View Full Version : PACT Chronograph - Will they ever ship?

07-10-2011, 08:12 AM
I ordered a PACT Pro XP Chronograph a month ago and its still not here. Anyone else waiting for theirs? Originally I was told it would ship on June 20th, called two weeks ago, they said it will be shipped in a week. Said they were waiting on a critical part to come in as they were changing part suppliers. That is what they told be on the powder dispenser back in January. I got sick of waiting for that and ordered a RCBS scale/dispenser. Getting sick of waiting for this chronograph too. I always thought PACT was a good company to deal with. Starting to have second thoughts!

07-10-2011, 08:17 AM
I have a Pact I model Had it since 1992 Also a Pact scale. Good product" The waiting is the hardess part" Tom Petty

07-10-2011, 09:28 AM
I have quite a few Pact products. The XP has features but there are better/faster chronos to setup. The one I have was one of the first to come off the line and went back at least 6 times before everything worked (software issues).

cajun shooter
07-13-2011, 10:34 AM
At one time many years ago I would become upset when I heard people speaking bad about Pact. Not anymore since I purchased two of Pacts electronics and they both went to the factory over 4 times for repairs. I sold them both for less than half price and purchased a CED Chronograph which has been the cream de la cream'. The parts supply line is the same excuse that I received in 2007. Seems like that could have been repaired by now. As far as I'm concerned the boys at the top have dropped the ball and will never receive my money again.

07-13-2011, 11:17 PM
The pact II timer remains my top choice but with 5 back for repair from our club for 9 months, the BOD is going with another brand. I'm with you Cajun, I hate to see a USA co. drop the ball.

07-20-2011, 05:03 PM
It finally arrived yesterday! Works very well. The sensors seem to be better than the old ones as it was super bright out and it picked up every one of the 20 rounds I shot over it. The only disappointment is that it has a serial port hookup instead of USB and I also found out that the software doesn't like Windows 7. The factory guy said that I can get a serial to USB adapter, but it still may not work. When I asked him why, he said it was because the software most likely will not recognize the serial to USB adapter with Windows 7. Why the hell don't they just make the changes so it works? After all it doesn't say anything about that on their webpage. Ok, Iv'e vented...... feeling a bit better now. Not really, dam who is using a computer with a serial port anyway?

07-21-2011, 10:18 AM
At least it works fine on the first try.