View Full Version : New (old) RCBS Rockchucker

06-30-2011, 12:04 PM
I just recieved my first single stage press in the mail today. I gather it is more than 20 years old as the it had the original handle, not the ball one they pur ot today. That said, I have only ever had my Dillon 550B as a press so this single stage is all new to me. With my Dillon, I just buy conversion kits for each caliber, what do I need to buy for this press??

That said, I will using this press for my rifle brass prep, as in resizing depriming. After this I will TL the brass and finish loading the brass in my Dillon. Can I use my Dillon Resizing die in this RCBS? What do I use for a "conversion plate" on the base. I will be using this single stage for 223, 308, 30-06, and 30-30. At least for now... Is there anything I should know about using this press? If I can't use my Dillon dies, what should I purchase, as I have no idea what is a good set of dies out there for rifle. I have seen the two die and three die sets, but don't know which ones I should get. Is there any way to buy just the sizing dpriming die?

Sorry to ask so many questions, but these dies and presses are all very new to me. Thanks in advance!!

06-30-2011, 01:39 PM
The Rockchucker is a heavy duty compound press. It has an adapter bushing made from 1 1/2" hex bar screwed into the top. The press itself is threaded to accept 1 1/4-12 threaded dies, which allow "oversize" dies such as those used for .50 BMG to be used. The adapter bushing has 7/8-14 internal threads that permit standard dies to be used. Most people never remove the bushing. If this bushing is missing contact RCBS for a replacement. (Note: I make special extender bushings for the Rockchucker for special purposes but RCBS is cheaper for standard replacement bushings. You don't need what I sell for what you plan to do.)

I don't know if Dillon dies will fit, but if they have a standard 7/8-14 external thread on the die body they should work fine.

All my dies are RCBS and Lee and both work fine, although there are slight differences in what each die does at each step.

You can buy single dies such as sizer/decappers, check Midway or other vendors. I have purchased single dies, such as a 9mm carbide sizing die to replace the steel sizing die that came with my RCBS 9mm three die set, and also a roll crimp die to add to my .45 ACP die set to roll crimp .45 AR brass, from Midway.

06-30-2011, 02:17 PM
I sold my last Dillon a while back but if memory serves me right the Dillon dies are to short to work in the RockChucker. By the time you screw the die into the press you have no room for a lock ring / nut on the die which you would or they will never stay adjusted.

06-30-2011, 02:29 PM
You will also need shell holders for the diffrent size cases you intend to load for.They can be bought as a set or singles from Midway and other places. They are what you are refering to as conversion plate and they slip into the top of the ram.
If bought single the same one can be used for the 308 and 30-06 Shell holder no. Lee #2
The 223 is #4 and the 30-30 is #3 if you order seperate.
Hope this helps.

06-30-2011, 02:31 PM
This is a HUGE help. I guess I will be looking for some new dies.

06-30-2011, 02:36 PM
I think RCBS sells extended shellholders. Never used them but they might let you use your Dillon dies in your 'chucker. The calibers you load for are pretty common. Just sharing a thought...

06-30-2011, 02:38 PM
Ill look into that. It sure would would save me having to buy all new dies. I have to buy the shell holders any how.

06-30-2011, 03:00 PM
My BIL has a 'chucker, I have an old RCBS Jr. The toggle link on the 'chucker makes full length resizing of rifle brass real easy. For pistol stuff I find my Jr works fine and takes less work as the overall mechanism is a little lighter.

I think for what you plan to use it for you will like it once you use it. For sure you'll never break it! It's like an anvil with moving parts.

06-30-2011, 03:35 PM
I might try flea bay for shell holders. RCBS gets a pretty good buck for them. I've bought a few there, used. If the Dillon dies are too short, just get some RCBS or Redding dies. Then again, the extended shell holders could be considerably cheaper if you can still use the Dillon dies. You'll enjoy the RC. I do keep mine lubricated. Mike

06-30-2011, 07:21 PM
Good purchase. The Rockchucker is the single stage that others are judged by.

If you un-screw that top bushing they might be a two digit number stamped under it. If so, that's the year it was made. If not then it's too new for the stamping.


06-30-2011, 08:19 PM
The Rockchucker came out in 1967 and should have the year stamped on the top, most likely covered by the bushing. You will need an 1-1/2 " wrench to remove it.
RCBS started stamping years in 1966.


06-30-2011, 09:28 PM
Not to hijack this thread but I want to ask a question. I know the standard RCBS bushing has a rather thin flange on the top, less than 1/4" thick. Do you suppose a bushing with a slightly thicker flange that was cross drilled for a 10-24 set screw to lock the die in place would allow the use of Dillon or other short dies? Wouldn't need a lock ring that way. Anybody see a use for something like this?

06-30-2011, 09:36 PM
I suppose it would work. Some early presses used a set screw to lock the bushing in place.
I am not certain how many would want to use Dillon dies in a RC. That is going to be your call.
I know there is something else but my tired brain just ran dry. Bed time.


07-01-2011, 07:32 AM
Rock Chucker has taken all dies I ever fed it but I don't own any Dillon.

There was banter a decade ago about Lee dies being too short for some presses but I have
not had a issue with them whatsoever.

On my Dillon 450, and 650, all dies work on it for me.

07-01-2011, 08:07 AM
Rock Chucker has taken all dies I ever fed it but I don't own any Dillon.

There was banter a decade ago about Lee dies being too short for some presses but I have
not had a issue with them whatsoever.

On my Dillon 450, and 650, all dies work on it for me.

I used a set of 223 dies from lee I had lying around and processed some brass. Worked quite well. Will look into the shell holder today. I'll check the date on the top as well. It has definitely got some years on it. What do you keep these oiled with. I use motor oil on my Dillon.

07-01-2011, 08:58 AM
Not to hijack this thread but I want to ask a question. I know the standard RCBS bushing has a rather thin flange on the top, less than 1/4" thick. Do you suppose a bushing with a slightly thicker flange that was cross drilled for a 10-24 set screw to lock the die in place would allow the use of Dillon or other short dies? Wouldn't need a lock ring that way. Anybody see a use for something like this?
I thought about doing the same thing to Dillon 550 toolheads where I ran out of threads on the die.

07-01-2011, 04:23 PM
A lee shellholder kit may be a less expensive alternative.

07-01-2011, 05:22 PM
Lee dies come with shellholders and are pretty affordable, too boot.


07-03-2011, 10:03 AM
Dillon dies, other than Square Deal dies, are the same as any standard reloading dies, they are not any different than RCBS, Hornady,C H, Lyman, etc. other than the threaded portion is usually longer on Dillon.
They will work any where the others will.
I have 3 Rockchuckers and use all the brands with out any problems, along with any brand shell holder (except Dillon).
I also have 4 Dillon presses (1 Square Deal) and use dies from all the other brands on them also, all mixed together.

07-03-2011, 10:57 PM
You can use the Dillon dies. You can install the lockring on the underside if there aren't enough threads on the top.

07-04-2011, 06:55 PM
For shellholders you can use RCBS, Lyman,Lee and more. You dont have to use RCBS only. Thats a great press. You can expect many tens of years of good service from it .

07-07-2011, 12:53 PM
The Rockchucker came out in 1967 and should have the year stamped on the top, most likely covered by the bushing. You will need an 1-1/2 " wrench to remove it.
RCBS started stamping years in 1966.


like this

07-07-2011, 06:49 PM
Yep, that's it. Yours is on the outside of the boss, most somehow ended up under the flage of the bushing.

Thanks for posting!


07-07-2011, 07:25 PM

I have two, shellholder, dies, Ram Prime is nice. The smaller RC 1 is set up to prime, seats them to .004" below case head (no high primers, never needs adjusting) One rod does small primers, one does large.


07-07-2011, 07:34 PM
The Rock Chucker and Jr and two of the best presses ever made. Strong sturdy and built to last nearly forever. The only aggravating thing about the new primer arms are the screw in plungers for small/large primers. I've launched several of those tiny springs while changing back and forth between small and large(forget finding it) that I decided to just get another primer arm and have one fixed for large and the other for small primers and it takes but a few seconds to pull the pin out and change the arm. Much better than having to unscrew the plunger and chance loosing that tiny little spring.

07-07-2011, 11:08 PM
Well, I finally got around to pulling the top nut out of my press. It was made in 1970, ten years before I was born!! I hope I work this well when I turn 40!! I added a little Kroil to hinges and ram and I must admit it is working smother than my Dillon 550!! Not a bad little press I got. The paint has defiantly seen better days, so maybe one day I will repaint it with some hammered finish paint from rustoleam. Or just leave it the way it is. Not a bad press at all......

07-10-2011, 11:21 AM
Mine was made in 1970 also ,Still going strong.

07-11-2011, 06:55 AM
Yep, that's it. Yours is on the outside of the boss, most somehow ended up under the flage of the bushing.
Thanks for posting!

That press ain't going anywhere. I bought it for like 50 bucks off craigslist a few years back. That thing is just rock solid and wroks everytime. Zero issue.

07-12-2011, 02:58 PM
Well, you could use the Dillon dies, but that would mean dismounting from the Dillon, installing on the RC, doing the number, dismounting, remounting, &cetera. 'Way easier to go on eBay and buy some sizing dies, and a Lee shell holder set.