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View Full Version : My troubles are over

07-05-2011, 09:09 AM
In the past couple months that I have been on this forum, I was financially in the crapper and couldnt afford anything. I have been applying for about 7 months and persistance has paid off and now I am a server at a mexican resturant.
I start today at 5pm
Now I am about to go berm mining. My next issue is a car.

07-05-2011, 09:13 AM
James I'm glad to hear that things are looking up!!

07-05-2011, 09:24 AM
Congrats on finding a job, especially in this economy. Good luck berm mining.

07-05-2011, 09:47 AM
Go James!

Dean D.
07-05-2011, 09:50 AM
That's great news James! I've said before, there is always work if you look hard enough. It may not be what you want but it should help keep the wolves away from the door till something better comes along ;)

smoked turkey
07-05-2011, 10:43 AM
Good! I am glad for you. This economy has really taken its toll on us. Your persistence paid off. Now go out and show em how serving in a mexician restaurant should be done. Keep those tips rollin in. I'd say that your mexican food is closer to the real thing than we get around here.

07-05-2011, 10:59 AM
I'll bet the Mexican food down that way is the real deal. Do they deliver? We will pray that you will find the car you need.


07-05-2011, 12:15 PM
Good luck, James! I'm just up the road in Kingsville.

07-05-2011, 12:35 PM
PM me with the name of the restaurant and I will zip over for some food and if you are the server I will leave a decent tip. I live just north of Brownsville.

6.5 mike
07-05-2011, 02:45 PM
WELL DONE, everyone has to start somewhere. I started cutting aproicots for drying, I hate aproicots !!!!.

07-05-2011, 03:07 PM
Congratulations. You do have your GED don't you? More and more places won't hire anyone without one! If you don't have it get it !!!!
Maybe some of the guys here who live in your area could put out some feelers for jobs in your area that could lead to a career.

07-05-2011, 03:29 PM
James Thats GREAT news!!!!! Now you can SAVE money for your car.
Good Luck. :bigsmyl2:

07-05-2011, 03:40 PM
+1 on Nascarkent!
James congratulations! I absolutely guarntee that if you become the best server that restaurant has ever seen, you'll be able to save for that car! Keep that goal clearly in mind and you won't bet tempted to spend you hard-earned on other things.

Proud of you James. We're pulling for you!


07-05-2011, 03:51 PM
Congratulations. You do have your GED don't you? More and more places won't hire anyone without one! If you don't have it get it !!!!
Maybe some of the guys here who live in your area could put out some feelers for jobs in your area that could lead to a career.

It looks like he's a High School student.

After graduation...if you don't go to college right away...check out the Air Force. Best move I made.

07-05-2011, 08:28 PM
wow a teenager looking for and finding a job and has goals and whats to work to get his lead for casting instead of expecting someone to give it to him I mist of logged on to the twilight zone. WAY TO GO DUDE VERY IMPRESSIVE:2_high5: you are off to a great start

07-05-2011, 11:27 PM
wow a teenager looking for and finding a job and has goals and whats to work to get his lead for casting instead of expecting someone to give it to him I mist of logged on to the twilight zone. WAY TO GO DUDE VERY IMPRESSIVE:2_high5: you are off to a great start

:goodpost: :awesome:good job james. did ya have to show a green card:kidding:[smilie=1:

07-06-2011, 10:17 AM
Thanks for your support guys.
I worked yesterday from 5 to 9 plus another hour to clean up, and even though it was training I made $22 in tips and the hourly pay is $2.50 so I guess tips is the only way I'll make money.
Also my mistake it isn't a Mexican resturant it's a BBQ place where the owners family is there working and talking to customers.
I'm working same shift today.

07-06-2011, 10:19 AM
Also I tried to go to the range yesterday and since it's been raining lately it's flooded and it's 4mi long, and my dads truck needs a new starter.

Wayne Smith
07-06-2011, 10:57 AM
Excellent, James. Do the best you can at work. Education is most important, though. If, however, you are like the rest of us, your troubles are just beginning. This only solves the immediate issues!

07-06-2011, 11:45 AM
Good for you !! Do your best so you can keep the job and good luck on the mining/car objectives.

07-06-2011, 06:07 PM
Don't stop looking for a better job while continuing to work at the restaurant. That's what entry level jobs are all about. Glad you found something.

07-07-2011, 08:46 AM
Good luck the first place I mined lead from was a skeet range each size shot would fall in bands at fairly consistent distances. We would go out when the range was closed pick up unbroken clays then use a snow shovel to scoop up shot. We were transporting it on out bicycles so we did not take much at a time. most of it was also used for fishing weights or sling shot ammo as we were not casting bullets yet. Some shot was also rinsed dried and reloaded in our shotgun shells.

07-07-2011, 06:56 PM
The young and the old are suffering in this economy, you are aether to young to be employed or to old. I was in the to old class, medical bills, do-nut holes ect put me in the very broke condition
my wife has severe health problems but no one wants to hire a 70 year old. So I started mowing a friends yard now I mow the whole block, you can work if you have to. This young man is gaining a work ethic that will serve him the rest of his life. The government will not take care of you unless you are without pride and do not mind begging. Myself I detest asking for help, if the grass keeps growing and I stay strong and healthy I will be out of debt by this time next year. Praise God!
Great going young man proud to have you on this board!

07-07-2011, 10:50 PM
And here I thought the last of the kids moved out, or your divorce was finalized...
Like one of the others mentioned, never stop looking for a better job.. even if you have a good one..
It pays to know what is going on in the job market in the event that the unexpected happens..

07-07-2011, 11:00 PM
Servers make their money in the tips. You must be doing a good job of keeping people happy with last nights take.
I started by working in car washes and resturants, then gas stations. Out of high school went to work for Cummins Diesel as a trainee. Was a good career but hard on the body.

Give some thought to a career that you can do long term without wearing your body out.

07-08-2011, 07:24 PM
Keep up with what the customers need and your tips will show it. Also make sure that you
understand what the owners need done and make sure you EXCEED their expectations a
bit and you will be their most popular employee. If you have a question or problem, make
sure you ask the boss how to deal with it properly.

Good luck, and great start in a tough economy. If you keep you boss and customers happy,
you'll always be in demand.


07-08-2011, 07:34 PM
By your avatar, I see you have tee shirts, jeans, a shooting cap and a rifle. That's about what the rest of us have, aside from a way to the range. I'd say you have about what anybody else has. Welcome to the workforce.

Young, works hard, hmmm.. must be a Texan!

07-08-2011, 08:15 PM
Good luck to you young man. If you stick with it, maybe you will end up owning your own place. I worked 3 different jobs at the same time when my first child came along. Sold my guitars, guns and fishing equipment to survive. I retired 7 years ago as a construction project engineer and a consultant project manager. You can do it. My prayers are with you.

And last but not least, DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!!

07-08-2011, 08:29 PM
Congratulations Connor! I told you that persistence would pay off, and it seems it did.
Let us all know how the adobe smelt project is coming.

07-08-2011, 11:45 PM
way to go conner!!! Make friends with the regulars at the restaurant, work hard to please them, and they may ask for you to serve them all the time. Then you can find out their line of work and ask if they might be able to employ an ambitious young man. It's worked before, just ask my son. Now go get that car and grab that lead. God be with you!!!