View Full Version : 45-70 paper patch mould recommendations

06-25-2011, 02:11 AM
Hey fellas:
I've been contemplating either buying swaging dies or moulds for casting paper patched boolits.
I hear this little voice saying,"stay with the old traditional method of casting".
Then there is the voice saying, " swaging will be faster and cleaner".
Now that I think about it though, I'm not too sure swaging will be any faster.
I know it will be more expensive to start.
A boolit mould is hands down a lot cheaper than the swaging die/dies.

Who makes some of the more popular and accurate moulds for PP boolits?
In other words, which are you fellas having good sucess with?

I my Uberti rifle shooting the 457125 gg boolit very well. Will I need to get a
mould that casts a boolit approximately the same length?
Will the smaller diameter of the pp boolit have to be taken into consideration when figuring the length of the boolit in the 1 in 20" twist?
I haven't had a whole lot of replies on the Black Powder Paper Patching site, or the Swaging site.
Maybe more paper patchers here?

Don McDowell
06-25-2011, 09:51 AM
Jack for fixed length flat based bullets the BACO moulds are tops.
When you get into the adjustable cupped based bullets there's a bunch of folks Old West, Brooks, Leeth, and KAL, none are cheap so have your checkbook braced up.
I've come to the conclusion that a bullet length of 1.3 is plenty for a 45-70.
Diameters are a matter of personal choice, some like 441, others 442 and 444 or 446, and some go to 450 and above.

06-25-2011, 03:34 PM
Anyone willin to sell or swap me some of their pp boolits to try?
500 grainers would be a good place to start.


Don McDowell
06-25-2011, 06:38 PM
Jack I can get an assortment gathered up and send to you , but it will be awhile.

06-26-2011, 02:09 AM
That would be great. I can send postage and what you need for your time and material.
This would be a big help for me to decide which mould to buy.
PM me with your requests.
Thanks again.

Don McDowell
06-26-2011, 09:47 AM
Jack it'll probably after the 4th before I can get a chance to gather you up an assortment and send. So hang tight for a little bit, and I'll pm you later in the week for your mailing addy.

06-26-2011, 11:15 AM
Thank you again Don. I appreciate the help.