View Full Version : The short, the tall, and the strange

07-21-2011, 06:35 PM
A while back, shortly before I got my new NOE 225107 mold, I told another member I would send him some 225107's when I got the mold and cast some up. I have lost that member's name and address, and hope he see's this if he still wants me to send him some.

The 107's are pretty small, mine weigh in at 39.5 gr finished. The tall one next to it is an NEI mold I bought from a member here a while back and it weighs in at 83.5 gr from my ww/magnum shot alloy. Will be trying it in Lino soon. Last is my 225646 Lyman. It is the weird one as I was never able to get it to shoot until I got some lino to try. Then it is a bit schizo. One time it will average 1.5", next it won't make 3" at 100 yds. But it is responsible for the 2 smallest groups I have ever shot with cast, under .2" for 5 shots at 100. I'm no benchrest shooter, and am usually happy with MOA averages, but that .2 makes me keep working, and have yet been unable to duplicate it. Must be doing something wrong when I cast or size them.

Anyway, just wanted to show some pics. Sorry, I don't have any of the groups I shot. Thanks, Billy
