and their lube, and a batch of yours. They'd never know the difference.

I've never heard bp shooters complain about smoke before. That is very odd. I have had smokeless guys complain once and I told them it's a lot more pleasant than shhoting beside a guy with a magnum and a muzzle break.


6.5 mike
07-30-2011, 11:36 AM
Jeff, I think the short term is village idiot, amoung others.

07-30-2011, 11:49 AM
I was saddened to read your post. I am new to BPCR shooting and have been using homemade Emmert's lube with complete satisfaction. I use the modified formula, with 5% olive oil and 5% lanoline. It seems to shoot fine, smells like honey, I don't get any leading and my rounds are more accurate than I can generally hold. Several of the long time BP shooters in my club also use and swear by Emmert's.

I read your post and learned that I am not BP-PC, because of my lube, but I have too much of it made up to switch. We have a couple of shooters that shoot original trapdoor springfields in the long barrel infantry model. They are their rifles are well accepted. No one has a BP early mauser bolt gun, but I am sure they and their rifle would be welcomed, as long as it belched white smoke.

Might this rude unfriendly person who approached you be one of them Yankees? I would hate to think one of our Southern gentlemen could be so crass and crude.

07-30-2011, 01:46 PM
Shot my 71/84 Mauser with BP Monday.
I use Emmerts lube as a cookie with my PP boolits.
I am not one of the chosen few BP shooters as I do not own a Sharps,Remington, Ballard ,or Pedersoli so I am bannished to the other end of the range away from the "Holy Black Shooters".
One problem you need to get shed of is that 'victim attitude'.
You have a rifle that pleases you, and you choose to shoot black powder loads in it.

To say that, because it is not a BPCR-style rifle, you allow yourself to be "banished" to a particular area shows a meekness that is unseemly in a man who shoots a tough guy rifle like a MAUSER.

Shoot where ever there is an open bench. And, if the single-shot crowd gives you heartburn, offer to load yours one round at a time ... so they don't feel handicapped.


dave roelle
07-30-2011, 08:24 PM
Our Range Master advises the nitro guy's that the range welcomes and actually appreciates black powder enthusiasts-----------he claims that black powder smoke is the best SKEETER CONTROL he's ever seen [smilie=w:

07-30-2011, 09:50 PM
Charlies right. You have every right to be there and don't let that turd chaser make you feel bad about what rifle you shoot. I have Sharps rifles myself but I would think your rifle is even more of an interesting historic piece and I would like to see it if I was at your range. Next time just sit right next to them and smile as you stink them out with that skunky black powder.

07-30-2011, 09:55 PM
A couple months back, I was shooting my 38-55 Highwall and noticed the quartering crosswind was blowing my smoke directly across the position immediately to my left (the last bench on the west end of the firing line). Thinking to be neighborly, I asked the shooter if he'd like to swap spots. The guy just looked up, sorta shrugged, and said; "Thanks, but I kinda like the smell." then went back to reloading mags for his H&K.


Hip's Ax
07-31-2011, 11:15 AM
Aparently it was the wrong kind of smoke.
I use Goex and they use Swiss.
Now that mixed with the emmerts lube creates far too much smoke and smell.

I think the whole problem was where I was shooting from.
They shoot where the prevailing wind blows the smoke away from them.
Where I was shooting from the wind blows the smoke right at them and they couldn't stand it that someone makes as much smoke as they do.
But being as I do not shoot a Sharps I am not invited to join them in "Gods Country"


I shoot Goex at Mid Range and Swiss at Long Range. I never noticed any difference in smell or amount of smoke. Sounds to me like this guy thinks his dookie don't stink. If this is a club and you are not volilating any rules I would say shoot where you please and if he bothers you again tell him to get stuffed. If you're anywhere near the north east let me know where you shoot and my buddies and I would be proud to shoot with you.

The other possibility is the guy's wife runs his life and he's trying to make up for not being able to control anything at home so he trys to make rules at the gun club. Seen that a few times before.

BTW I have a lot of different rifles, I have nice BPCR rifles, match rifles, some collectable rifles and I sincerely wish I had a Mauser like yours. I'm jealous. :mrgreen:

08-01-2011, 10:34 PM
I was saddened to read your post. I am new to BPCR shooting and have been using homemade Emmert's lube with complete satisfaction. I use the modified formula, with 5% olive oil and 5% lanoline. It seems to shoot fine, smells like honey, I don't get any leading and my rounds are more accurate than I can generally hold. Several of the long time BP shooters in my club also use and swear by Emmert's.

I read your post and learned that I am not BP-PC, because of my lube, but I have too much of it made up to switch. We have a couple of shooters that shoot original trapdoor springfields in the long barrel infantry model. They are their rifles are well accepted. No one has a BP early mauser bolt gun, but I am sure they and their rifle would be welcomed, as long as it belched white smoke.

Might this rude unfriendly person who approached you be one of them Yankees? I would hate to think one of our Southern gentlemen could be so crass and crude.

YANKEE ??? im bout as much a northerner as is possible and yep...proud YANKEE !! if i were anywhere near where this (edit) is shooting his mouth about bp smoke...id help you teach some old fashioned Alaska manners.

im hoping that north or south...manners and some small amount of respect will continue to prevail over the dinks of the world...:shock:...[smilie=s:...:veryconfu

08-02-2011, 02:42 AM
Yankee? Isn't that like a quickie only you can do it your self? I have run into allot of shooters out there that think if they bad mouth you or your equipment it shows how smart they are. I usually remind them that that kind of **** could be hazardous to there heath and they will leave me alone. Mostly I just ignore them. Load that thing with what ever you want as long as its safe and shoot it and have fun.

Southern Son
08-02-2011, 06:08 AM
I am affraid that I would have been tempted to wait until the wind was just right, and then go rapid fire, make a cloud of smoke so bad they couldn't see their front sight. Or just tell him to get stuffed. Most of the time when I start shooting my Spagetti Hiwall, the other shooters just laugh. Most of them think that I have lost my mind.

cajun shooter
08-02-2011, 11:42 AM
When we have a range session we have several of the smokeless guys that quit so that they may come down and watch while asking questions. I do the same as many of you and see which way the wind is blowing and try to be a good neighbor. I told some shooters down the line that I was sorry when a big wind shift hit the firing ling. They all laughed and said , Please don't stop we are enjoying the show. Several even replied that they wished they had the nerve to shoot BP. This has helped me start 3 new shooters in the last 9 months.

08-02-2011, 10:00 PM
A couple months back, I was shooting my 38-55 Highwall and noticed the quartering crosswind was blowing my smoke directly across the position immediately to my left (the last bench on the west end of the firing line). Thinking to be neighborly, I asked the shooter if he'd like to swap spots. The guy just looked up, sorta shrugged, and said; "Thanks, but I kinda like the smell." then went back to reloading mags for his H&K.



I have to laugh, I had the same conversation a decade ago, only I was the smokeless shooter.


08-04-2011, 10:15 PM
After shooting several rounds one of the BP shooters came and asked what lube I was using.
I told him and he went into a disertation on the problems with emmerts lube (ie:) excess smoke. contaminats in the air, lack of power from my powder , and then asked me to change lube so as not to affect the other shooters.

Another perfect example of the Pussyfication of many American males!

Lead pot
08-06-2011, 08:15 PM
I been using a mineral wax now for two years and I will never go back to using B-Wax again.
It just about replaced the tallow lube I been using that was better then any of the B wax mixes.

08-15-2011, 03:30 PM
Why not simply offer to shoot whatever lubed boolits he will provide? This should save the expense of lead, tin and lube.

08-19-2011, 02:28 PM
That guy would have a heart attack if he was around when I am shooting. I load Blackpowder for my Smith 57 in .41 Magnum, Ruger Bisley BH in .44 Special and my Ruger BH in .45 Colt.

A few cylinders done in rapid fire with those three and then a few single shots with my Winchester 1885 50-90 BPCR will really toast his butt big time.

08-20-2011, 10:47 PM
If that "overly refined gentleman" ever goes to the Quigley shoot, he better hope he doesn't shoot next to Bobw (from over at shiloh rifle forums.) Bob shoots a 50/140 with a 500 grain paper patch boolit and about 140 grains of 1F...in a 10 pound rifle! He runs the wimps and rattlesnakes off the firing line right now..and takes great delight in doing so. BUT he can't scare me 'cause I shoot a 50/90 and I'm close to being industrially deaf.