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View Full Version : Reloading definitions

01-02-2007, 12:29 AM
It is probably a good thing to have some definitions for the new shooters coming along, and to remind some of the old timers. Please feel free to add more, and to make corrections.

Full auto - Pickup truck on the Reservation, on Saturday night

Primer - First beer after work

Case - See above

Barrel - Used to make beer

Headspace - Pickup truck, with a high enough roof to wear your cowboy hat.

Powder - Light snow

Boolit - Used to ventilate empty beer cans. See reference above.

01-02-2007, 02:20 AM
cast- what you put on a broken limb

casting- act of above

mold- grows in damp places and stagnent water

sprue- A chronic, chiefly tropical disease characterized by diarrhea, emaciation, and anemia, caused by defective absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract.

Pb- Peanut Butter (jelly time)

stock- traded on NYSP, FTSI, and other various markets (i think i did footsie wrong)

magazine / clip- totally interchangable words that don't bother anyone to use in lue of the other

charge- how you purchase things on your credit card

double/triple charge- how your significant other uses your credit card

deprime- first stop to the rest room after you've had your primer

stuck primer. . . . .

01-02-2007, 02:14 PM
Dipper -- user of Skoal

Pot -- Don't inhale

Gas check -- The smeller's the feller

Die -- Try to get old before you do it

01-02-2007, 09:37 PM
Vibrater= what your wife or girlfriend may use
Lube= KY Jelly
Necksizer=hangman's noose
Decapper=beer bottle opener
shellholder=turtle, clam, mussel, hermit crab, etc.
compressed load=constipated

01-03-2007, 02:06 AM
brass- high ranking military officers
powder- a movie about an albino fellow with a problem with lightning
ram stroke- tragic death of a ram suffering from a heart attack
shell plate- dish of shellfish, often delicious
progressive press- movement to become more open and liberal
single stage- a short 1 act play
tin- container of skoal
antimony- what you owe every month if you are divorced