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View Full Version : Could learn to hate the USPS

Muddy Creek Sam
07-24-2011, 11:16 PM
Howdy all,

Tried to print shipping labels this evening, The have changed their site again. Nothing works. Wouldn't accept an address or let me pay and print. Worked fine on Thursday. What a PIta.

Sam :(

07-24-2011, 11:44 PM
Same here, Sam. I haven't been able to pay and print a label for a about six months. However, they did charge me for a label that didn't print, and it took numerous e-mails and many weeks to get the credit.

My selling has slowed down, so I haven't investigated why the pay and print isn't working.

Often, my mailman tells me USPS horror stories.

07-24-2011, 11:49 PM
A few months ago I spent about an hour on the lathe making a follower to replace the plastic one on a friends 92 Rossi.
I put it in an envelope and sent it to him in Idaho. He got the empty envelope.
Must be hard for those postal employees to walk what with the floor covered with trinkets that they strip out of envelopes. I had armored it with clear strapping tape.
Tomorrow I am going to send a little trinket to a member here that lives in Oregon. I will ask the postal employee how I should package it so that he can bet his life that it will arrive in one piece.
Kinda disgusted with them myself.

Life is good

07-25-2011, 03:28 AM
I used the USPS pay and ship this evening and it worked fine.

07-25-2011, 04:27 AM
Loaned a mold to a member , wife shipped it out in FRB with confirmation .

USPS worker forgot to charge for confirmation , package makes it to Raliegh NC. & gets tagged insufficient funds & sits for 3 weeks

Woulda been gone if she had`nt put confirmation on it , still took a week to send it all the way back recieve it , then resend it with correct moneis paid . The usps would`nt let me pay then just send it on !

All that worrying & aggrevation over $.80

07-25-2011, 06:55 AM
There's a reason they are about bankrupt! The whole mess should have been privitized LONG ago.

07-25-2011, 09:09 AM
I printed three labels for stuff sold to forumites this morning without any problem. The main page has changed a bit, but the shipping info is still set up the same. I've also shipped a lot of stuff over the last few months, so if you're having problems I think you might have a problem with your own computer and not USPS.

Circuit Rider
07-25-2011, 09:20 AM
Houndog, they won't privatize it. Would make too much sense and it would be their money wasted not ours. LOL CR

07-25-2011, 10:11 AM
check your virus filter. it blocks it some times you may need to up grade Adobie

07-25-2011, 10:28 AM
I'm still waiting on an AR-15 bolt that was sent to me USPS (Ok, not really, company did send another one UPS that arrived in 2 days) and when went to the post office to purchase A stamp and mail a letter the guy gave me a hard time about the fact that I should buy a book and help save his job...

Um no thanks.

07-25-2011, 02:39 PM
Tried to use it yesterday to send a package to Canada.............

Site was down, wouldn't accept two different credit cards.

And sending something to Canada requires a law degree to understand all the customs BS........

Note to self, never sell anything to a Canadian!

Ed Barrett
07-25-2011, 06:20 PM
My Grandfather used to say "the govt. is supposed to run the Army, Navy, and the post office when they get their fingers into anything else they screw it up and the original things they were supposed to run go down hill".

07-25-2011, 06:41 PM
I mailed a barrel on the 11th, from Colorado, to Iowa, still hasn't made it there :(. Luckily, I insured it and tracked it. It shows accepted and should be delivered on the 16th, 9 days ago!!

07-26-2011, 03:12 PM
I've had no recent problem with usps, but a couple of years ago a member here sent me some rifle parts in a padded envelope. Somewhere along the way the envelope got torn. Luckily the small parts were in a plastic bottle and stayed in the envelope, and the other part somehow stayed in the envelope. Here's the clincher - they had stamped the envelope damaged in handling (or words to that effect) but they had not bothered to tape the trear shut!. Real initiative on someone's part.

07-26-2011, 08:10 PM
Use their Tyvex envelope inside ... Good strong adhesive, and hard to tear ... I just sent off some boolits to a member ... No problems with printing or paying ...

07-26-2011, 09:37 PM
they {up graded} the site need to re enter info and change pass word . Any time they say "we are here to help" look out

07-30-2011, 01:15 AM
Did you guys read the news? UPS and FedX are talking about merging. There going to rename the new company Fedup.

cajun shooter
07-30-2011, 09:38 AM
I had a shotgun that was mailed to me from Atlanta,Ga. The shotgun was sent to Memphis,Tn. first and then transferred to a truck to bring it south to Baton Rouge, La. This caused the delivery to be stalled for two days. If you look on a map you will see that I-20 runs out of Atlanta and goes South-West into I-59 which intersects 1-12 and passes my home. When I went to the FFL to pick it up, I told him how they routed the gun to Memphis first. I told him that the bad thing to add fuel was that the shipping point was off I-20. They shipped the gun hundreds of miles in the wrong direction before sending it south. They wonder why they are closing Post Offices. Some one who has a little knowledge about the Geography of the USA would be a good change. Think about the amount of fuel, time, labor that is involved in every piece of mail taking this same trip.

08-03-2011, 03:31 PM
I'm so angry I could go postal.

They totally screwed up an already decent working system that had it's share of screwups. We are being none other than ripped off by government. Both sides of the isle.

Incompetent leaches. Thieves. Pitiful.

I may have to go UPS. Raise shipping rates. Thank you USPS.. :roll:

08-04-2011, 10:51 PM
Has anyone ever taken the time to think about how efficient the system really is. Most packages and letters make their intended destination without any drama. Where would we be with no USPS? The other PRIVATE shippers have the same issues.

08-04-2011, 11:51 PM
I have nothing and I mean not one good thing to say about my post office. If I went further it would be at least a 1 page rant. :(

08-05-2011, 09:20 AM
Waksupi sent off my stock on Mon, websites says they expect it to be delivered Wed ... Still not here ... Last seen in MT... I'm gonna call them here shortly when they open up ...[smilie=f:

08-05-2011, 09:37 AM
I don't see any efficiency with a company or organization that has a proven working system, or business model, then takes actions and hires management and employees to make changes that makes it worse.

I see incompetence and waste.

08-05-2011, 09:50 AM
Government UNIONIZED employees..... that's all I care to say.

08-05-2011, 09:58 AM
Has anyone ever taken the time to think about how efficient the system really is. Most packages and letters make their intended destination without any drama. Where would we be with no USPS? The other PRIVATE shippers have the same issues.

I agree to a large extent. I've never had a package go AWOL or get damaged via USPS , just ocassionally slow as cold molasses.

UPS...oh they love to break things those ******** !.

FEDEX..well since they absorbed RPS & the theives that worked under RPS they are the biggest pack of crooks of packages from what I have seen. For example a couple years ago a buddy and two coworkers working a route were fired for missing drugs that were consistently stolen and yet marked on their paperwork as having been placed on their trucks for delivery. Turns out two weeks after they got canned the supervisor of loading was the damn pillhead thief !. He tried to get his job back and they about accused him of being in cahoots with the supervisor. I advised him to get a lawyer and go for blood..but he let it go.

08-05-2011, 10:10 AM
If USPS did privatize, we wouldn't be able to afford the rates.

08-05-2011, 10:24 AM
It's a wonder that the USA got this far to date. With the all knowing, intelligent highly educated people currently running the country, it's a wonder we were even able to manufacture toilet paper.

08-05-2011, 02:08 PM
If USPS did privatize, we wouldn't be able to afford the rates.

I don't agree... privatization would NOT have so many do nothing management types that get paid huge salaries with gobs of benefits. You know the type that punch the ticket and get do nothing positions created for them and the majority that get promoted simply by having time in grade irregardless of capabilites. And the privatization would not have to deal with a deadbeat postal union hacks which protect deadbeat & negligent workers and outrageous compensation claims they make !. My exwife's grandfather worked for the post office for 30 years as a rural mail carrier in new jerklistan...some of the stories he told me about what goes on 'inside the shop' would make you burn down the post office for all it cost the taxpayer.

08-06-2011, 11:58 AM
If they just privatized management with qualified people, I bet they could get the job done, and done well.

Maybe that's the solution. Corrupt unions and the public officials could still get their taste, and take credit for the success.

At least the job could get done while we continue to be robbed.

08-10-2011, 02:52 PM
Had my stock repaired and refinished ... Mailed back to me last week Mon, website said that they planned on delivering it priority on Wed ... It got lost in the system ... Finely showed up yesterday!