View Full Version : first ingots made....

01-11-2007, 09:03 PM
well, i finally made my first ingots from range lead and WW's....wanted to make them semi large so i used some aluminum muffins pans ( if you knew me, cheap is the only way i go, cost $o.79 for 2x6 pans)...i wasn't really sure how and if they would come out of the pans...but after alittle knocking on the work bench, they popped out...not sure on the weight of them but they looked good...

question now is: now that they are smelted...is it ok to cast in the basement and will not give off any smoke / odor..or by adding the tin they should be cast outside?...


01-11-2007, 09:56 PM
The clean ingots won't give off smoke, but fluxing can provide some smoke and smell. Better to have a place with good ventilation. If you flux with wax or something similar, make sure there are no flammables above the pot in case it flashes off.

I have cast more than a couple in the basement, but have since moved to an outbuilding.

01-12-2007, 01:39 AM
I'm one of the few guys here that uses and likes Marvelux. It generates no smoke, and does a good job of fluxing for those that cast indoors with little to no ventilation.

01-12-2007, 10:48 AM
I would be careful of those aluminum pans and moulton lead. You might get away with them for awhile, BUT---there is a good chance that with those thin tins you will have the hot stuff eat through. Should that happen, you will not only have a mess, but you might also have a serious burn problem depending on circumstances. Suggest that casting in the basement is not the best way to go unless you have an exhaust fan down there. I usually cast in the garage with the door(s) open and a fan blowing behind me. Years ago, I cast on top of the kitchen stove with the exhaust fan above going, but the better half decided that I was less than welcome to continue the practice. Being that I consider myself at least reasonably intelligent, I abided by her wishes, and maintained a comfortable marriage. Anyhoo, Good Luck, and happy casting.