View Full Version : Well, now I'm really confused about "Our Town"

07-13-2011, 04:29 PM
I can see where obviously political topics would go to Political and the such, but as far as anything else. . .

I am just confused as hell! :veryconfu

Under the Shooter.com banner, we could post the occasional military story or "citizen does good deed" type of thing in there, and as an all-points gathering place, the post stayed.

I've read the damned header over and over, and I still don't get "what goes and what doesn't." [smilie=b:

It was called a salad bar forum for a while, now "our town" but Allah-damned if the topics are anything but what I'd hear at my local diner or coffee shop. More like what I'd hear at the Visitors Center from out-of-towners and not what I'd hear from the locals.

Personally, I think we're over-complicating and over-thinking the "Our Town" concept.

Hell, I need a map now just to find out where posts go and where posts went.


07-13-2011, 04:43 PM
You need to get your community organizer hat on and then it will become totally clear after you open your eyes with your rose colored glasses on and after maybe 10-15 beers things will really seem just normal to you.
Seems we need to rethink what are country is since free it is not anymore and socialistic it is becoming. Soon we will all be drinking the same cool aide and listening to the company sponsored news that will tells us how great things are and all that violence we see is just in our town not the nation.
We will see the unions making sure everyone votes for the one person running for election.
We cheer for the first Dictator of America and his combat dressed wife
We will be so happy when all of those nasty and unneeded guns are taken away from those strange citizens among us. We will be so happy when they take those who can not be retrained in the correct political thoughts and just got rid of because they were pulling the country down don't you know.
Yep things are getting much better here in Socialist America Comrade don't you feel the love or is that muzzle in my back?

07-13-2011, 06:05 PM
Guess what,, since nobody's happy with anything being done maybe the best idea is to just shut down everything staff does. Give the entire staff a month off and let the spammers control the forums, no point in moving any thread anywhere besides wherever it is originally placed and let anyone do what they do.
No Rules, no guidance, no concern or help from staff for a month and see how it goes.

Since all the heat is on my staff and it is summer I will just give them a month off to decompress.
Have fun boys n girls~! Dont pay attention to any headers, place anything anywhere and let your own conscience or lack thereof be your guide!

07-13-2011, 06:06 PM
Is it really worth checking in on "OUR TOWN" anymore?????

I'm becoming very skeptical of its value, to me.

Dean D.
07-13-2011, 06:11 PM
Recluse - I honestly do not understand the confusion. The last post I moved of yours concerned honoring a WWII sniper. I DO honor Sgt. Gundy and have seen the video. It was touching and well worth watching.

What I do not see is how honoring the Sgt. is directly connected to Cast Boolits or our membership. Ken wanted the "Our Town" area set aside for board and member issues, things effecting our membership in a direct personal way. Someone getting sick, someone losing their job or gaining a new one, celebrating anniversaries, weddings, births, etc...

Ken posted this thread earlier: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showpost.php?p=1280105&postcount=1

I really do not understand the resistance to his request.

Shdwlkr - This forum BELONGS to 45Nut, lock, stock and barrel. HIS house, HIS rules. It is not a republic or a democracy, it is not a publicly funded website in any way other than through member contributions. To my knowledge none of the staff here have censored discussion in any way other than to edit out profanity, vulgarity or personal attacks. I personally take exception to you insinuating that the staff here uses PC socialistic censorship tactics.

If anyone wants to continue this discussion with me feel free to send me a PM or log onto chat and we can talk. I take full responsibility for moving the posts and will gladly apologize if I have been overzealous in carrying out Ken's wishes.

Dean D.

07-13-2011, 07:15 PM
I too have noticed a change in what gets to stay but also what has been posted. I think that we are really just having a refresher in what is supposed to be here, though I've seen things moved that seemed odd to move.

07-13-2011, 08:36 PM
Dean, Ken,

No problem with posts moving, just can't seem to get a handle around what "Our Town's" purpose is.

Nothing shooting related, nothing gun related, nothing "people with guns" related, nothing casting related, nothing reloading related, nothing related to anything that is in the stickies anywhere, not for "newbies" because "that's what the stickies are for," not for non-gun related passing stories/facts/observations because that's what "Off Topic/Humor" is for, we already have a "Welcome to all new members" sticky.

Is it JUST for "Help, Info and Board Updates?"

If so, isn't "info" under the "testing area" and "info" found in the stickies and "board updates" are posted in the headers of each forum?

I'm definitely not trying to be a pain in the Pelosi here, just confused as to the purpose of "Our Town" as it is now appearing to me to be a solution that was in search of a problem.

It's also NOT a criticism of Ken or staff. Far from it. Not all experiments work, nor do all expansions or new/different ideas.

The thing I, and many other older members, liked about Shooter was that it was a catch-all for topics of shooting interest--be they questions/pics about specific guns or firearms, general military stuff, prayer requests (hey, we're all shooters here, ya know), celebrations, et al.

THAT truly seemed more "Our Town" or "Cast Boolits USA" than the present header of "Help, Info and Board Updates."

Just my two cents.


07-13-2011, 09:16 PM
Sorry if my poking fun at the way things are going everywhere as implying that this site is socialistic.
I made the mistake of thinking folks would see how funny it was.
I guess i had better just leave this site permanently and leave it to those like you who do know it all and can think

07-13-2011, 09:18 PM

Ken wanted the "Our Town" area set aside for board and member issues, things effecting our membership in a direct personal way. Someone getting sick, someone losing their job or gaining a new one, celebrating anniversaries, weddings, births, etc...

Dean D.

I think Dean summed it up pretty good. I like it this way. It is a place that I can go and see what is going on with other members and the site. If I want to read about anything else I can go to the other areas and do so. It is nice to be able to go here and see what is directly affecting cb members or the site.

Just my 2 cents.

Jerry Jr.

07-13-2011, 09:32 PM
So, I think, it's like,----AH!!! I get it; it is like the Senior Citizens Center of castboolits.gunloads.com. Pinochle, Bingo and pie sales, the Jigsaw Puzzle is always set up on the first table. I think I get it now!!!!!!!, Lunch is $4.00 and anyone is welcome as long as they are old enough or accompanied by a Senior Citizen. Sign in here, please.
In this case age is not a requirement but the mission is distinctly similar.

07-13-2011, 10:37 PM
Let's say I actually went to a shooting range yesterday. It's something I 'never do', so it would be a special occasion for me.
So, I take a selection of rifles to try, and I have some interesting (to me) interactions with another shooter, or two.
On top of that, I manage to shoot a couple of extra good targets.
It turns out to be so pleasant, I decide to start a thread about it.

So, considering all of the many sections available today ... where would I post a thread like that. At one time, it would fit perfectly in 'Shooters', with no questions asked.
If you can answer my question, maybe that will help Recluse, too.

As for this little donnybrook about the 'staff' and the 'membership', I would never have known that anything different was going on except for having followed a link to this thread from another one.

I wouldn't have found this conversation on my own because I don't come here anymore, and haven't since the name changed.
If the answer I get is anything like I expect, I also don't figure to be back.


07-13-2011, 11:32 PM
Things change all the time! As time goes by we evolve and change is almost never all good or all bad. Personally, I would find it helpful if, when a post is moved, if instead of just "moved", it also said where the post had been moved to. Just my two cents.

07-14-2011, 12:06 AM
A "ghost" thread is left when they move a thread, simply click on it and it will take you to where the active thread has been moved to.

THIS is a ghost thread..


Lloyd Smale
07-14-2011, 06:33 AM
Ive been a union memeber all my life and ive NEVER been forced to vote for any canidate i didnt want to vote for. Sure the union is in bed with the democrats but nobody is forced to do anything. Ive voted rep. since i was 18 years old and have been a union member for over 30 years and was even elected union steward with everyone knowing i was a stanch republican. This is a free country and union people join by choise and have all the right in the world to be in a union. take away that right and the next thing they want to take away is your guns and other rights. The goverment themselves are stepping in and taking control of businesses. I get a charge out of people that will allow that to happen but will fight a union. Bottom line is the unions got powerful enough that the goverment got nervous that it was something they couldnt squash. Maybe you should take off those rose colored glasses and cut back to maybe 3 beers ;) that way when the real problem with america, our goverment not our unions, destroys your industry youll be prepared. Your statement "We cheer for the first Dictator of America" is what we most should fear. The people of this country are just sitting back and letting this goverment take complete control of there lives. Soon we will be like the nazis were when hitler controled them.
You need to get your community organizer hat on and then it will become totally clear after you open your eyes with your rose colored glasses on and after maybe 10-15 beers things will really seem just normal to you.
Seems we need to rethink what are country is since free it is not anymore and socialistic it is becoming. Soon we will all be drinking the same cool aide and listening to the company sponsored news that will tells us how great things are and all that violence we see is just in our town not the nation.
We will see the unions making sure everyone votes for the one person running for election.
We cheer for the first Dictator of America and his combat dressed wife
We will be so happy when all of those nasty and unneeded guns are taken away from those strange citizens among us. We will be so happy when they take those who can not be retrained in the correct political thoughts and just got rid of because they were pulling the country down don't you know.
Yep things are getting much better here in Socialist America Comrade don't you feel the love or is that muzzle in my back?

07-14-2011, 07:23 AM
Guess what,, since nobody's happy with anything being done maybe the best idea is to just shut down everything staff does. Give the entire staff a month off and let the spammers control the forums, no point in moving any thread anywhere besides wherever it is originally placed and let anyone do what they do.
No Rules, no guidance, no concern or help from staff for a month and see how it goes.

Since all the heat is on my staff and it is summer I will just give them a month off to decompress.
Have fun boys n girls~! Dont pay attention to any headers, place anything anywhere and let your own conscience or lack thereof be your guide!

Ken, I've been here since day one and I have to tell you this- you take this far, far too seriously. It's just words, electrons really, on a screen. I know it's your baby, but people get used to things running the way they were and since most of us are crusty old guys we like stability and the familiar. So when something changes people get rattled. I do the same thing, over and over again.

It's just words that mean almost nothing in the end game.

07-14-2011, 07:42 AM
Recluse, I don't think the description as to what goes in here is vague at all. Your post is exactly the type of topic that fits here since it is an issue to the membership. I for one didnt like the previous arrangement because shooters was a mosh of al different types of threads with no organizational sense. If someone doesn't see the utility to them in the type of information posted in a section then don't go there. Same as if one had no interest in swaging. Don't go there and complain it's lame, that's just silly.

I hope 45Nut was just grandstanding about no mods for 30 days because if he wasn't, well we aren't going to like what happens I'm afraid.

I can see where obviously political topics would go to Political and the such, but as far as anything else. . .

I am just confused as hell! :veryconfu

Under the Shooter.com banner, we could post the occasional military story or "citizen does good deed" type of thing in there, and as an all-points gathering place, the post stayed.

I've read the damned header over and over, and I still don't get "what goes and what doesn't." [smilie=b:

It was called a salad bar forum for a while, now "our town" but Allah-damned if the topics are anything but what I'd hear at my local diner or coffee shop. More like what I'd hear at the Visitors Center from out-of-towners and not what I'd hear from the locals.

Personally, I think we're over-complicating and over-thinking the "Our Town" concept.

Hell, I need a map now just to find out where posts go and where posts went.


07-14-2011, 09:43 AM
Fishman +1

07-14-2011, 09:51 AM
What EXACTLY happens if a mod does not mod for 30 days? I assure you the ground will not clave open and suck us all down and then close itself on top of us.

07-14-2011, 10:37 AM
One staff member has said he will still get rid of spammers, or we would be over run in 30 days. I'm sure all would enjoy that. On the bright side, all the kitchen knick knacks can be sold for now, with your link to the Ebay auction that is also selling the same item. Also another enjoyable prospect.

cajun shooter
07-14-2011, 10:48 AM
Fellows, I have no problems with any of the posters who have added the feelings that they have about the previous thread and the one that replaced it. I try to like and help everyone that I may on this forum. If I don't find a place to leave a new thread then maybe it will go somewhere else. This forum is the first place I go every day with that first cup of coffee and end up staying for a few hours instead of the at first intended minutes. I don't get upset if a change is made as I have some medical problems that receive my attentions for most of each day.I am in no way saying that those who express displeasure with things that are done are wrong in any way either. We all have our watches wound in a different manner. I have never meet Ken but have talked to him via phone. His starting and keeping this forum so different from all the crap that is run by some sour members who have nothing to say good about anyone on the other forums is a welcome thing. If we should awaken tomorrow and every single section has been moved; so what is that bad that it may not be sorted out. I only discuss this wonderful sport of ours with you here as it helps me make another day. My wife and I have run a Drafting Business for Home Design for over 30 years for her and 10 for me. We have lost all of our business clients, savings, checking and I have sold over 35 guns to be able to keep our home. We just in the past two weeks lost our office and moved the Drafting equipment to our home. Yes, that includes drafting boards as we do all our work by the old method. A board, square,tools, rulers and lead pencils . We don't draw on CAD as it does not have the look that she wants after all these years. Our clients would go nuts when they saw her work by hand to draw such nice elevations. Take any solider that is away from home and his family and see if he would be upset if you told him that he was coming home but the forum has changed some names and locations. He would give you a very dumb look for sure. Ask any person you see that appears to be homeless and with out food if he is up set with Ken and the forum. Have a Great day my fellow members.

07-14-2011, 10:53 AM
What EXACTLY happens if a mod does not mod for 30 days? I assure you the ground will not clave open and suck us all down and then close itself on top of us.

I ban 10-15 spammers every week, this doesn't include the spammers that are banned by the counter measures wiljen set up. Before those measures were set up, I was averaging 10-15 PER DAY. If I stop banning spammers, word will get out to the spammers, and they'll flock to this place in droves. Yup, the ground won't open up if we stop moderating this forum, the spammers will cover the ground as far as the eye can see.

07-14-2011, 12:12 PM
I ain't doubting ya Trey, I was just axin. You know I got great respect for ya. You were the only one that took a stand for me when the whole PM junk was going on with that loser.

07-14-2011, 12:15 PM
:goodpost: Trey

I don't think any of us want to see the spammers take a solid foothold here at Cast Boolits.

The work that the Moderators do behind the scenes here is invaluable; and many here don't realize what a lot of work moderating can be. This is Ken's forum. He can set it up any way he pleases. I think that there are many members here that should be greatful that any off topic or "salad bar" posts are allowed at all. My personal view is that I come here to learn and post about Cast Boolits. I'm glad that off topic posts are kept segregated from many of the sub forums; as I don't spend much time looking at anything that doesn't involve casting/sizing/lubing/loading/shooting Cast Boolits.

That being said I don't care how Ken and the staff decide to deal with it. It's Ken's decision and not mine. If anybody reads this and gets the idea that I'm not too fond of all the off topic posting going on that seems to want to spread all over the board, they're right.

07-14-2011, 07:28 PM
I am an active member of another forum. This forum costs me $12 a year.
Not much.....$1 a month, but there are 1-6 posts a day on the other forum.
This site is free. What do you want for free?
I spend at least an hour in the morning, with my coffee, reading the threads that are of interest to me. That may include no more than half the daily threads.
I have got more good deals on gun related items in Swappin and Sellin.
Thanks, Ken, for providing me with the means to to spend more than I should for these goodies.
Cowboy up boys. Didn`t your mama tell you life isn`t always fair nor easy?
Working as a logger tought me to not sweat the small stuff and let butt heads get to me.
This is a great site. Take the good and don`t sweat the trivial.
I am not trying to be mean or run anyone off, but lifes not perfect,nor is this site. If the bad outweighs the good delete the site and move on....dale

07-14-2011, 07:38 PM
I ban 10-15 spammers every week, this doesn't include the spammers that are banned by the counter measures wiljen set up. Before those measures were set up, I was averaging 10-15 PER DAY. If I stop banning spammers, word will get out to the spammers, and they'll flock to this place in droves. Yup, the ground won't open up if we stop moderating this forum, the spammers will cover the ground as far as the eye can see.

I remove anywhere from 3 or 4 to 40-50 spam posts DAILY at SGC, of course no one realizes that since no one gives two rats about gun control, too much trouble, but this brings to the question- What exactly is it that the "spammers" hope to accomplish? I mean, when Xingpo347 makes 14 posts in Chinese characters of some sort...is someone paying him to do that? "WowGold" I can sort of see, they're trying to trick some poor dumb slob into buying their product, but is someone paying these schlubs to do this? Gotta be, right?

07-14-2011, 08:14 PM
Yep, what bothers me most about spammers and scammers is they target the dimwits amongst us and somehow make a living doing it. Where do dimwits keep getting enough $ to be worth ripping off?

Charlie Two Tracks
07-14-2011, 09:06 PM
Maybe credit cards maxed out and then declare bankruptcy. Remember................
UNITED WE STAND- DIVIDED WE FALL (it's just the way it works, like it or not)
This is a great site.

smoked turkey
07-14-2011, 11:16 PM
I don't frequent any other site on the web. I don't have time to browse any other sites and I probably spend a little too much time here and too much money on swappin and sellin for things I want but don't need. I have received great enjoyment learning more about this hobby of mine here on this board. I don't know what all goes on behind the scenes, but I am sure that for this site to exist in the great form it is in takes a lot of people a lot of time running the various aspects of the site. It pains me greatly for us to have to focus on such minor issues. This is a GREAT SITE. (yes I am shouting that out). I was giving some thought to how the site could be improved. Mind you my thought process is not too good sometimes, but this I know for sure if I had engineered this site it wouldn't be as good as it is now. I just hate to see some dink with it because it is not broke and don't need fixing. I will admit that there are things that could stand some tweeking from time to time. I think that is what Ken and staff do. Everyone knows that a living, breathing organism, needs nuturing and change every now and then in order to keep up with changes of the various cells.
Let me say this about "our town" here on cast boolits. I remember a year or so back, could be longer there was a thread about our town here. How much diversity we had and how we are here to help others when they have a problem. We didn't back down when someone had serious problems that required we pony up some money to fix the problem. We take care of each other. Not one person here on this forum , not one person, is perfect. We are all imperfect, and will be as long as we draw a breath on this earth.
I grew up in a small town. Our town, like all small towns had a spit and whittle bench where old guys could gather to discuss "important" issues like the weather, fishing, someones sickness, or what ever other business came up. Each old guy there had earned the right to have an opinion and have his topic listened to no matter how trivial it might seem. I think our town needs a "spit and whittle bench" where we can set around and talk about that "important" stuff that any small town has to deal with. Call it what you want but it is a spit and whittle bench. This came to me last night and I just had to share it with you all.
If Ken and the board happens to read this I want them to know that I am one (but not the only one I am sure) that has many pleasant memories of posts read and some responded to that has made me a better person than I would have been without being here. Thank you. I trust that you will do what is best for this site. Please don't take a month off. I value the site too much for you to do that.

07-15-2011, 11:02 AM
To the person who said they were a union steward and I should take of my rose colored glasses and drink less beer. First I was a union steward that was very active in fighting for fellow workers sometimes for those who didn't join the union, why because it could be a union member one day and I wanted the issue settled so it could be used to save a job.
Second I don't drink my first wife was murdered by a drunk nugh said on that issue
finally I was poking fun at how everyone gets into such a tizzy when something changes.
As a nation we have been going down the wrong road for a long time and I am sick of it can I change anything not without a lot of others agreeing.
As to the moderators and spammers and others who don't belong here I was a network admin and I can tell you there are days when all you do it fight the spam, scam and hackers beating at your door and when you leave work you know they are still there and fighting to get in.
To all here who protect this site for us thank you, if I had some spare cash i would send to you but since the economy is so crappy i am fighting to keep a roof over my head and some thing that looks life food on the table. Those here that know me know that this last year hasn't been a fun one for me and I spent more than some make working.
Yes I know I said I was leaving but thanks to the moderators wisdom or just forgetting to hit the kill switch on me I am back sort of and thank you moderators for giving me that
yes I know as a moderator you can remove anyone you wish and don't have to explain to anyone why.
As someone else said for the most part we are old guys and set in our ways some what and can get cranky but that is part of getting old and seeing all we spent our lives believing in go up in smoke. I like many here served this nation and see what we have lost as a nation and a people and still we see the country going down the tubes. Will it ever change, well we have the change president in office so I guess we are getting what we as a nation asked for, just wonder if it is working out the way those "change" people thought it would.
time for my milk and cookies with my kids and watch some cartoons at least they are real

07-15-2011, 01:53 PM
The "our town" header and general references to small towns brought to mind some generalities oft' expressed about small towns. I live very near a small town that was first seen by Lewis & Clark on their way west and back east. Fur trappers and traders came here by keel boat and then after the War Between the States the steam boats came and then the rail roads. This was a supply point to the Canadian western prairies, an Army post and a jump off point to the Montana & Idaho gold fields. Wheat farmers followed the rail roads and then came all the support services and merchants to support and reinforce it all. The army pulled out, the prairie was settled, the Indian wars were over and wheat and cattle ruled.
Today there are remembered three "Cliques".
1. those whose ancestors came up with the steam boats
2. those that came after the Indian wars, early 20th century (farmers)
3. those that came after WWII, teachers, mechanics, truck drivers, engineers, builders, and now us
retireds looking for peace, quiet and good cheap health care.
Now this is all a well rounded community, but we are very much generational in a historical or chronological sense. We, here at "our town" are very much the same way, we resent being told we have to do "IT" different than we have become accustomed. I'm as poor at adapting to change as anyone, but I guess I can change if I have to, as Red Green says.

07-15-2011, 02:15 PM
I don't frequent any other site on the web. I don't have time to browse any other sites and I probably spend a little too much time here and too much money on swappin and sellin for things I want but don't need. I have received great enjoyment learning more about this hobby of mine here on this board. I don't know what all goes on behind the scenes, but I am sure that for this site to exist in the great form it is in takes a lot of people a lot of time running the various aspects of the site. It pains me greatly for us to have to focus on such minor issues. This is a GREAT SITE. (yes I am shouting that out). I was giving some thought to how the site could be improved. Mind you my thought process is not too good sometimes, but this I know for sure if I had engineered this site it wouldn't be as good as it is now. I just hate to see some dink with it because it is not broke and don't need fixing. I will admit that there are things that could stand some tweeking from time to time. I think that is what Ken and staff do. Everyone knows that a living, breathing organism, needs nuturing and change every now and then in order to keep up with changes of the various cells.
Let me say this about "our town" here on cast boolits. I remember a year or so back, could be longer there was a thread about our town here. How much diversity we had and how we are here to help others when they have a problem. We didn't back down when someone had serious problems that required we pony up some money to fix the problem. We take care of each other. Not one person here on this forum , not one person, is perfect. We are all imperfect, and will be as long as we draw a breath on this earth.
I grew up in a small town. Our town, like all small towns had a spit and whittle bench where old guys could gather to discuss "important" issues like the weather, fishing, someones sickness, or what ever other business came up. Each old guy there had earned the right to have an opinion and have his topic listened to no matter how trivial it might seem. I think our town needs a "spit and whittle bench" where we can set around and talk about that "important" stuff that any small town has to deal with. Call it what you want but it is a spit and whittle bench. This came to me last night and I just had to share it with you all.
If Ken and the board happens to read this I want them to know that I am one (but not the only one I am sure) that has many pleasant memories of posts read and some responded to that has made me a better person than I would have been without being here. Thank you. I trust that you will do what is best for this site. Please don't take a month off. I value the site too much for you to do that.

Very well said.I could not agree more.........Terry

07-15-2011, 02:36 PM
As to a small town I maybe moving to a small town in idaho like 200 people in the whole town and it will be strange to be there but that is also a good place to be.

07-15-2011, 05:09 PM
You are doing a fine job of balancing cold iron blacksmithing with technology.

What would we do? Where would we go? Who would we bicker with?

I can do way better sarcasm than you can. I learned from my little sister.
She is 81 now. I am nine years younger than her.

I am not a sponsor here but I do feel sort of vested and take some comfort or satisfaction in being able to help people with their gun and boolit problems.

I hope you aren't serious.:coffeecom

Life is good

07-15-2011, 06:43 PM
Ken, please don't let a few(always the same) squawkers ruin it! I know you get tired of the BULLoney but most of us are solidly with you.

07-15-2011, 06:45 PM
I don't always agree with everyone or get along for that matter, But if this site wasn't here I'd save some money.

Its the only reason I have internet or go online. The whole thing is "Our Town".

I'm going now I'm starting to sound corny.:drinks:

Az Rick
07-15-2011, 07:45 PM
.45 Nut, this is a great forum. The fine Gentlemen on this forum have taught me to cast lead. I am forever grateful to all forum members for the shared knowledge and fellowship. I'd name, names but fear I'd forget to name some, the list would be long.

Anyhow just saying four important words, if you can't abide, so long,....RIDE FOR THE BRAND!

07-15-2011, 08:55 PM
Enough is enough.

Our Town or Shooters.com.

What is in a name and what is the difference? This is the same area as before with the same content only renamed. The Shooters.com title was in remembrance of a time and place that is now long gone. When that place shut down (due to lack of funding support from its members) Ken took the opportunity to start this site (thank God!). Out of the goodness of his heart he kept the name Shooter.com as an area in remembrance of the old site.

Fast forward to now. We are a great site, pretty much spam free, no flame wars, great friends, unbelievable casting knowledge, respect for fellow members and FAMILY FRIENDLY. We (the members) have an area to sell our unneeded gear, we have an area for vendors (if you are a Vendor Sponsor are you paid up?) , we have an area to remember our passed and we have areas for pretty much everything else shooting, gun and casting related. We are constantly changing in an effort to make this the best site. Some things you see some things you don't. Some things you will be happy with some things you won't. We make changes based on what we think is best for the membership as a whole. Sounds like what happens in a small town, sounds like the kind of town I want to live in. Sounds like OUR TOWN.

If you don't like it or think you don't fit then get out. If you don't want to leave then avoid the areas you don't like. In any small town there are areas that some members may not like. I live in Jacksonville and there are places here I don't like just as I am sure there are areas in your local that you do not like. What do you do when you find a area in your local you don't like? I am sure you do the same thing I do and that is to avoid it. You can do the same thing here. AGAIN for those that might have missed it: If you don't like it, avoid it and if you find that you cannot avoid it then you certainly have the right to move to another town.

In closing:

This has not been directed at any one person in particular but is certainly directed at everyone. If you have taken what I have said personally then maybe you should take a look at yourself and how you interact on the board. How about show some respect for those who (without pay and very little funding) have produced and keep running the best place you can find on the net related to what we all love. You are in OUR HOUSE in OUR TOWN. If you are a trouble maker we don't care how many post you have or how much you contribute to the board, you are not welcome here. If you wish to come in and dump your crud in our front yard then be prepared for us to escort you to the edge of town and invite you to never return. Nobody is immune to being shown the exit.

If you have a problem with what I have said here then send me a PM. I have plenty of mailbox space available for your complaints.


07-15-2011, 09:56 PM
A new area for those that don't like my post: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?f=67