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View Full Version : Advantix 2 almost killed our Patches

07-12-2011, 08:21 PM
Had a Pet emergency Advantix 2 almost killed our Patches.
She is home, but not out of the woods yet. Must go to Vets again tomorrow.
She must of heard me tell the wife we could go out to dinner and look at TVs.
Over $350.00 this time. Money well spent though

07-12-2011, 08:38 PM
What happened mate,did she have a allergic reaction?
I give my dog Advantix,but never heard of Advantix 2
I live in Oz and a place that is know for Paralysis ticks,nearly lost him one day.
Hope Patches get's better mate.

07-12-2011, 08:43 PM
Almost forgot,I also have a Preventic collar on him,as double insurance and not had a tick on him since(touch wood) ;)

His name is Chip,mine is Dale,so Chip& Dale :) :) :) ;)

07-12-2011, 09:08 PM
Chip& Dale

I say it was severe

Patches is a 19lb Miniature Schnauzer she is strong, fast and stout.

Advantix 2 must be something new. 1st time we used it. Always used Advantix before this.

She was running all over the house trying to get comfortable. She may have also had a seizure because of the toxins in her body. Now get this, one eye was dilated and the other was like a pin point and she wouldn't respond to light. (they look normal now)

It been 8hrs since we applied the Advantix 2 We got her to the vet in about 4hrs and 3 hrs at the vet

The Vet thinks we got her there in time. They gave her a bath and IV's of fluids.

07-12-2011, 09:26 PM
Problem is it is a poison Fleas have to bite dog to get the poision to kill them. Try a product call I beleive Cedarside?

07-12-2011, 09:32 PM
Try this link http://www.cedarcidestore.com/catalog/item/3580888/3194699.htm

07-12-2011, 09:56 PM
Vet told me Advantix was best for outdoor dogs and to make sure they couldnt lick it .I find the advantage works better made by same Bayer co

07-13-2011, 12:17 AM
Chip& Dale

I say it was severe

Patches is a 19lb Miniature Schnauzer she is strong, fast and stout.

Advantix 2 must be something new. 1st time we used it. Always used Advantix before this.

She was running all over the house trying to get comfortable. She may have also had a seizure because of the toxins in her body. Now get this, one eye was dilated and the other was like a pin point and she wouldn't respond to light. (they look normal now)

It been 8hrs since we applied the Advantix 2 We got her to the vet in about 4hrs and 3 hrs at the vet

The Vet thinks we got her there in time. They gave her a bath and IV's of fluids.
I'm glad she is better mate,I was really upset when Chip was crook with the tick he had,but I was using frontline.
I'll stick with Advantix and the Preventic collar,it works here and we have some big ticks here,I have had 5 in the last 6 months.
Maybe I should take Adavantix:-D

Southern Son
07-13-2011, 03:48 AM
dcp, keep us posted on your pooch. Your right, they are worth it. We have our Blaze off to the vet tomorrow because she has a sore leg at the moment. Although I don't envy your emergency, I wish our muts could keep the vet bills around $350.00.

07-13-2011, 05:05 AM
When Chip had the tick that made him so ill,could not walk,was salivating,only 8 months old he was,I was devastated,but I got him back. :) I was happy then,we are inseparable.
But my Vet bill was over $800,had to have the tick anti-venom ,twice :(

Dragoon 45
07-13-2011, 11:26 AM
Very good looking border collie. Is he a working dog?

Almost forgot,I also have a Preventic collar on him,as double insurance and not had a tick on him since(touch wood) ;)

His name is Chip,mine is Dale,so Chip& Dale :) :) :) ;)

07-13-2011, 03:26 PM
and to make sure they couldnt lick it

The problem is if they can lick/ingest the stuff after you put it on them. If you have more than one dog - this stuff is a real no go, as they tend to lick it off each other. My wife swears against any of the liquid stuff that you put on the animal's back after learning this. We have 3 dogs and 3 cats...

07-13-2011, 05:49 PM
Very good looking border collie. Is he a working dog?
He is good looking,isn't he :)
Nah,he's not a working dog,not that he does not try,he runs and tries to muster up the Roo population here,but does not get to close to them,they take off.
When he was younger(he is nearly 3 year old)we used to walk past a friends property with cattle on it,the cattle would come up to the fence,thinking it was the farmer and his dog,Chip would want to go to the other side of the road to get away :) :),scared him to bits,now he see's them and growls,sheep,is another story,he wants to round them up.But at the moment all he rounds up is me if I walk away from him and his play ball. He is a top dog.
His father is Border Collie,his mother is Australian Shepherd,both beautiful dogs,alas,Chips dad died early this year from a Tiger snake bite,very sad for the girl I got Chip off. :(

Dragoon 45
07-13-2011, 07:18 PM
I have a papered 11 YO Male who is a mutant. Biggest Border Collie I have ever seen, right at 70 lbs. The rescue group tried him on livestock, but he was too keyed in on the other dogs, he thinks they are sheep. He would herd other dogs all day long if I let him.

He is good looking,isn't he :)
Nah,he's not a working dog,not that he does not try,he runs and tries to muster up the Roo population here,but does not get to close to them,they take off.
When he was younger(he is nearly 3 year old)we used to walk past a friends property with cattle on it,the cattle would come up to the fence,thinking it was the farmer and his dog,Chip would want to go to the other side of the road to get away :) :),scared him to bits,now he see's them and growls,sheep,is another story,he wants to round them up.But at the moment all he rounds up is me if I walk away from him and his play ball. He is a top dog.
His father is Border Collie,his mother is Australian Shepherd,both beautiful dogs,alas,Chips dad died early this year from a Tiger snake bite,very sad for the girl I got Chip off. :(

07-13-2011, 10:37 PM
Patches did well today.
She will be on a special diet for 2 weeks
Then more blood work. We will keep our fingers crossed

Photos tomorrow. They are truly mans best friend. One does truly gets attached.

Ok i will say it. I just love this little dog.

The place we purchased the Advantix 2 is refunding our money
There Dr. Thinks there is a good chance We may get our vet bills paid

Thanks so much to all

Vaya con Dios

Lloyd Smale
07-14-2011, 06:42 AM
question i have is this. I use it for my dog. It does help with the ticks. How come though its supposidly safe to put on a dog but they dont make a simular product for people. the ticks are terrible out to camp this time a year and id love to be able to just put a couple drops of something on me and not have to worry about them! Makes you wonder why its supposidly safe for your dog but poison to you!

07-14-2011, 02:25 PM
Well they think maybe it got in her eye or she in-jested it.

I have no idea how though.

We have two dogs Angel was fine.

They don't groom each other either.

Again at this point we think it got in her mouth or eye. :groner:

Just how many dogs can lick the back of there neck? [smilie=b:

Waiting 4hrs now for Bayer to call back

07-14-2011, 04:10 PM
Most likely your dog ingested the material, although a reaction to a dermal application is possible. Body chemistry varies among individuals. I have not heard of any reaction to imidacloprid, in either humans or dogs, but reaction to permethrin isn't that uncommon.

The reason most of these products are not sold for human use has just been described. Individuals vary enough to make the risk greater than the benfits, in most cases.

Actually, in parts of Africa, ivermectin, used in the US as a livestock wormer, is used as a wormer for humans, and studies are being proposed to use it as a mosquito control. For individuals who are allergic to it, reactions can be severe, and sometimes fatal. Compared to the death rate from malaria and intestinal parasites in sub saharan Africa, the risk is pretty small. In develped countries, the manufacturers and distributors would be sued into oblivion, because the risk/benefit equation is very different.

Southern Son
07-16-2011, 04:39 AM
question i have is this. I use it for my dog. It does help with the ticks. How come though its supposidly safe to put on a dog but they dont make a simular product for people. the ticks are terrible out to camp this time a year and id love to be able to just put a couple drops of something on me and not have to worry about them! Makes you wonder why its supposidly safe for your dog but poison to you!

I am not sure, but I think that it is along the line of Paracetamol is poison for dogs and cats, but fairly harmless to humans. I do agree with you though, I won't even feed my muts anything that isn't fit for me.

07-16-2011, 08:09 AM
The more I get into this. The more I find out, that's bad.

When you apply it your not supposed to get on your hands. The reason is, it causes CANCER in humans.

I have 4 Vets telling me that Advantix 2 caused this. Bayer says it didnt but they are looking at the bill to see how they can help.

Now the dance begins [smilie=s:

question i have is this. I use it for my dog. It does help with the ticks. How come though its supposidly safe to put on a dog but they dont make a simular product for people. the ticks are terrible out to camp this time a year and id love to be able to just put a couple drops of something on me and not have to worry about them! Makes you wonder why its supposidly safe for your dog but poison to you!

07-16-2011, 02:44 PM

This is JameslovesJammie's wife. My husband told me about your dog and his reaction to Advantix. I for one have had a few EXTREMELY bad experiences with my dog. At first it was Hartz then it was the Sergeants brand. The first time I didn't really catch on it was the Flea and Tick treatment because my dog is hypersensitive to lots of things. However the second time I tried it I knew for sure it was the cause.

I then went on to research to see if there were any others who have had a bad experience with these general brand flea and tick treatments. I normally research my products for my animals but this time I hadn't because I had used these products on another dog of mine that had no problem with it.

So many animals have had such bad reactions to the synthetic pyrethrins in these products.
My dog got hot spots all over him. He was whining in pain I took him to the ER vet and he was given three tranquilizers to help him and they did not do a darn thing because my dog was in so much pain and discomfort. Along with that he would slobber terribly and twitch. Other dogs will seizure and even die...I am sure you know this though experiencing it first hand.

I have been trying to get my experience out to other pet owners who know nothing. Here is a link for an interview that consumer affairs produced I actually got interviewed for it...You will see if you read and see a name Jammie...that's me. MOST IMPORTANTLY THOUGH it shares other peoples experiences. Read if you want or not just wanted to share it in case.


I have googled it on Youtube and if you decide to there are lots of fellow experiences and groups even on Face Book. Some people even are trying to get the companies to pay for medical expense's regarding treatment to what happened to there animals...albeit that's a long road.

I bought advantix from my vet because it was also guaranteed safe however I just had a feeling about it and decided to forgo it because of my previous experiences and the chance it might happen again and I know for sure I will never use it again after hearing of your experience. Hope your Patch's gets well soon I know how scary this ordeal is.

Sorry so long. Peace--

07-16-2011, 06:11 PM
"So many animals have had such bad reactions to the synthetic pyrethrins in these products.
My dog got hot spots all over him. He was whining in pain I took him to the ER vet and he was given three tranquilizers to help him and they did not do a darn thing because my dog was in so much pain and discomfort. Along with that he would slobber terribly and twitch. Other dogs will seizure and even die...I am sure you know this though experiencing it first hand."

Again, Permethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, can cause reactions in mammals, including dogs and humans. It is somewhat common. The other components seldom do, IME.

When applying any pesticide to your animals, ALWAYS watch closely for signs of a reaction, especially the first or second time you apply it. If no reaction occurs by the third application, there isn't likely to be one.

As for cancer in humans, be very cautious about what you read online, or any information you pick up from...well, most folks, including me. The green weinies would have you believe that before synthetic pesticides (and that is what the actives in the medicine are), people lived loooong, healthy lives, and all died at a ripe old age.
Not bloody likely. Even 100 years ago, average male lifespan in the US was just short of 51 years...today, it is around to 75.
If those horrible products cause so much of a health issue, why do we live 33% longer today?

What happened to your dog was indeed a bad experience for you, and the dog. Unfortunately, living creatures are not identical, and in every species that I am aware of, an individual will show a sensitivity to something that might be totaly benign to another individual of the same species. It could be a fungus, a bacteria, a drug, or most anything. Generaliziations are usually incorrect. Bayer is wrong to state "this product is perfectly safe"..(they actually don't, you need to read all the documentation that comes with a product, not just advertising. Most people don't). Greenies are wrong to state "these products are deadly and will kill your pet 100% of the time." The truth lies somewhere in between.

07-16-2011, 06:54 PM

This was the thrid time for Patches

Also it was a Vet that told me not to get any on your hands because it can cause CANCER.

I so glad she made it

Thanks so much

"So many animals have had such bad reactions to the synthetic pyrethrins in these products.
My dog got hot spots all over him. He was whining in pain I took him to the ER vet and he was given three tranquilizers to help him and they did not do a darn thing because my dog was in so much pain and discomfort. Along with that he would slobber terribly and twitch. Other dogs will seizure and even die...I am sure you know this though experiencing it first hand."

Again, Permethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, can cause reactions in mammals, including dogs and humans. It is somewhat common. The other components seldom do, IME.

When applying any pesticide to your animals, ALWAYS watch closely for signs of a reaction, especially the first or second time you apply it. If no reaction occurs by the third application, there isn't likely to be one.

As for cancer in humans, be very cautious about what you read online, or any information you pick up from...well, most folks, including me. The green weinies would have you believe that before synthetic pesticides (and that is what the actives in the medicine are), people lived loooong, healthy lives, and all died at a ripe old age.
Not bloody likely. Even 100 years ago, average male lifespan in the US was just short of 51 years...today, it is around to 75.
If those horrible products cause so much of a health issue, why do we live 33% longer today?

What happened to your dog was indeed a bad experience for you, and the dog. Unfortunately, living creatures are not identical, and in every species that I am aware of, an individual will show a sensitivity to something that might be totaly benign to another individual of the same species. It could be a fungus, a bacteria, a drug, or most anything. Generaliziations are usually incorrect. Bayer is wrong to state "this product is perfectly safe"..(they actually don't, you need to read all the documentation that comes with a product, not just advertising. Most people don't). Greenies are wrong to state "these products are deadly and will kill your pet 100% of the time." The truth lies somewhere in between.

07-16-2011, 06:58 PM

Thanks so much

See Jammie's link

44,000 Reports

The EPA confirms its received approximately 44,000 reports of adverse reactions associated with these products, including skin irritation, seizures and even the deaths of some pets. And those figures dont include the number of reports the EPA continues to receive in 2009

Marine Sgt 2111
07-16-2011, 07:15 PM
For what it's worth, every year there are some 44,000 animals affected by those drip on flea and tick products, ranging from minor effects to death. I have a house cat that Frontline nearly killed. It doesn't see to affect anyone else....

07-17-2011, 02:11 PM
For what it's worth, every year there are some 44,000 animals affected by those drip on flea and tick products, ranging from minor effects to death. I have a house cat that Frontline nearly killed. It doesn't see to affect anyone else....

44,000 sounds like an awful lot, but latest year figures are available (2009) show about 147,142,000 dogs and cats in the US. Figures are from the Pet Food Institute. Using that figure, 44,000 is .003% of the total. Not time to push the panic button.

As for the vet talking about the componants in Advantix being carcinogenic, you might ask him where he got his figures and data from. No product that is EPA registered for general use can be a proven carcinogen.

I don't have an axe to grind here, I'm just an entomologist who has worked with and experimented with pestcides for close to 30 years. Information/knowledge is power, just trying to share some. Folks should do what seems best for them and what they are comfortable with.

Phat Man Mike
07-17-2011, 06:29 PM
long time ago my lil chihuahua got some harts flea stuff put on him and I had to walk from the repair shop my rig was being worked on to a 24 er vet clinic. I almost killed him, he got very sick and stopped moving. I hope your lil buddy get's over the spell. :)

07-17-2011, 06:59 PM

I am long past the panic button.

If in the .003 its your pet you may look at things different.

Please correct me if I wrong on this next one as far has those pestasides are doing.

As far as cancer goes.

How about our brave Veterans that died from AGENT ORANGE.
I am sorry that was 40 years ago before your time.

44,000 sounds like an awful lot, but latest year figures are available (2009) show about 147,142,000 dogs and cats in the US. Figures are from the Pet Food Institute. Using that figure, 44,000 is .003% of the total. Not time to push the panic button.

07-17-2011, 07:14 PM
Did you say this is the third time for Patches ?
I'd definitely be looking for something else mate,but is that with Advantix 2?
I'd go back to just plain old Advantix.

Hope Patches is coming better mate,they are loyal to you,love em !

07-17-2011, 07:21 PM
Yes 3rd time this year we used Advantix 2.No problems that we noticed the first 2

We used Advantix for 3 years before this

We go in the 27th for some blood work.

She seems to be doing well. Thank God

Thanks for your concern

Did you say this is the third time for Patches ?
I'd definitely be looking for something else mate,but is that with Advantix 2?
I'd go back to just plain old Advantix.

Hope Patches is coming better mate,they are loyal to you,love em !

07-18-2011, 07:56 AM
Well aware of Agent Orange, defoliants/herbacides are often nastier than what is needed to kill animals. I've known several people over the years who had documented exposure, not just the "I was in 'Nam, dude" types. Several showed effets of exposure, some had very minor problems, some had major problems.

Not terribly relevent to your issue, Agent Orange was proven to have several contaminents, including Dioxin. Things have changed tremedously in the 40+ years since those events happened.

I do hope your dog is better, I understand the .003% doesn't mean much if your dog (or son or daughter) are in the .003%.

If you are interested in flea control, look at brewer's yeast, beneficial nematodes, vacums, and controling your animal's environment. All are ways, using no pesticides, that you can affect a flea population and keep it from blossoming out of control.

07-18-2011, 04:20 PM
Bayer just agreed to pay $175.00.
I guess a that's better than nothing.
I do think they are getting off cheap, but what can one do
Maybe we are lucky to get anything.

Dragoon 45
07-18-2011, 10:40 PM
question i have is this. I use it for my dog. It does help with the ticks. How come though its supposidly safe to put on a dog but they dont make a simular product for people. the ticks are terrible out to camp this time a year and id love to be able to just put a couple drops of something on me and not have to worry about them! Makes you wonder why its supposidly safe for your dog but poison to you!

From experience in the Infantry. Best product I ever tried for ticks and chiggers was a sulpher based product called "Chig Away".

Dragoon 45
07-18-2011, 10:49 PM
I just started using a new product on my BC. It is for fleas and worms including Heartworms called "Trifectus", one pill once a month. Does not work on ticks, but have not had a tick problem so far this year. Product works as advertised so far. I had to quit the topical flea and tick preventatives due to them raising blisters on my arms. No, I never got any of it directly on me, I just got it from petting or wrestling with my dog.

Well aware of Agent Orange, defoliants/herbacides are often nastier than what is needed to kill animals. I've known several people over the years who had documented exposure, not just the "I was in 'Nam, dude" types. Several showed effets of exposure, some had very minor problems, some had major problems.

Not terribly relevent to your issue, Agent Orange was proven to have several contaminents, including Dioxin. Things have changed tremedously in the 40+ years since those events happened.

I do hope your dog is better, I understand the .003% doesn't mean much if your dog (or son or daughter) are in the .003%.

If you are interested in flea control, look at brewer's yeast, beneficial nematodes, vacums, and controling your animal's environment. All are ways, using no pesticides, that you can affect a flea population and keep it from blossoming out of control.