View Full Version : Questions about shotmaker drippers

07-21-2011, 10:46 AM
I'm gonna buy the better shotmaker as soon as I aquire the capital, but I heard somebody on the forum say they bought commercially available drippers and drilled them to a certain diameter.
I am very interested in this they said I think they made one up to a #2 shot and I was wondering I somebody could drill some drippers for me for the 00 #4 & #5. I also wanted to drip .177 and .22 shot for BB guns as I think that stuff is overpriced too.

In the near future I plan to get a booth at the local gunshow and sell reloading products like LEE and my shot, I wanted to be able to make the shot for the common defense loads as I myself am tired of being ripped off on hollow points and 00 & #4 defense loads.

I know larger shot has to fall in the air more than smaller shot but it isn't that much bigger than the birdshot and most people only give that an inch dropp max and I know it will take awhile to tinker and get all the shot round.

Cap'n Morgan
07-21-2011, 11:06 AM
Forget anything about dripping shot for airgun pellets - they will not be round and uniform enough. Anything the size of .177 or larger must be rolled or cast.

07-22-2011, 12:58 PM
There's a guy on FleaBay who sells his own brand of shotmaker, which he calls, "The Affordable Shotmaker"

He's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy up in Northern Maine.

He'll sell you a set of drippers, all set to drop into your own shot maker, or you can buy his for much cheaper than either of the other two brands.

I made my own shotmaker pan, and bought drippers as mentioned, and make 40-50 pounds easily any time I want shot. I'm making 7 1/2's and 6's.

07-22-2011, 06:00 PM
What do you make the ladle out of? And what diameter holes do you drill for drippers? What is your cooliant? Last what is the angle o the ladle and how high off the surface of the cooliant?

07-22-2011, 06:44 PM
What do you make the ladle out of? And what diameter holes do you drill for drippers? What is your cooliant? Last what is the angle o the ladle and how high off the surface of the cooliant?

Most of what you need to know is in this thread .

07-23-2011, 02:47 PM
I sent an email to the gentleman that makes the affordable shotmaker. I asked if he could custom make one a tad bigger since I was planning on selling it and his shotmakers only make 20lbs an hour.
He does not list a price on his site and I couldnt find one on ebay so I had to ask about that too.

07-26-2011, 01:55 AM
James, there is an instruction manual for the Littleton Shotmaker on the Magma Engineering website that will have most of the info you want.

I sold my Littleton but anything over about #5 shot won't work out of a Littleton at least.

I tried to drop larger but I think the lip on the Littleton is too short as the pellets were like fat discs. I think more distance for the shot to roll down the lip might help.

07-29-2011, 02:54 PM
There's a guy on FleaBay who sells his own brand of shotmaker, which he calls, "The Affordable Shotmaker"

He's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy up in Northern Maine.

He'll sell you a set of drippers, all set to drop into your own shot maker, or you can buy his for much cheaper than either of the other two brands.

I made my own shotmaker pan, and bought drippers as mentioned, and make 40-50 pounds easily any time I want shot. I'm making 7 1/2's and 6's.

Went on FleaBay couldn't find it listed but I am interested if you could PM me with a good link.

07-29-2011, 06:08 PM
The owner of the Best Shotmaker (James Stewart?) and magma will well dripper sets. Give them a call if you need the parts.

07-29-2011, 07:58 PM
I would be interested in a link too.
I cant find anything about the affordable shotmaker besides they are sold but cant find a price and contacted me a week later and didnt even say how much the machine was.

I still think my best bet is to fabricate my own but I have never seen a functioning one in my life and I need to see it, and take measurements before I can start the process of reverse engineering.

07-30-2011, 12:23 AM
I would be interested in a link too.
I cant find anything about the affordable shotmaker besides they are sold but cant find a price and contacted me a week later and didnt even say how much the machine was.

I still think my best bet is to fabricate my own but I have never seen a functioning one in my life and I need to see it, and take measurements before I can start the process of reverse engineering.

Here is mine at work .

08-04-2011, 07:05 AM
larger shot is made from round wire then tumbled to smoth out the edges or cast.
Unless you have no source of added income I find trying to build something like a shotmaker a waste of time. I would find odd jobs and before the summer is out you will have enough for a shotmaker.
I be more concerned with a source of lead large enough to support selling your shot.

08-04-2011, 03:22 PM
you cant make shot from lead
WW have arsinic and you have to have that to make the shot round . Range lead will get you about 75% round
My set up cost about $1000 and it dont have cooler.
as for selling you cant make it pay
Lead ww are going to be hard to find in 2 years
when you pay $1 a lb for ww and then try to sell shot you are up a creek
as for 5 and larger you cant do it with a shot maker
you can get some -about 5 % but its rare

08-05-2011, 01:12 AM
I don't speak Russian or whatever he is but can some one tell me what this bloke has got going.
It looks like large shot to me.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_TflHBg9Yk&feature=related

Like the drip in the chooks water bowl bit.


08-05-2011, 03:00 AM
It looks like he is casting cylindrical shot in a homemade mould . Probably just drilled that steel plate to a uniform depth .
Necessity is the mother of invention