View Full Version : Shooting under water??????

06-25-2011, 05:58 AM
I always thought that shooting a gun underwater was a formula for a burst barrel, if the wet ammo fired at all. I also thought that If a person was under water when a gun went off underwater that, at the very least, his ear drums would be busted.

Then I come across this on u-tube -


I hear talk of marine spring caps & underwater firing pins. I see one diver wearing ear muffs when shooting under water, but most of the other divers in the other videos are not.

What gives?

Combat Diver
06-25-2011, 07:49 AM
depends on the pressure and depth. Sound travels faster underwater then on land. That's why its hard to determine direction of sound underwater. As long as the barrel is flooded underwater ie water/water or air/air but never mix the two air/water as that will lead to a burst barrel. Military ammo is water proofed to below 4 atmospheres (1 ATM/33' so 132')


06-25-2011, 08:23 AM

Here's one with an AR.

While I wouldn't suggest trying it, especially with a gun that's not designed with with underwater firing as a possiblility (well, I guess if you're having a real life James Bond underwater fight) it does work.

Makes you think twice about buying used guns, huh?

06-25-2011, 09:11 AM
My son, Black Rifle Shooter, fired my 1911 and Ruger Mk I underwater with no ill effects. Bullets would only go about 10 ft. He also shot his Glock 22 underwater many times. Fish are killed by the concussion, once killing every fish in a piece of concrete culvert. No problems with the concussion on the shooter, as it seems to be directional. He saw a video of Navy Seals shooting underwater and concluded if they could, then he could. The bullets from the Ruger 22 were elongated to almost twice their length and were wasp waist-ed in the middle.

06-25-2011, 09:59 AM
In consideration of the density of water, and the abysmal performace of conventional bullets in that medium, .....I would really like someone to explain to me WHY anyone would even consider firing a conventional weapon underwater as a planned contingency.

If underwater combat is the scenario, then I would think that the diver would be FAR better served by the good, old 12 gauge "Bang Stick"!


06-25-2011, 10:10 AM
At a Glock armorers school I attended the instructor said that a 9mm Glock could be used as a self defense weapon for sharks. It must be a 9mm, 40 would have pressures problems, don't remember if he talked about the 45. You need the marine striker spring cups to avoid hydraulic issues. They have holes in them. You need to make sure all air is out of the barrel by turning the gun muzzle up in the water. And its only good for contact shots. Now having said that. I don't swim and if I did it wouldn't be with fish that can eat me.

06-25-2011, 04:31 PM
It appears that if the pressure is equal prior to firing, meaning that the firearm is completely submersed and all air is out, that firing it could be done without undue damage, but because of water's inherent ability to make fast moving objects slow down rapidly, there doesn't seem to be a great chance of the bullets going very far.

David LaPell
06-25-2011, 04:52 PM
Years ago when I was a kid I saw a sucker fish in about a foot of water. I had a Crosman pellet gun loaded with a good hunting pellet. I put the barrel about one inch off the water (I knew never to stick it in the water and fire). I dont know if it was the blast or the pellet that killed that fish but either way in the end he was belly up afterwards. But as for firing a gun underwater, never really had an interest or in a gun that did.

06-25-2011, 09:23 PM
Guns and Ammo did this years ago in someones pool right here in LA!

MId to late 70's I believe, great right up in the mag that month complete with 1911 bearing scuba diver in the pool!

06-25-2011, 09:26 PM
I consider my G19 to be one of my ehh guns that I'd shoot underwater just to try.

Tom W.
06-26-2011, 12:12 AM
Guns and Ammo did this years ago in someones pool right here in LA!

MId to late 70's I believe, great right up in the mag that month complete with 1911 bearing scuba diver in the pool!

I remember that... It was an ATM Hardballer or Longslide in Stainless steel if I remember correctly..

06-26-2011, 12:21 AM
Richard Venola did the firing in Gerry James pool. Probably 3 or 4 years ago. They did use a 45acp but I don't remember the brand.

Combat Diver
06-27-2011, 06:36 AM
As stated some of us do have to consider it.
