View Full Version : Pat's 45 PB GC Maker.

07-27-2011, 12:55 AM
Has anyone recieved a 45 PB gas check maker from Pat? I know he is busy and dont want to bother him. I had mine on order since January.

07-27-2011, 10:26 AM
Not a 45, but I have a .30 on order but it's only been a little over a month. I thought he was shipping all of the .30 cal orders but haven't seen it yet. It's kinda like ordering from the CMP and waiting for the little truck.....

07-27-2011, 12:58 PM
Has anyone recieved a 45 PB gas check maker from Pat? I know he is busy and dont want to bother him. I had mine on order since January.

Last I knew Pat is machining the parts for the 45 Cal dies but doesn't have them all put together yet. With him having two machines dedicated and running for dies at the present time I hope it's not much longer............I'm eager too. He did say he would post when he's ready to ship but I can't remember what thread it is with production progress.

07-27-2011, 02:58 PM
I know in my heart that Pat is doin' the best he can to get perfectly working tools finished and shipped out. I have had a 44PB checkmaker die on a prepaid order since Jan 2011 and I'll wait til it is done, It's the best checkmaker tool out there...worth the wait. I have a couple other checkmakers I bought from Pat last summer...They are awesome tools.

IIRC, He had a Mass update in June, saying he was running some parts for 45 and 44 and others all at the same time. I know he has a large backlog and I assume he runs many similar parts for different calibers at the same time...So I further assume there will be a deluge of finished checkmakers in the near future and alot of happy customers.

the last Mass update Pat had was 4th of July

Good Luck Pat,
we're pullin' for you

07-27-2011, 02:59 PM
I can only say this. I will patiently wait for Pat to get caught up on his work. I have never been burned before on anything I've purchased on line. I believe that is cause for faith on my part. I figure that it will be a lot less stressful for Pat, and me as well, to just be patient.

I am not telling anyone else that is what they should do, but that is what I will do. If receiving a 45 PB Checkmaker and being able to enjoy it after it arrives is not your goal then I would simply inquire of Pat about a refund.

I have a friend, who I respect, but who if he doesn't receive a part in 3 days that was supposed to be shipped immediately he goes off the chart making calls and raising hell.

I'd hate to get so worked up that when the checkmaker arrived I got mad every time I looked at it. Some will understand what I'm saying. Others won't....Mike

07-27-2011, 03:34 PM
I understand exactly what you're saying, Mike. And I couldn't agree more.

I've been attending the SHOT Show every year it's been in Las Vegas since 1991. People would be amazed at how many known names in the firearms business are one man shops. Some of the "larger names" are no more than a couple of people working in a small shop in either a garage or small industrial complex. I've called some of the known name brand products companies and in one instance the owner's wife answered and said he had gone to the bank and would be back in about an hour. The conversation was complete with a baby crying in the background.... I later talked to him at the next SHOT Show and we both laughed about it.

My point is, a person can only produce so much work. It's sometime right at the point where one person can't handle it, but it's not enough to justify hiring another person, with the associated headaches of being an "employer". The work will get done, but not today, and probably not tomorrow, but it will get done and we'll get our product. The end result will be worth the wait. The other two Checkmakers I've purchased from Pat have lived up to my expectations, as will the one I'm waiting patiently for now.......

Hope this helps.


07-27-2011, 03:52 PM
I've had a 338 checkmaker on order prepaid since 11-2-10. I have no doubt he will get it done, as I've done business with him before. Since the 338 is a low demand size, I expect to be on back burner, but yeah, I sure hope he gets things sorted out soon. My only real worry is if my paper work gets lost, how would I know?
I managed to scrounge 1K Hornady 338 checks a while a go, so I'm good for a bit. And I'm not gonna allow myself to lose sleep over 80 bucks.

07-28-2011, 01:10 PM

I've had no dealings with you but know of you by reputation---I hope you don't let one customer upset you too much, as such things often happen when dealing with the public.

You make a valuable product at a decent cost that many enjoy useing... Success often creates logistical problems not anticipated or expected... I wish you all the best...don't let it get you down.

07-28-2011, 01:20 PM
Thank you for the kind word Wally. We had posted nearly the same time.

07-28-2011, 04:04 PM
For folks who have no idea what I go through here's an example..

I just destroyed a boring bar from a programming error. Destroyed a 5C collet and stock as well. I just learned I do not have a back up bar. That was the backup bar, and I forgot to reorder,.

What makes this a relatively big deal is the nearest city is 3 hour drive one way. That city does not have the boring bars I use. So that means I have to order one here online from back east. Being it's Thursday, this means it won't be here until next week. There is no overnight service here (you can pay for it, but you won't get it).

So all the die parts I'm running with that bar has stopped. We have to drive 40 miles round trip just to pick up the bar when it arrives. There are no services here no mail delivery. Try building a business under those conditions. Walk in my shoes for a day.

I apologize for the delays this will cause.


07-29-2011, 01:38 AM
............Heck, buy a lathe for $4,500, a milling machine for $9,000 (both manual), then tool'em up to get started for another $3 -4 grand, stock several hundred bucks in materials and you're off to the races my friend! ANYONE can do it[smilie=1: Of course life has a tendency to intervene, eh? We watch our 16 month old grand daughter 2 days/1 night every other week, and 1 day the other weeks. Then the MIL isn't doing too well so Visiting Angels come 4 days a week but I spend 1 night a week there, the wife 2, and the brother and sister in law pick up the other 4.

Of course now, busting tools due to improper programing is the programer's fault, and I'd make HIM pay for the tool and down time. Oh, that's right! It's YOU!:drinks: Bummer dude! Just be thankfull and remember, all that stuff is pretty cheap and available at any WalMart or the corner hardware store.


07-29-2011, 05:13 AM
hey Lee is set up and they take 6 months. If you want it next day place order 2 yrs back and when you get it open the NEXT day

07-29-2011, 10:41 AM
............Heck, buy a lathe for $4,500, a milling machine for $9,000 (both manual), then tool'em up to get started for another $3 -4 grand, stock several hundred bucks in materials and you're off to the races my friend! ANYONE can do it[smilie=1: Of course life has a tendency to intervene, eh? We watch our 16 month old grand daughter 2 days/1 night every other week, and 1 day the other weeks. Then the MIL isn't doing too well so Visiting Angels come 4 days a week but I spend 1 night a week there, the wife 2, and the brother and sister in law pick up the other 4.

Of course now, busting tools due to improper programing is the programer's fault, and I'd make HIM pay for the tool and down time. Oh, that's right! It's YOU!:drinks: Bummer dude! Just be thankfull and remember, all that stuff is pretty cheap and available at any WalMart or the corner hardware store.


HEHE!! LOL. My kind of sarcasm Buckshot. Always like to see someone who can see humor in most anything. Even the dark side. We need to not let this situation Pat is facing divide us. Bearing with him will ultimately reap rewards for us here at castboolits, and understanding why is key.

07-29-2011, 11:31 AM
Yep- I really need to fire that programmer!

Hang in folks- 45 is coming, along with Dutch's 338 that would have went out today cept for that darn programmer. No kiddn'- that run was 45 and 338 fem dies including dutch's female die!

07-29-2011, 01:33 PM
For folks who have no idea what I go through here's an example..

I just destroyed a boring bar from a programming error. Destroyed a 5C collet and stock as well. I just learned I do not have a back up bar. That was the backup bar, and I forgot to reorder,.

What makes this a relatively big deal is the nearest city is 3 hour drive one way. That city does not have the boring bars I use. So that means I have to order one here online from back east. Being it's Thursday, this means it won't be here until next week. There is no overnight service here (you can pay for it, but you won't get it).

So all the die parts I'm running with that bar has stopped. We have to drive 40 miles round trip just to pick up the bar when it arrives. There are no services here no mail delivery. Try building a business under those conditions. Walk in my shoes for a day.

I apologize for the delays this will cause.

Great suppliers close to where you live!
http://www.use-enco.com/CGI/INPDFF?PMPAGE=247&PARTPG=INLMK32 http://www.use-enco.com/CGI/INPDFF?PMPAGE=247&PARTPG=INLMK32 Hope that can help !

07-29-2011, 01:51 PM

I buy everything from Enco accept for 3 styles of boring bars they do not carry,.

07-31-2011, 12:23 AM
............Yeah and I just missed Enco's 15% off your entire order PLUS free shipping deal. Was only 2 days but I skimmed over it checking e-mail's the first day, and didn't see it until 2030 the next day. Their 'Midnight' is 2100 CA time. Bummer!:violin:


07-31-2011, 12:17 PM
............Yeah and I just missed Enco's 15% off your entire order PLUS free shipping deal. Was only 2 days but I skimmed over it checking e-mail's the first day, and didn't see it until 2030 the next day. Their 'Midnight' is 2100 CA time. Bummer!:violin:


They had that sale a while back and I coulda got a 6" KURT vise shipped for bout' $350. I need one, but had to pass at the moment but holy COW! That's a deal.

One notable mention...

Guys realize that I haven't even reached my stride yet. I'm still going through all the tasks of setting up initial production. I have 3 CNC machines here, and only one just now programmed and fully tooled up 100%. Haven't scratched the surface.

When I get rolling full clip here, my product capability will be impressive. There won't be any long waits, and I will have much product in stock- ready to have my wife ship at a moments notice.

I've put in many hours and dollars to get organized to do this, and it will happen.

07-31-2011, 12:21 PM
Hang in there, Pat. Without the trials and tribulations you wouldn't have any good stories to tell during your "golden years".

I'm sure it's painful to have two machines setting there silent. Things will come together at some point in the near future and you'll be on your way!

Take care,


07-31-2011, 12:33 PM
THanks Fred.

It's customers like you that have kept me going. Really. I think many guys would have walked away. I sure felt like it at times.

I've got the second lathe already making nice ejector pins, and as time allows I will be running more parts with that machine until it does everything. It just takes time. No way around it.

The third is my CNC mill that will primarily be making the ROCKDock™ and my Marlette dies. I just relocated the service panel and installed the control in it yesterday. Should have it online soon.

The great thing with CNC is I have a machine running continuously- making Checkmaker™ die parts while I'm doing other tasks.

07-31-2011, 07:42 PM
I admire your effort, Pat. I've got two of your check makers and will be ordering more.

08-01-2011, 02:11 AM
............Seems like things come in clumps, ya know? You drive down the freeway, and folks drive in clumps (rat-packs), go into the grocery store and it seems like you're the only one there until you go to check out, and the whole town showed up, JUST before you :-) You go to the hardware store for something and danged if someone JUST a minute ago bought the last one they had on hand. Seems to me anyway!

Well it seems to happen that way with orders for stuff too:


Now those aren't ALL outgoing die orders, but when I make dies for orders I don't just make one (or however many) to cover each order. I always make a couple of the more popular sizes when folks order them to have on hand, like .432", .460"/.461", .380/.381, etc.

Wish I was all fancy and computer controlled instead of twirling handles. But then with my luck, if I DID have CNC one day the lights would go out, and I'd hear this voice, "I'm sorry Dave (Rick) I can't do that"! :drinks: And then I'd be up the creek.


08-01-2011, 04:41 AM
We all get frustrated at times, but how many times have you gotten back on that horse when many others would've said a few expletives and quit? Dont worry about it, or us for that matter. I'm have two dies on order with you, and will order more as I can afford them weather I have the first ones in hand at the time or not. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who would rather wait a bit longer and get quality tools than ask you to hurry and have a paperweight. Personally, take all the time you need and I'll still be here waiting when you get done. And thank you for doing this, cause I know I dont have the equipment or (more importantly) the skills to make these myself--and I'm sure I'm not alone there.

08-01-2011, 08:23 AM

you have a PM from me.


08-02-2011, 07:27 AM
You also have a PM from Me,
I want to get another checkmaker on order... 41 PB

08-06-2011, 02:33 PM
Thanks Pat for the information..
Certainly worth the wait.. Been going through bits here... keep chomping them...LOL
I can find lots of other things to do with my time..
I will definitely enjoy them when I get them (both the 45PB and the 35PB..)

08-06-2011, 03:27 PM
Working away as we speak. It's all I do.

Currently running some very nice 338 Fem dies at the moment. Writing new caliber version programs. Eating lunch and taking a peak at email.

It's all coming together.

Treekiller- Daniel
wallenba- William

338 cal dies coming your way.... :Fire:

08-06-2011, 04:28 PM
[QUOTE=PatMarlin;1357073]Working away as we speak. It's all I do.

It's all coming together.

Treekiller- Daniel
wallenba- William

338 cal dies coming your way....

Thanks Pat never lost faith. Will use them when they show up. Got a star thistle flow that I will need to pull and extract within the next 2 weeks. Then need to treat the bees for mites and start getting them ready for winter.


08-06-2011, 05:47 PM

Will trade dies for honey!

08-07-2011, 12:22 AM

Will trade dies for honey!

Can do that will PM you when i get it off. have to raise my price to $94.00 a quart.[smilie=w:

08-07-2011, 11:02 AM
Can do that will PM you when i get it off. have to raise my price to $94.00 a quart.[smilie=w:

$94.00 a quart!!!! Those darn unions... they are everywhere...driving prices up due to increased labor rates..... and I always thought be hives were a monarchy and had no unions...

08-08-2011, 12:41 AM
$94.00 a quart!!!! Those darn unions... they are everywhere...driving prices up due to increased labor rates..... and I always thought be hives were a monarchy and had no unions...

These are California Bees!

white eagle
08-08-2011, 05:53 PM
better off getting your honey from China
even the bee's know enough not to wok for nuthin

08-09-2011, 08:26 AM
better off getting your honey from China
even the bee's know enough not to wok for nuthin

yeah, but they'd sting ya for shipping...LOL

08-18-2011, 09:41 PM
Any new target date for the .45 stuff Pat?

08-19-2011, 11:22 AM
All standard 45 cal die orders should be going out next week. I just started running 45PB, so it won't be to far behind baring any complications. Working as fast as I can here and getting caught up.

08-20-2011, 07:05 AM
Great news,do you have an estimate on .35cal PB Check Makers ?

08-20-2011, 02:25 PM
All 30, 30PB, 32/8mm, 32PB, 338, 35, 35PB will ship this week ...:Fire:

08-20-2011, 02:59 PM
Suuuuuuuuuuper news,can´t wait. My production will start soon then.
Thanks a lot.:drinks::drinks:

08-22-2011, 10:49 PM
PAT.....I have the 35PB maker ordered… I see you now have 30PB maker and a 32 PB maker in stock.. I assume the 30PB maker is the one to order for 100GR to 115GR plain base bullets such as the RCBS 098 and the Lyman 008?

08-23-2011, 10:00 AM
PAT.....I have the 35PB maker ordered… I see you now have 30PB maker and a 32 PB maker in stock.. I assume the 30PB maker is the one to order for 100GR to 115GR plain base bullets such as the RCBS 098 and the Lyman 008?

Not familiar with your particular molds Hal, but 30 cal works up to about .310-.311 plain base depending on what material thickness you choose to use.

32PB is for 32 cal and 8mm plain base, and fat mil surp 30 calibers if anyone has plain base versions.

08-23-2011, 09:04 PM
All 30, 30PB, 32/8mm, 32PB, 338, 35, 35PB will ship this week ...:Fire:

How are the 45PB's coming along? Any ball park guesses on when these will begin to ship?

08-23-2011, 10:14 PM
Great to hear the 30cal Checkmakers are shipping this week, Pat! Answered my question, thanks! Cant wait to try mine out!

09-01-2011, 02:28 PM
I'm working as fast as possible, and orders are being filled daily. Not as fast as I would like, and I'm not caught up as fast as I thought I would be from being behind with our power system down here the past weeks, but I will be caught up soon. I'm working to perfect and speed up production as well, and will have a much greater production capability in the coming weeks.

Thankfully, there is a tremendous demand for my products, and a considerable amount of requests sent daily by email and PMs. I can't possibly stop and get back to everyone on a moments notice, provide multiple updates, and still get orders filled in the shop.

Just the way it is with a Mom and Pop shop. I can't promise a delivery time and lock myself into a date as delays happen. There is only so much time in a day.

I will promise that I won't cut corners and compromise craftsmanship or my products quality. I do promise you will get a quality product that will perform spot on, and you will be happy with your order.

09-01-2011, 05:42 PM
How are the 45PB's coming along? Any ball park guesses on when these will begin to ship?

I PM'd you about a regular .30. Do you have any that are not spoken for?

09-01-2011, 06:03 PM
Shooters are keeping me hopping.

I probably won't have any extra sitting stock for a few months. All that's ready now is filling previous orders. All that I continually produce gets sold. My one CNC is running all day. The second CNC is currently making ejector pins and male dies. It will be making all die parts and run all day as well as soon as I can transfer more programs over to it.

So like I tell everyone you can wait, or pre-order to get inline. Pre-orders go out first. It's the buyers choice.

It's all I can do until I get all my machines fully setup and programmed. Includes my ROCKDock™ CNC mill as well.

We're keeping at it... :Fire:

09-01-2011, 06:27 PM
Calibers that are on my production list with parts running should be shipped within 15 days as I get caught up here:

30 cal (includes 7.62x39), 30PB (includes 7.62x39), 338 cal, 32/8mm cal, 32PB cal (includes 8mm), 35 cal (includes 9mm), 35PB cal (Plain Base, includes 9mm).

And soon to that list will be 45 cal, 44 cal, 45PB's including pistol and rifle, and 44PB cal versions. I'm not officially adding these calibers to the production list until I have all pre-orders finished. I am running parts on those now. Thought I woulda had all 45 cal standards shipped this week but have not made it.

I should be caught up enough soon to where all die calibers on my production list ship within 15 days or sooner. The more headway I make here, the faster orders will ship and the faster more new calibers will become available.

09-01-2011, 07:09 PM
Good for you, Pat! I will get in line!!!

09-05-2011, 10:34 AM
Making any head way on the 44's?

09-19-2011, 11:28 PM
Just want to remind everyone that Pat needs to go to the shoot next spring/early summer.... so he better shut down for a couple weeks so he can go..

09-20-2011, 06:17 PM
Pat, I recieved my ship notification in e-mail. Thanx for making these dies for all of us who can't but want to make our own checks. I will order more later. Your services are greatly appreciated.

09-21-2011, 06:44 PM
Any word on the .45's? It's been almost one year now since I ordered mine and haven't received any information yet.

09-21-2011, 09:06 PM
You can find updates I've posted here in the past in the Gas Check forum.

I've had my main CNC machine down for almost 3 weeks now, and I think I have it repaired finally this evening. I had been running 45 caliber parts- all but one part of the dies finished when the breakdown happened. So the hold up. The part- a Z axis encoder had to be made to order. Had no time to get this final die part programmed for my new machine, but hope to have the second machine programmed for all 45 cal die parts as well soon.

Hopefully, I have it resolved and will have all the remaining 45 caliber dies including PB versions shipped out of here very soon.

09-21-2011, 09:08 PM
Also- M1G's post above is regarding another caliber and not 45PB in case it has cause any confusion.

09-23-2011, 12:10 PM
No, no confusion on my part. All I have ever asked about/ordered were the .45 dies. Still waiting. If not for the constant "soon, very soon!" messages I have seen for all these months here on several threads and by Email I could have spent the money on other suppliers that actually have a product to ship. As it is, you have my money so I guess I have to wait.

09-23-2011, 12:40 PM
No need to wait Markbo.

I'm trying to find your name, so I can send you a refund.

Please send a PM right away and will get you taken care of.

09-25-2011, 05:00 PM
After this much time Pat?! Don't be silly... Of course I will wait. What harm is it doing now? I have been without my money and the promised product for a long, long time and assure you my shooting fun is not based solely on YOU. After following the bandwagon of supporters I just want to make sure that somebody who might actually be interested actually knows what is really going on, that's all! :mrgreen:

09-25-2011, 05:13 PM
All I can say is wow

09-25-2011, 05:26 PM
Believe me... I could say one helluva lot more than that, but I think I have made my point.

09-26-2011, 11:01 AM
Honestly Markbo, I don't get your point.

But it's hard enough with what I have to accomplish here to remain successful enough- in this venture to provide a quality product for my fellow shooters, so I'll get back to work.

09-26-2011, 11:53 AM
Believe me... I could say one helluva lot more than that, but I think I have made my point.

I'm sorry Mark, but I just don't have the time and energy to deal with manipulative folks who will not accept a refund, but yet reserve the right to attempt to demean my character and integrity online here.

One (1) other member here at CB, and he knows who he is, has gone as far as reporting me to the Feds with a frivolous mail fraud complaint because he has not yet received his 45 Cal dies, knowing the fact that pre orders from me buy you a position inline for my new caliber dies when they go into production, are manufactured, available to ship. Yet he will NOT accept a refund.

I made the mistake of telling Mrs. Marlin about the fraud complaint and it about broke her heart. As if this undertaking hasn't been hard enough on her.

Here again are my Terms regarding purchases:

Terms and conditions:
You can wait until I have stock on hand or you can send payment to pre-order. A pre-order gets you a position inline. It's your choice. Prepaid orders ship first, in the order they are received. I'm a one man CNC shop and working daily to add new calibers, increase production and shorten wait times, but I cannot give a ship date. Calibers in production ship within 15-20 business days on average barring any unforeseen delays. If you can't wait for me, please hold off on ordering.

Refunds are issued within 30 business days.

If you would like to proceed with an order, send me your mailing address (and brand of press) and I'll send an order confirmation with instructions.

Kindest regards,


Patmarlins™ -Specialty Products for Casting and Reloading
West Coast Engineering

09-26-2011, 12:30 PM
Good products are worth waiting for. Several years ago a very good friend of mine ordered a Sharps rifle, knowing that there was a 4 year wait at the time. About 2 years into it, a guy called him out of the blue and offered him $500 for his place in line. He naturally refused the offer and when he received his rifle 2 years later, he said that refusing the offer from the stranger was one of the best things he ever did, since the rifle is a joy to shoot and behold.

I've received two of Pat's Check Maker dies and I'm really happy with them. I'm waiting for the third one, and I ordered it knowing that they weren't in production yet, and that it would be sometime before I would receive it. That's just part of doing business as far as I'm concerned. I'm used to waiting for what I want, since I grew up before the age of instant gratification. Patience is a virtue that many of the current generation lacks, and that's sad.

It does absolutely no good to gnash your teeth, and posture around, if the product hasn't been made yet. You can't get what doesn't exist. Pat was very clear that he was taking pre-orders for some of his products. If a person doesn't read all the words in the post that state that, then it's not Pat's fault. It's the fault of the reader, period.

Hope this helps.


09-27-2011, 12:51 AM
Good thing he didn't order a Boeing 787... I'd sure hate to hear him for as long as it has taken to get the first plane delivered... 3 years later than planned..
With Pat's misfortune with the weather, machine difficulties and then lighning strikes.. I'd say he is doing well on catching up on his backlog..
I too am anxiously awaiting a 45 PB... not upset, just anxious to get it in my hot little hands because I know it is going to be really good..
I am very happy to have received my new 35 cal checkmaker (thanks Pat) so now I can get to work on putting checks on some of my other bullets..

If it were me, I wouldn't be giving some people choices in whether they get a refund or wait for the product.
To insinuate that the delay is the result of being dishonest is way out of line.. I don't think for an instant that there is anything dishonest going on here..
I am sure that had Pat not had the setbacks earlier this year, we'd have our 45PB checkmakers.. The good thing, is Pat isn't a quitter, as easy as it would be for him to just quit this venture.. he isn't. That says alot about his character.

Thanks Pat, keep on putting out the good stuff..

10-01-2011, 08:32 PM
You know how you build character and a reputation and prove your integrity? By saying what you are going to do and doing what you say. I personally have never insinuated you are dishonest but I will not join the line of sycophants who sing your praises incessantly when I have been told - by you Pat - 'Any day, any day" and it has been a year.

You have said over and over what you are going to do and you have never done it. Don't blame me for that. I don't believe in holding grudges or getting back at people, but I won't be bullied into not speaking the truth either.

Fred you are absolutely right that you can't get what doesn't exist, but he sure took my money with promises of it. Used to be a man promised a product and took your money he got the product even if it was a loss to him or he didn't take your money. That's how I do business. I don't know if taking people's money to pay for other people's stuff is illegal or not, but it sure sounds like a ponzi scheme... doesn't it? :confused:

Pat, I am manipulating nothing. I am posting my own personal experiences here. Everything I have said is fact. Prove me wrong! I dare you! To have to ask for a PM to "find" my information to issue a refund is proof to me that you are so disorganized you don't know who is in line where for what! So if you feel you are being attacked, then do the right thing... do what you say you are going to do, that's all!

Or is that asking too much?

10-01-2011, 09:00 PM
I never recived a delivery date on my stuff.

I too will post my personal experience With Pat. I have a pile of special made stuff I bought and paid for from Pat. These things are made very well and often offered only by Pat.
Some things came very fast and some took quite a wile. All things work great. The stuff pat sells is basicly custom grade with every part being concived, tested, and made one at a time by the inventer.
I have other things on order from OTHER craftsman here on this board that have been on order for MORE than a year. But thats ok. When its my turn my order will be filled. To request special made tools requires paticence and understanding and good old basic manners.


sycophants n. A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.

That term is just wrongly used.
Its a insulting word to be sure, and I do'nt think Pat will be sending free dies to everyone who supports him.
How about replacing it with.."satisfied customers".
At least then the statement would be true.

10-01-2011, 10:00 PM
Just wanted to post MY experience with Pat...Ordered a 35PB, asked for the occasional update, and it took as long as it took.

Got it, tried it, will order or my other calibers when I can afford it. They'll take as long as they take and ARE WORTH THE WAIT.


10-02-2011, 01:06 AM
I am sure that had Pat not had the setbacks earlier this year, we'd have our 45PB checkmakers.. The good thing, is Pat isn't a quitter, as easy as it would be for him to just quit this venture.. he isn't. That says alot about his character.

Thanks Pat, keep on putting out the good stuff..

Ding, ding, ding! ... 7 gets it. I've suffered close to a total of 4.5 months downtime with my main CNC lathe this year, and that is the 45 holdup. Enough to make anyone quit.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember everyone by their CB handle. So many members, sometimes it's hard to connect the name. I don't think organization has anything to do with it.

Thanks for all the kind words and support Guys. You have my gratitude and loyalty.

I just can't please everyone in this business. Thankfully, I please most all of them.

10-02-2011, 01:28 AM
You know how you build character and a reputation and prove your integrity? By saying what you are going to do and doing what you say.

And I have just done what I said I was going to do. Enough Mark.

Your pre-order payment for your 45PB cal dies has just been refunded to your PayPal account. Check your email. I added 10% to cover any loss or suffering you may have had, or interest that may have accrued these past months.

Hopefully that will relieve your thoughts of a "Ponzi" scheme as well.

10-02-2011, 11:17 AM
My .357 rossi 92 Keeps asking me, dad Is it here yet? I just tell her, not just yet honey, but soon. And when is does arrive, the reward will be that much sweeter. Then we gather round the computer and page through all the beautiful custom bullet molds on the CAST BOOLITS website and dream of wonderful days of using our own hand made gas checked boolits, courtesy of MR PAT, to bust big hogs!!! Thanks again Pat for the fluffy dreams.

10-02-2011, 11:24 AM
Some of you guys need to lighten up a little on Pat. He's not some big company with 10,000 sg ft of shop space and 100 employees. He's a one man show making something to order that is not readily available anywhere else. And, he's making them in different sizes as well as "custom" to order. If you can't afford to let your pre-order money hang out there until the dies get made, then don't. Buy checks, or a free chex tool instead.

10-02-2011, 11:43 AM
I do not post here much anymore but I do read most of the posts.
I have watched Pat struggle with this since the beginning.
It was originally intended to be something for a retired friend to do.
After major health problems Pat took over the work.
No shop, no machinery. no stock, and no machining knowledge.
I ordered a .30 cal checkmaker from him and watched the struggles he went through to get them done, same with the .32 and .35 cal ones I now have.
Having been in business for myself , had I been in Pats shoes I would have refunded everyones money and said enough is enough!

Pat didn'tand has done great things, aquiring Machines, Building a shop ( no small task in itsself) and learning CNC for lathe and Mill.
Some of you doubters should try to understand CNC programming. Maybe then you will understand the learning curve you have to go through.!

I have a .45 checkmaker on order and it will get here when it gets here and it will make me one item less dependent on someone else.

My father taught me many things during his lifetime.
One I have never forgotten is " before you condem another walk a mile in his shoes"
Maybe some of you should try it.

As for me I am content to wait for my checkmaker as it will get here when it gets here.

So for all you people that think it is easy," Get a Life", as in todays world of instant gratification it still takes time to get something of quality.
If you want junk go to home depot or walmart

Nugh said, Hang in there Pat"

Now I will go away again and forget how to post here.


10-06-2011, 09:54 PM
And I have just done what I said I was going to do. Enough Mark.

Your pre-order payment for your 45PB cal dies has just been refunded to your PayPal account. Check your email. I added 10% to cover any loss or suffering you may have had, or interest that may have accrued these past months.

Hopefully that will relieve your thoughts of a "Ponzi" scheme as well.

I thought I was pretty clear that I would hold out Pat. Now I have to go research an account I don't even use anymore. Thanks for that too I guess. I am glad that other happier customers are posting too... gives a more balanced view. I suppose if I had orde3rd a custom Sharps rifle I would have been prepared to wait a year or more. Then again... they don't promise it "any day now", do they?

buck1, I'll tell you what. You choose your words and I'll choose mine. ;) I'm old enough I don't need a grammer lesson from you.

10-07-2011, 12:07 AM
I'm new to this site, and have been reading a LOT of different threads. I have never seen anyone whine so much over a few bucks and extra time to get the product. I haven't ordered anything from Pat yet, but mark my words, as soon as I can afford it I will. Very few people who do work like he does offer a 100% no BS warranty, and offer to provide as much assistance as possible if it is needed. And then to whine that the money was returned!!!!!. Pat, I am impressed at your patience with this man, and for refunding more than he paid. When I can afford to place my order (30 cal, 35 cal, 40 cal, 44 cal, 45 cal, and 50 cal) you can rest assured that I will be content to wait my turn, even if it takes a year or more. I will be ordering both standard check makers and Plain Base. I'll probably have to order one or two at a time, but I will. Thank you to all who have spoken highly of Pat and his products, it is partly your fault that he will be taking my money.

10-10-2011, 12:12 PM
I see I've made the big time on the net. Bernie Madoff, look out! ...:mrgreen:


Uh oh...

Now I'm part of the G-Pal fraud in California. Hmmm.. I didn't know I accepted GunPal? Learn somethin' new every day ..:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



10-10-2011, 12:25 PM
Well Pat, there are now two postings refuting the original post.


10-10-2011, 11:19 PM
Maybe someone could post a link to this thread so anyone who sees that can read the truth for themselves?? I just can't believe anyone would whine so much when Pat has done his best to get things worked out. Its a shame the whiner can do things like that with no proof, or even posting his name. If I were a customer yet, I would post everything I could to prove that that whiner is lying. Now I really wish I could afford at least one tool, just so I could be there supporting Pat. When I contacted him to check on prices, he made it clear that things are first paid, first shipped. If you can't wait, don't order. Now why couldn't Mr. whiny liar comprehend that. My 10 year old did.

10-10-2011, 11:45 PM
Quote: "Terms and conditions:
You can wait until I have stock on hand or you can send payment to pre-order. It's your choice. Prepaid orders ship first, in the order they are received. I'm a one man CNC shop and working daily to add new calibers and shorten wait times, but I cannot give a ship date on pre-order new calibers. Calibers in production ship within 15 business days on average. If you can't wait for me, don't pre-order please." How much more clear is that???? Like I said, my ten year old understood it.

mold maker
10-11-2011, 09:58 AM
I ordered a check maker from Pat early on, in his venture. Yes it took longer than either he or I expected. I love the tool and have made a bucket of checks.
Would I do it again?? HECK YEAH.
The very next time I need more than ,a few checks ,in another caliber, Pat will get an order.
Pat isn't a re-seller, He hands onmakes the darn things, one at a time.

mold maker
10-11-2011, 10:11 AM
I ordered a check maker from Pat way back in the beginning of his venture.
Yes it took lots longer than either he or I expected.
Would I do it again??? HECK YEAH! The very next time I need more than a few checks for a new caliber, Pat will get an order.
Pat isn't a warehouse re-seller. He hands on makes these things one piece at a time, per order.
You'll have to be patient, and wait your turn, but in the end, you'll be satisfied, and the results will be great.
If you simply have to have it yesterday,,,, Ya should have ordered it a long time ago.

10-11-2011, 01:05 PM
Thank you for your comments guys.

I'm working my hardest here. I can see why so many guys that start up these cottage manufacturing business's in the shooting industry just plain quit.

I'm truly tied of excuses. I don't make excuses, I simply try to explain the issues and hurdles I have to overcome on a daily basis. It's hard enough to do this in a city with grid power, suppliers, and a competent USPS mail service. All of which is another battle I have to deal with daily by not having the benefit of.

But to some folks it makes no matter. They want their order. I understand that, but I don't understand the flat out rudeness of some people.

10-11-2011, 01:40 PM
Wow, this is getting deep !!

I've posted a little - and read ALOT on this forum, I think I have a pretty good take on things ......

Pat, I was going to hold off till you got caught up, but now I'm going to go ahead and order a 45 PB check maker to get in line.
Pay day is Friday - I'll be ordering on your site Friday night.

Takes as long as it takes.

Keep your head up, Murphy and his gremlins have to take a hike some time !!!

10-11-2011, 01:57 PM
I ordered a 35 caliber plain base gas check maker last month, I got it, just like Pat said I would.... so.... what's the problem again?

10-11-2011, 10:35 PM
Well Pat, there are now two postings refuting the original post.


and another two

10-12-2011, 12:38 PM
I wanted to state that Markbo and I came to an agreement, and shook hands, in case some may think he may have posted the complaints. He did not.

Trying to connect me to Ben Cannon and G-Pal is malicious, and a clear attempt to damage, and put me out of business. Few here have despised G-Pal more and stated so publicly than myself.

I pretty much know who it is. Unfortunate and sad, a former member here had been harassing 45nut Ken and myself and filing fraud complaints with the Feds, and threatening legal action concerning his preorder. I'm filling counter complaints on this individual who is abusing the USPS fraud system.

Maybe such an individual would be better served with a bigger market and going after Apple with ipad preorders.

Hang in there folks. As from the start of Patmarlins, I fully 100% guarantee your satisfaction with my products, and that you will be pleased with your preordered new caliber dies and it will be worth the wait.


10-12-2011, 01:57 PM
One final comment in my defense.

I started this business from bare scratch coming up on 3 years ago with no prior machining experience.

To date I have shipped, SHIPPED- over 1000 orders of my ROCKDock™ and Checkmaker™ products. About 50/50. Almost every dime has gone back into machines and tooling.

I have a total of 18 refunds issued. I just counted them.

I could fill a thread with pages of all the endorsements and positive feedback testimonials I've received. I've kept every one of them.

There are a total of 3-4 disgruntled customers who would love to see me go out of business simply, because they were not happy having to wait for a preordered- custom new caliber product.

It's unfortunate that even in our tight knit shooting community, some would treat a new vendor that has dedicated everything to bring a new product to shooters so badly.

When I need to be out in the shop and fully energized and working, this kind of thing wears on me at times. I will not stop, and I will not quit. I will let my customers and my record speak for itself.

Thank you for your support... :drinks:

10-12-2011, 10:49 PM
You don't need to speak to your defense... I believe your product speaks for itself, which in turn reflects on the manufacturer.
If they don't have any of your products, then the only thing they can do is complain about not having the product, and that they have an order in, for something that was in development when they pre-ordered.
Take care, and keep up the good work.


10-14-2011, 03:38 PM
You could do the same as other die makers, put people on a 2 year wait list. If that was the rule everyone would be happy as ever to get a die any earlier.
I love all of my PatMarlins products.

Thank you for all you do,

10-16-2011, 02:45 PM
Wow it's a good thing Pat has patience and is diplomatic and that others are able to be diplomatic Since I am not all I should say is if the whiners can't wait for a quality AMERICAN MADE product By a REAL AMERICAN the go buy some made in china sht and we'll all be happy.

Pat my hats off to you and if I had the money I'd get in line but my financial and health situation is very unstable right now. So all I have to offer is good luck

11-18-2011, 09:17 PM
Pat, any news on how the 45 PB orders are progressing?

11-19-2011, 12:58 AM
I've been filling them as fast as possible. Yours should go out Monday... :drinks:

11-19-2011, 01:26 AM
Has anyone recieved a 45 PB gas check maker from Pat? I know he is busy and dont want to bother him. I had mine on order since January.

Me too,... and I am a really happy camper now... it arrived yesterday..

11-22-2011, 10:55 PM
Hey guys-

Remember, I ship all die orders Signature Confirmation, so when you get one -AKA Doug- DF, you know it's from me.. :drinks:

11-25-2011, 06:20 PM
I'll be looking for mine to arrive.

I had a catrostrophic case failure in my Glock 21 earlier in the year and the frame deconstructed in my hand. I can still make some for my buddy's Glock 30though.

My wife has been under Hosparus care for over a month now and she came home from the hospital Moday evening. I won't be going much further than my den for awhile, but that is where my press is located.

My nephew contacted Glock and they said they can rebuild my Glock 21. No barrel or slide damage that I could determine. I won't shoot it again though until it has a KKM or Barsto barrel with a fully supported chamber in it. My shooting hand doesn't want any more bad surprises......Mike

11-25-2011, 10:54 PM
Can't wait to get mine. I cast six different .45 bullets and am anxious to try some of them with checks. In the meantime just taking full advatage of the perfect casting weather.

12-01-2011, 01:07 AM
well if " the boss " approves me for a loan in the near future I'll be ordering up a 45 pb die as soon as she releases the funds. lol

12-05-2011, 03:27 PM
I got the USPS notice and hope to receive mine today. I am warming up my platter of crow and will of course post a review once I get a little spare time later in the week to play with it.

12-05-2011, 04:12 PM
Please post your findings on another thread Mark, or the "Using 45PB thread". This sorry old outdated thread needs to die, and really serves no positive purpose on using the dies.

Using the Checkmaker™ 45PB Pistol Caliber Dies

12-05-2011, 04:18 PM
For folks who have no idea what I go through here's an example..

I just destroyed a boring bar from a programming error. Destroyed a 5C collet and stock as well. I just learned I do not have a back up bar. That was the backup bar, and I forgot to reorder,.

What makes this a relatively big deal is the nearest city is 3 hour drive one way. That city does not have the boring bars I use. So that means I have to order one here online from back east. Being it's Thursday, this means it won't be here until next week. There is no overnight service here (you can pay for it, but you won't get it).

So all the die parts I'm running with that bar has stopped. We have to drive 40 miles round trip just to pick up the bar when it arrives. There are no services here no mail delivery. Try building a business under those conditions. Walk in my shoes for a day.

I apologize for the delays this will cause.


I have a couple sets of your check makers on order ... all I can say Is take your time I would rather have good than fast.

12-05-2011, 11:09 PM
:smile:well Pat, I was going to flame the flamers------But it is probably best to be kind, cool, polite and all that other P.C. bullsh*t , so I won't. Markbo , I am sincerely glad that you received your USPS notice. Please Sir, use plenty of salt and pepper. Garlic is good also on crow:smile:

Just a little story about waiting and I will shut up. for years I have wanted a BSA&M Martini-Peabody rifle. Found one about 20 years ago. People, due to many reasons from work to illness to divorce to---Ad Nausiatum, it has taken until now to get the old girl shooting. it all started out with just a receiver (complete) nothing else. Now the only hangup is to find good brass for the 45-70 as I'm on S.S. Time I have lots of (God Willing) , Money--Not so much of.;) I also have wanted one of those little Martini 310 cadets. Found one 4 years ago. Complete rifle, ready to shoot. all I had to do is make ammo. I had enough 32-20 cases to make 25 rounds. Using store bought cast boolits, I wore out those cases. I ordered 500 more 32-20 cases and received them just as I was moving to a new home. Now I just have to find them. Imagine a 3 bedroom home in a 1 bedroom apartment. I was also lucky enough to find a perfect condition single cavity 77 grain 311 sized mold that will work with the old baby girl. It's sitting on top of my computer (that's so I know where in heck it is). Now all I have to do is find those damn 32-20's and we're good to go. Thank the Good Lord that He has seen fit to endow me a good dose of Patience. I'm sure 'nough slim on money. S.S. sorta sucks.

high on my list of priority's is getting a few plain base die from Pat so as to enjoy toys.

OH Yea , I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes. rather have quality than quanity;):D:lol::lovebooli God Bless to all and theirs.

12-05-2011, 11:31 PM
No time taking. If I did that I would be way behind. We are at it hard here.

Be glad when this thread dies. Depressing.

12-20-2011, 11:37 AM
Hey Mods-----------Why don't we just kill this thread. God Bless to all and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
