View Full Version : Info Needed on Marlin

07-19-2011, 07:53 PM
I am looking to add a Marlin 336 in .35 Rem. and want to know the "skinny" on them. Are the "PRE-SAFETY" models as good as the one's with safeties? Is the Micro-groove bbl the way to go or are the older one's as good? I have heard that the brand new Marlins are not the same quality as the older ones. What say Ye? What is the going price of the used ones at gun shows or is that a bad comparison? I was at a show this weekend and they had only 2 in .35. One was too high 'cause it was new and the other looked like they had dragged it down the interstate the last few miles. On GunBroker, the price starts out reasonable and in the last coupla minutes it goes from 350 to over 500 bucks. I can't even look at the prices on the .45Colt cartridge.:veryconfu

07-19-2011, 09:31 PM
Older, definitely better. Pre 1988 is without rebounding hammer and cross bolt safety.

Last of the New Haven Marlins (2006 and later) were a mixed bag in terms of quality. The new Remlins are unacceptable, with most going back to the factory. Local dealers here won't carry them any more until and if Remington ever gets their act together.

Be patient. In today's market, 500 bucks for the Marlin you want is not a bad price. I know it's a lot more than they were three years ago, or even last year. But, things have changed a lot since New Haven closed.

Ed in North Texas
07-19-2011, 09:43 PM
Keep looking and you'll find what you are looking for. I picked up a 1950 re-blued and re-crowned. excellent bright bore and refinished wood for under $400 this year. Won't make a Marlin collector's pristine example list, but it is a hunter in great condition which will be passed on to one of the grandsons.

07-21-2011, 10:53 AM
2 yr old M60 and 336. Box store guns. Both shoot good, finish is reasonable. Trigger and hammer stampings look like chicom forgeries made in someones back yard. M60 hammer has flash ridge all the way around, including the sear notches and pivot hole. If you don't at least clean the pivot hole, it will destroy the pivot pin and you get to buy a new side plate. 336 has same problem, not quite as bad and the pins are replaceable. Maybe WWG could EDM and bush the sear as well as the trigger.

07-22-2011, 01:05 AM
Have pre-safety 35 and 30-30 Marlins. Recommend you go over to Marlin Owners forum (Google Marlin Owners) and post your 35 questions. You will find a TON of info on both Marlins and the 35.

07-22-2011, 06:53 AM
I love the older Marlins, (mine are 65 or older).

A friend kept wanting my 35 so I convinced him to buy a new one last year. I'm still begging forgivness for that.

07-22-2011, 08:25 AM
I'd keep looking. I finally found what I wanted- an 1952 336SC. No micro groove in those girls and they are put together very nicely. I think I gave $350.00.