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View Full Version : Felix Lube/Oils not mixing

06-05-2005, 12:10 PM
Hi guys,,

I knew it was only a matter of time before I dove into the lube making thing, and was lucky enough to get in on the Mr. Williams deal for 40 lbs worth of wax..Batch # 1 of Felix lube is already gone and worked fantastic! I intend on using this lube exclusively, and started in on batch #2.. I figured to save time, I would pre-cook a 50/50 supply of castor oil/mineral oil for future use..

Well, I cooked the oils for 45 mins, constantly stirring, at a temperature just below smoking..After it cooled I poured the oils back into the mineral oil bottle and noticed this morning the oils were separated..I was under the assumption once the oils were polymerized they would be permanantly mixed, and no separation would occur..Am I correct? Should I reheat at a higher temp? Should I add the sterate now, to keep them mixed or should heat alone do it?

Another question I had, is when/if I finally get these 2 oils mixed, will I be able to add other petro based oils (Mystery oil, etc) for future experimentation without heating again?

Thanks again guys!

06-05-2005, 01:31 PM
Welcome aboard. I suppose now that we have two AF recruiters here, you guys will gang up on us.

I think I would try adding the stearates, as I believe it may help with the mixing. I'm sure Felix will let us know for sure, however.

i had some weird beeswax here I tried to clean up this week. in the past, I've been able to drop the block in boiling water, and after it melted, would separate into a clean layer when cool. this stuff seems to have gone to solution, and is a mess. I suspect this may be some comb castings that were already cleaned of the majority of wax before I got them. Whatever, it is not good stuff. I guess I'll have a bunch of flux!

06-05-2005, 02:06 PM
AFRecruiter--Welcome aboard. Where are you selling that AIDA,perhaps too new to know about that? I was in Twin Falls,Id from 1973-1978. I heard they no longer use AIDA??????

06-05-2005, 03:49 PM
Give the oils a little longer to merge together. The TOTAL amount of heat is significant, provided the heat amplitute (temperature) is over the threshold, which I don't readily know. The threshold depends on the quality (purity) of the castor oil and mineral oil. We know that sooner or later, though, the oils will probably go together on their own using only minor heat, say 180-200 degrees or so. Try that for an hour or two. If no difference, then add Ivory shaves made with a cheese grater until the oils do match-merge. Report back on what was done so we can add this new info to the sticky info. ... felix

06-05-2005, 04:13 PM
Thanks for the welcome guys..


That does seem odd about your wax..I cleaned 15 lbs as you discribe, and it worked well with the batch I had..It was a bit messy though, and would still stick in all my breadpan moulds..so for the remaining 15lbs, I just bought a large package of 8 Fl oz paper cups and poured the melted wax strait in, and the nasties would settle to the bottom..when it cooled down I peeld the cup away, whittled off the bottom 1/8" where all the junk settled, and had perfect 8 oz blocks of wax..Worked real well..


Ah,,,, AIDA...Definately brings back some memories (especially the 13 page script we had to memorize in recruiter school!) I recruited for the enlisted side in Bristol, TN from 1999 to 2003..I am now the physician recruiter for Michigan, stationed in Lansing..Recruiting for the medical corps is definately different! You are right about not using AIDA anymore..Around 2002 we went to "PSS" (professional selling skills) Its kinder....and gentler..; ) I remember reading you were an AF recruiter a while back...Its always nice to meet a fellow bluesuiter!!

06-05-2005, 07:17 PM
Thanks Felix..I'll try that..As luck would have it, our cofee pot met its maker today, but the heating element still works. I have the oils in the pot now, and just took the temperature..195 Degrees on the button. I'll let er brew there for a few hours and report back...

06-05-2005, 10:13 PM
Felix, I let the lube set on the cofee pot at 195 Degrees for 3 hours, and agitated the oils about every 10 minutes with no change...Still two definate layers..It seems like while the lube is hot, the oils are incorperated, but once cool they separate. I am not sure of the purity of the castor oil, but both were bought off the shelf at wal mart. I will try adding stearate and see if that helps keep them combined..

06-05-2005, 10:19 PM
Stay on it, you are doing it correctly. Sundog and I had the advantage during the big melt of having tons of heat at 200 degrees or so for at least 6 or more hours. The temperature was held more or less steady because of all of the lead holding the heat underneith the lube. ... felix

06-06-2005, 02:40 AM
AF Recruiter--Your coffee pot konked out. They cost more but are worth it--buy a Bunn. Water here so bad coffee pots other than Bunn last 6 months to a year--the Bunns last 15-20.

Lloyd Smale
06-06-2005, 06:12 AM
bunns are the next best invetion to gunpowder!!!
AF Recruiter--Your coffee pot konked out. They cost more but are worth it--buy a Bunn. Water here so bad coffee pots other than Bunn last 6 months to a year--the Bunns last 15-20.