View Full Version : Don't forget the dounuts

07-19-2011, 02:14 PM
I went to a tire store that I have gotten wheel weights in the past from and got a new set of tires for my pickup. While there I asked if they had any wheel weights ant the guy remembered me as the guy who had delivered donuts to them in the past after getting wheel weights. He told me he had another bucket and that when ever I wanted some to come back.

While the tires were being installed I went down the street a got a dozen donuts for the guys in the shop. When I got my truck back it had a five gallon bucket sitting in the back full of weights.

The reason I'm tell this is because when you have a shop that does you a favor it doesn't hurt to let them know how much you appreciate it.


07-19-2011, 08:12 PM
Very true. I dropped by my most productive supplier with a couple 12-paks of Coke and you'da thought I could walk on water. A little appreciation goes a long way. He also mentioned he was trying to reuse as many of them as he could. When I offered him the Zn and Fe ones I had gotten over the past year, he said "let's work out a trade for them". Now I don't feel so bad paying $20 per bucket elsewhere and ending up with a lot of unusable weights. This will decrease my net cost per pound of lead by probably 10% or more. That beats taking them to the scrap yard any day!

07-20-2011, 09:59 PM
I thought it was illegal to reuse wheel weights. This is why tire shops have buckets of them.

07-21-2011, 03:06 PM
I thought it was illegal to reuse wheel weights. This is why tire shops have buckets of them.

Lot's of acts are illegal! Lot's of people in prisons too! :bigsmyl2:

Mark :coffeecom

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I kept getting daggers stared at me by the wife/office manager of one shop for being in the shop area picking the tips they clip off wheel weights to fine tune the balance, and dumped in the tray with new and reusable wheel weights. I made up a paper weight moulded in a cast iron corn bread pan that I painted bright yellow and stuck felt to the bottom, and another from a muffin tin ingot that I painted USMC crimson and yellow, and inserted small US and Texas flags for the shop owner.
Wish I'd have taken pictures. :groner:

07-21-2011, 05:45 PM
After I go to the House of Dounuts. Did all my negotiating over the phone this week. I was at all 3 places last Saturday so I know they have plenty of WW's. The people that I needed to talk to were not in then. They will be this Saturday. Two weeks after that I have another tire shop "loop" to make. Should provide plenty of ingots!:drinks:

07-22-2011, 12:32 AM
What are dounuts? :kidding:

Hahahahaha. I am mostly laughing at myself. I always try to proofread my posts. Then I go back a few days later and find I have written something using incorrect grammar or spelled wrong. Some guys on here must spend a lot of time proofreading their posts because they hardly ever make a mistake.