View Full Version : Lee style 6 cavity mould handles

06-30-2011, 02:42 AM
Hi All.

At the moment I count at least 3 different custom mould makers (that are also forum members) that make 6 cavity mould handles for the Lee six cavity moulds, as well as all the other moulds that use that style handle. There's Red River Rick, then MiHec, and Dick Dastardly. Of course there's also Lee.

My question is to folks that have used these alternative handles, how well do they work? I have a pair of Lee handles, and to me they seem really nice, and I'm not sure how much of an advantage there is to using these other makers handles. I think the order in which I listed them is also the list from most expensive to least.

As all of these handles are being made by forum members, and so folks might not want to compare them in an open forum, anyone that wants to can PM me with their thoughts.

As I said, I really don't know what difference a set of handles can make, I can see where the mould itself can make a big difference, but the handles? One thing I like about the Lee handles is their price. They're very cheap. Midway sells them for $12.99, and I can get replacement wood for them directly from Lee for $2.00 per handle, and as the wood getting loose, or breaking is probably the #1 complain of any handles, at those prices I can keep extra wood, and even extra handles 'in stock' without breaking the bank!

Don't get me wrong, I'm planning on getting at least one set of MiHec handles from one of the group buys I'm on, and I would love to get at least one pair from each of the other makers, as there's no way they can be made worse than Lee. That said, I'm interested in other folks experiences with these other handles. Thanks!

06-30-2011, 04:18 AM
All I've used so far has been lee handles. The price is right, and they've worked well enough.

That said, the biggest annoyance I've had with the lee handles is loosening of the wood from the metal taper. The handles are just on there with a pressed taper, and I find if I've got a balky dropping mold I haven't fixed yet and I am having to regularly hit the hinge with a stick, then the wooden part of the handles will work loose.

It's easy enough to bang the handle end on the bench top to reseat the taper, and the right adhesive would probably fix it for good.

Other minor complaint is that with a prolonged casting session the handles get uncomfortably warm. A little larger diameter would probably help, but might hurt ergonomics, or maybe I should just wrap them in a cotton or linen cloth (ora whipping with twine might work)...

Oh, and to fit some of the iron mold blocks (the lymans? Don't remember) I ended up reducing the thickness of the handle points with a large bastard file. Straight from lee the tongs are slightly too thick to fit in the mold slots.