View Full Version : Wire Extrusion Die

06-21-2011, 09:02 PM
Anyone got a Corbins die that could tell me the diameter of the bore? (for the slug to be extruded)

Anyone esle have an option for Hydro press?

Struggling to find the right size lead over here - unfortunatly I have a 0.225" core swage die which is a pain as ideally I need a 0.250" and then could use 6mm wire (which I can actually get)

Dont really want to have to spend ~$500 for a extrusion die, nor have to buy another core swage die, but I dont think Ihave an option?
Shipping lead across the world isnt very cost effective lol

06-22-2011, 12:25 AM
"Anyone esle have an option for Hydro press?"

Try this post


Was one I did over a year ago. I have since put a replacement orfice in the bottom to change the size of the wire. It works better with my 20 ton press.


06-22-2011, 01:06 AM
Looks good - I have thoughts about building one myself using the valve stem from a medium speed 4stroke marine engine - however I've taken this year off work to upgrade to Chief Eng ticket and dont have any machine access to turn one up at the moment.

I'm stuck either way I think, as if I brought a Corbin one or another core swage, then I'll still be waiting in 18 months..........