View Full Version : Anyone interested in a wire extrustion die?

06-27-2011, 01:48 AM
I'm looking at getting a diemaker to make a wire extruding die - ala Corbin style

Anyone interested in one also?

Havnt heard back on pricing yet, but if there is interest, then the price may change for the better and delivery time will be a low number of weeks and not a low number of years :bigsmyl2:

06-27-2011, 07:26 AM
Any competent machinist can make one,. a local guy might be your best bet to save on shipping.
What size slug will you be wanting to extrude down to what size wire?
what size press do you have?
I made mine from a piece of 3'' round bar with a 1'' bore and will handle 1''x6'' slug. I use it in my 20 ton press.

06-27-2011, 07:31 AM
Basially I sent him pics and a couple of edited photos of a Corbin setup and waiting to hear back. I'd make one myself, but I dont go back to work till Nov/Dec and no tooling at home here

I have Hydro press and over here its very hard to get any lead wire let alone the right size.
1 company extrudes it here but its the wrong size

Prob around 3/4" down to .217 and .3 or somthing? - for 308 and 44 at this stage.

I'd love for a forum member to make one and earn a couple bucks in the process - hint hint anyone out there? :)

06-27-2011, 08:31 AM
PM sent.