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View Full Version : Heavy few months: watch buying and selling.

07-17-2011, 08:36 PM
I know I read here more than post. The last couple of years I have been fighting what felt like I was just feeling lazy. No energy, not much got done.

Well, the Drs have spoken. I am $2700 in the hole for med bills, and the house is 80k underwater, but I at least know what is happening.

At 53, I have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and 2 bad knees. I am still working, though nobody will say for how long. I am just too stubborn to quit, and can not afford to anyway.

So I will be putting most of my military surplus rifles up one or two at a time. Mostly Mausers, a couple of nice Enfields, a Finnish M24.. Everything has its bayonet, and often cleaning kit and slings. I have a C&R FFL, so that selling is easy.

I will also have a few machine tool pieces, things like measuring equipment I collected hoping to at some point need it for a lathe.

We had a friend of several years come to stay for a week, and apparently the camera left with said friend, so there will either be older photos, or cell phone photos. Sorry about that.

After I mow the yard, I will be digging out the accessory sets for things, and start posting in swapping and selling. Hopefully some of you will find something you had wanted. May as well be someone benefits, eh? :)

07-17-2011, 08:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear of your health issues. I hope things shape up for you.


07-18-2011, 10:23 AM
Good luck to you my friend! I have some idea of what you and yours are going through! My wife just finished treatment for breast cancer and she suffers from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and a condition called interstitialcystitis. She is in pain almost all the time and does not get a good night's sleep ever, so she is tired all the time as well. At least here (Canada) we have a universal health care plan that while a long way from perfect stops you from winding up in the poor-house if you get sick.
You are in our prayers.

07-24-2011, 06:36 PM
Ok, had a bad week. They said there would be some, every now and then. But I got the rifles to sell all sorted, and all their accessories sorted out and lined up.

Wouldn't you know, I can not find a driver to download pictures from my phone to my computer?

Abut ready to tear hair out, and the whole house apart, hoping I just hid the darned camera as a precaution, and forgot where it went.

Dean D.
07-24-2011, 07:10 PM
Sorry to hear about your illnesses Oeldewolf. I'm also sorry to hear you need to sell off some of your collection. Hopefully things will get better for you before you have to sell too many.

Best wishes, Dean

07-24-2011, 07:23 PM
if you can text me the pictures I can get them into the internet.

08-05-2011, 12:50 AM
Thank you, Everyone.

I found the camera when I cleaned the reloading room. I did a good job hiding it, if not remembering where... LOL (remembers his Mom saying "if you can't find something, clean your room...)

First few items are on swapping selling, this weekend the guns start going up.