View Full Version : shooting glasses

06-11-2011, 06:13 PM
Anyone use the knobloch or varga style shooting glasses? What does anyone need to make these help poor old tired eyes?

mold maker
06-11-2011, 07:27 PM
I haven't , nor do I know any who have, but if ya find something that works I'd sure like to know all about it. I got rid of the cataracs and in less than 6 months my vision has gone down hill. The first day without the patch I could see better than ever before in my life. Now I'm really far sighted, and need 1.25 power cheaters to read anything. Distance is still good, but I'm back to scopes to shoot again.

06-11-2011, 08:42 PM
Been using these since 1984 and are probably the MOST IMPORTANT item in my shooting gear! Available from Champions Choice, LaVergne, Tennessee! Ask to speak with Homer Pearson.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2627/5800482806_f04795c682_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/61286670@N08/5800482806/)
Knobloch1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/61286670@N08/5800482806/) by Sharps45 2 7/8 (http://www.flickr.com/people/61286670@N08/), on Flickr

Additional Info

In the event some do not know....I'll add this tidbit I made reference to this same subject over on the Shiloh Forum board:

Corrected vision is a must for good target shooting results! I've been using these Knobloch shooting glasses for 27 years which was at the beginning of my acquaintance with Presbyopia. (http://www.bing.com/health/article/mayo ... presbyopia) Without a doubt, these Knobloch glasses are the most important piece of gear in my compliment of shooting equipment because if one cannot see...all is lost! If you're using aperture sights and looking through the front aperture and seeing the target clearly...then you aren't using your eyes correctly because at shot break your vision should be focused upon the front aperture.....NOT THE BULL! The eye cannot focus upon two objects at the same time and the correct procedure for using aperture sights is for the front sight (whether post or circular aperture) to be in focus and the bull should be a slight blur or slightly out of focus! If this procedure is followed with corrected vision for doing same....then the shooter will be able to shoot tighter groups and MOST IMPORTANTLY....call his shots! The use of a corrected lens is a 'trade off' basically in that the lens should be just at the right diopter strength to bring into focus the front sight while not totally removing the bullseye or target from the shooters vision. It's extremely advantageous if the shooter can be lucky enough to find an 'eye Doc' that is a shooter with the same problem because the good Doc then understands what the problem is and best how to correct. I think quite often some guys have tried lenses that are too strong whereas it may not take a diopter strength of only a .5 reading to help correct the problem!

06-11-2011, 08:48 PM
Had a catarac removed about two years ago and it really improved my vision but, still needed about 2.5 power for reading. A friend of mine uses 1.25 power when shooting iron or scopes and is an outstanding shooter considering he is past 80 years old. I bought every power between 1 and 3.0 power and they did not help me with sights, iron or scopes. I even had a set of glasses made that focused at about 36 inches. Thought it would help to see the front sight on rifle on extended hand gun. They didn't help so now I just do the best I can with open sights and can see good with scopes. I just refuse to put scopes on some guns. Have a 454 Puma and bought the scope kit that was made for it, but the scope and mount is on the shelf just couldn't bring myself to put a scope on that type lever action. Guess age takes it toll.

06-14-2011, 03:25 PM
Is there some Contact Informatio to Champions Chice, in Tn. ? Would like to Check out those Glasses. May need to Buy some. Thanks.

06-14-2011, 03:56 PM
Is there some Contact Informatio to Champions Chice, in Tn. ? Would like to Check out those Glasses. May need to Buy some. Thanks.


Doc Highwall
06-14-2011, 04:02 PM
kmag, I think 1x-3x is way too much power. I have a .3 and a .5 and I use the .3 all the time.

Jon K
06-14-2011, 05:34 PM

Some of us can't see as well as you can.


Each of us need to evaluate what your needs are. See your local eye doc and tell them of your shooting needs, and if possible take a sample(gun) for fitting.

I use +1.75 distance/+2.5 reading, as of late +2.0 rifle/+2.25 pistol to shoot. Just slightly more than distance, and just less than reaing. My eye Doc also shoots, so he understands my needs, and bringing a gun in when I have a check up is no biggie.

Have Fun Shooting,

Doc Highwall
06-14-2011, 06:11 PM
Jon K. the .3 would be over your distance prescription, not the total prescription.
I have 4.25 + with a 4.00- cylinder and I shoot with the .25 to .3 depending on what gun and front sight distance from my eye.
My corrected vision is 20/28 to 20/32.

06-14-2011, 06:47 PM
Here is a link to an O.D. that is also a pistol shooter. You might find the information beneficial.


Jon K
06-14-2011, 07:02 PM


Front sight is only a blurr @+1.5 then improves +++


Knobloch & Varga, have owned both at one time or another, well built & durable.


Doc Highwall
06-14-2011, 07:51 PM
Jon K, I said this is added to your corrected distant prescription. This is a separate lens that fits on the gun. So when I wear my glasses that are +4.25 diopters with -4.00 cylinder, and the +.3 lens, the total prescription I am looking through is +4.55 diopters with -4.00 cylinder.

Jon K
06-14-2011, 08:20 PM
Sorry I didn't catch that....I thought we were discussing Knobloch & Varga Shooting glasses.

A optical insert is not usually allowed in most shooting events..except where scope class is shot. At least the NRA events I shoot.


Doc Highwall
06-14-2011, 09:16 PM
They are legal now even for military National Match Shooting. Here is a link for them, I purchased a .25 just recently for my AR.


Jon K
06-14-2011, 09:20 PM
Silhouette.....BPCRS,or Levergun?

Doc Highwall
06-14-2011, 09:33 PM
I have Knoblochs myself and unless they are adjusted perfect can give you problems. The biggest problem is if you adjust them for prone and then try to shoot off hand they will not be aligned right.

With my match rifles I use the Anschutz diopter +-3 diopters with the two polarizer's and five colored filters.

The lenses by Bob Jones and the new Micro Sight lens are competition legal for National Match Shooting and should help out shooters. I know the one I bought was worth the money.


Hip's Ax
06-15-2011, 08:18 AM
I use Champion shooting glasses for smallbore prone but I shoot BPCR target with my normal bifocal glasses so I can read the vernier on the sight.

You should be using a much larger front aperture than you would normally think. I got my large apertures made by Distant Thunder.

My eye doctor also understands shooters. He has me bring my rifle to the office and my shooting prescription is different than my normal prescription.