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01-12-2007, 05:26 PM
Y'all ever heard of this flux, or had any experience with it?

I found some on eBay, in the printing industry section. One tube (1" OD, 2.5" OAL) of this blue wax is s'posed to clean and flux TWO - THOUSAND - POUNDS of linotype. I don't think it's made any longer. Google turns up nothing but old forum posts and online auctions for 'old stock.'

One tube is marked RichGraphics, for the Richardson Graphics Co, Chicago (Google blank) and, on the end of the lead case (sorta like an old toothpaste tube) is embossed, Imperial Metal & Chemical Co. (Google strike out, unless it's the Brit outfit). Another tube is just marked Imperial.

Who knows about this stuff?


01-12-2007, 05:42 PM
As I remember, this flux was used by the printing and newspaper industry to flux linotype. It will be just fine (I have used it in the past). Just use a small amount of it per 20 lb pot ( a marble sized amount will be about right). It is wax, so you should always be on the look out for a possible flare up (although I don't remember whether that was a factor or not). Just use a bit of common sense just like you do with all suggested fluxes. I would use it without hesitation.


01-12-2007, 06:49 PM
Thanks, Dale53

I use a bottom spout system and this stuff was optimized for linotype, so I figured it to be spot-on for my use. A bit of cipherin' shows a .20 caliber ball to be right for 20 pounds. Hardly seems like enough. I may find out that the right amount is nonlinear with small melts.

It'll be a while, but I'll report on how it works.


01-12-2007, 10:09 PM

I got two tubes of Vitaflux from ebay source. I went looking for it because an elderly gentleman who has been casting longer than I have been alive (that's 53 years) gave me a sample and said it worked great for linotype fluxing

this was confirmed at the printing business where I secured the linotype metal. They used it exclusively, and their linotype specialist was a very old hand at the business.

It does flame up, or at least it has for me when using it. A bit different from the beeswax I use on WW.

I have not tried to get any more so not sure what is available on ebay???


01-12-2007, 10:28 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/IMPERIAL-VITAFLUX-For-Removing-Dross-From-Lead-etc_W0QQitemZ150080745381QQihZ005QQcategoryZ29402Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Sorry guys I may not have copied that URL addres the right way, but if it works it is the ebay site with Vitaflux for sale.

It is $17.50 for 10 tubes. Might make a group buy sort of???? The shipping is $7.00. Oh! That price is BUY NOW, it is started at $10.00 if you would rather bid on it.

Seller also gives phone number for any questions.

I have added it to my Watch List in case this URL does not work.

you guys have all helped me a lot over the last year or so, so I hope this helps!!

01-13-2007, 12:41 AM
Thanks, tanstafl10

That personal experience is what I wanted. And your URL worked fine. I was a bit surprised to see the auction, because I 'bought now' from the same guy earlier today. It looks like this seller may have a supply of these cartons of ten tubes and intends to sell 'em one at a time. I also got two tubes last year on eBay, and paid $7 each for 'em. The carton is a much better deal. Been looking for more, but it's been rare for a while. I now have enough for 24,000 pounds of alloy. That's probably what my Chief of Staff thinks I have stashed about.


06-19-2007, 01:58 PM
I have an old school printshop and have this VItaflux that will be ebaying as soon
as I can get pictures and get listed. Also selling lots of linotype lead.

If interested


06-19-2007, 02:56 PM
Flanagan, What do you want for linotype? Are you adverse to shipping it in small quantities ? That would be parcel post (USPS Priority), or UPS. I don't think they like more than maybe at most 70 lbs. P.M. me?

05-04-2009, 08:22 AM
Vitaflux, good stuff. http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n420/joe1944usa/Vitaflux_20090504_1.jpg

05-04-2009, 01:46 PM
Talk about resurrecting an old post........[smilie=1:

Slow Elk 45/70
05-04-2009, 02:36 PM
Have it, use it, works fine, don't use much for a 50# pot of alloy

05-04-2009, 02:48 PM

Name is so close, I wonder if it's the same stuff? I use it, it works, seems to flare up a little less than plain paraffin.

The link supplied no longer works, nor did a search on fleabay turn up anything. Not surprising, since this thread is two years old.

09-05-2012, 09:46 AM
I am looking for some of this stuff (Vitaflux) if the price isn't too bad. Had some given to me about 30 years ago and I am down to the last little bit. This is the best stuff I have ever used to flux with but I am not really interested in paying $15.00 for one tube.

I know this post is very old but was wondering if anyone knows a source.

09-06-2012, 03:48 AM
There was (is?) some stuff called Buck Beaver flux on eVil bAy, I got some, it works wonders, took the carp out of my bottom pour that causes inclusions

09-06-2012, 02:21 PM
You all sure are going to a lot of trouble and expense for nothing. Gulf Wax and Vaseline do the same thing for reducing oxides. For real fluxing (as in dirty, contaminated alloy), use sawdust to purify the melt.


09-06-2012, 02:36 PM
You all sure are going to a lot of trouble and expense for nothing. Gulf Wax and Vaseline do the same thing for reducing oxides. For real fluxing (as in dirty, contaminated alloy), use sawdust to purify the melt.



I can tell you that this stuff is incredible. I have used up what was given to me and wish I could get some more reasonably. I have used sawdust, oil, bullet lube candle wax, geargrease, grass from the yard, you name it. I have even used solder flux and nothing works like this stuff. a piece the size of a 00 buck will cleanup 20 to 30 lbs of metal and all you have on the top is the dirt that was in the pot. nothing from what you used to flux with. Now the sawdust is about the best alternative I have found but comes in a very distant second.

09-06-2012, 04:16 PM
ave you had any alloy analyzed before/after to see exactly what it's doing?


09-06-2012, 06:33 PM
Google found this > Nathan Trotter & Co., Inc. http://www.nathantrotter.com/images/dynamic/130749045468342304.pdf and http://www.nathantrotter.com/contact Possible other > http://order.nagraph.com/lubricants-flux.html Good Luck http://order.nagraph.com/storefront.html

09-07-2012, 07:50 AM
Google found this > Nathan Trotter & Co., Inc. http://www.nathantrotter.com/images/dynamic/130749045468342304.pdf and http://www.nathantrotter.com/contact Possible other > http://order.nagraph.com/lubricants-flux.html Good Luck http://order.nagraph.com/storefront.html

Thanks for the links. I may have to order a couple of tubes. 2 or 3 would probably last the rest of my life.

No I have never had it analized. I am not the type who works to get the absolute best alloy. I basically cast what I have and shoot. I do try and keep the dead soft seperate from the harder alloys tho.

If you ever try this stuff you will be amazed. A small amount will clean a large pot of metal while smelting without adding the residue you get from sawdust.

04-27-2013, 05:05 PM
I agree, this is absolutly the best flux for melting lead, I was trained in school back in the 70's on using this stuff! For a 20 pound pot only a pea size is all that is needed a little goes a very long way then give it a little mix and skim. I just purchased 3 tubes for $15 ea. on ebay it's expensive I know but worth it because that will last me for the rest of my life. It revitalizes the metal as well.

04-27-2013, 06:09 PM
Many years ago when I bought what (at the time) seemed like a pickup truck load of Linotype metal from a local printer. The printer threw in a stick of the stuff and I still have about 1/2" of that tube. It takes a match head size piece for a turkey fried half full. This stuff is good! But since I have a steady supply of sawdust I haven't bought any. But I might in anticipation of a run on casting supplies and equipment once our secret gets out.