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View Full Version : I hate change

06-04-2011, 07:39 AM
I miss seeing Shooters here already. I hate change.

Dan Cash
06-04-2011, 07:48 AM
Want to elaborate????

06-04-2011, 08:10 AM
Yep. Me too. Shooters.com shouldn't be forgotten.

06-04-2011, 03:14 PM
I assume there was a reason for the change.

Derned if I know what it might be.


06-04-2011, 04:51 PM
I hate change.

I hate change too. Just have to keep moving forward.

06-04-2011, 05:41 PM
Want to elaborate????

This section used to be "Shooters.com" in memory of the site that got us started. Now it's a Community Center, where I can only assume community organizers hang out.

06-04-2011, 05:43 PM
That term kinda puts me in mind of the community center where all the old folks hang out in the retirement village my mom lives in.

06-04-2011, 05:56 PM
That term kinda puts me in mind of the community center where all the old folks hang out in the retirement village my mom lives in.
Do those old folks talk about Medicare, and other political issues?

06-04-2011, 06:01 PM
Do those old folks talk about Medicare, and other political issues?

Nah, they bitch about change and how is used to be. Laughing WITH you Bret, not at you. :twisted:

Dean D.
06-04-2011, 06:23 PM
I cannot speak for Ken but I do know that he wanted this area to be an area for our members to discuss issues directly involving our members, an "Our Town" type area, i.e. injury, sickness, happy times, general tough times, you get the idea... I believe removing the "shooters" from the title was his way to try to steer posts in this section in that direction.

If you read the heading on this section it specifically asks us NOT to post shooting related threads here but rather to use the plethora of other sections specifically set aside for those types of posts. The problem is most folks never read the heading.

Just my read on the issue, Dean D.

06-04-2011, 11:41 PM
Not all change is good. If you think so, then use a corncob for the next 2 weeks. Get back to me about how great you think your change is,

Bret4207 I agree
WILCO I disagree
ACORN is also a community center............dedicated to change

give it up guys, the winds of change will not be denied, no matter.............

06-05-2011, 12:40 AM
I meant so offense, but as usual what was intended doesn't matter.

I can take all the shot's you want to take, getting used to them now.

The new header might deflect the arrows, but I doubt it.

Don't suppose anyone remembers they up and quit us,, not the other way around.

06-05-2011, 12:44 AM
If people would pay attention to what the section was meant for, it would be nice, and amazing. Apparently some can't seem to do this.

06-05-2011, 07:50 AM
Like I said, I just hate change, especially to something that works.

Dan Cash
06-05-2011, 08:00 AM
Like I said, I just hate change, especially to something that works.

I, too, dislike change for the sake of change and am sure not much on the touchy feely stuff. Don't need to be angry, though; just ignore the section and go on.

06-05-2011, 08:10 AM
It worked so it was changed! No big deal, just a slight inconvenience.

gray wolf
06-05-2011, 08:28 AM
Take something simple and complicate it ??

Bring shooters back and also have the community center, or what ever it is.
How hard is that ? I like 45's Idea--but why trash a good thing that many people liked.
In stead of a change, why not just a little push in a new direction.
Then again everything seemed to get done just fine before.
I say we have both, why not ?

06-05-2011, 08:33 AM
It takes a Village !

06-05-2011, 09:47 AM
You can't please everyone all of the time. Everyone has their own vision on how things ought to be. I like that the ownership listens to our suggestions, but it is his choice on how to run it.

Sometimes change is good and sometimes it's not. I personally think this is a great place to hang out and learn. The change doesn't bother me.

cajun shooter
06-05-2011, 10:02 AM
Bret, In One way I understand your meaning but to be true full if not for change then this forum would not be what it is today. Now that may not be to your liking but it is fact and I think that we have one of the best places to go to and discuss our feelings and help others so that this vast wealth of information is never lost but passed to the next generation of casters.

Chicken Thief
06-05-2011, 10:12 AM
I love change, especially the last week of the month:mrgreen:

Charlie Two Tracks
06-05-2011, 10:14 AM
45nut has quite a job to do here. For him and the moderators, there is quite a bit of work each day to do and it doesn't show up as something we can see. I would imagine there are quite a few PM's and emails that head their way. There is the ever present spam to deal with and monitoring posts that are "just not right". I used to be a moderator on a much smaller site and it was time consuming with very little thanks. If you look at some of the other gun sites, they can be down right viscious at times and hard to keep a focus on what you are really there for.
Thanks 45nut. You have a great site here.

06-05-2011, 10:39 AM
Regarding the comment about the ever present spam. I can't speak for the other mod's, but I enjoy the job of banning spammers. It's the digital equivalent of taking them behind the woodshed and wearing them out! I consider it a fringe benefit being able to ban a lowlife piece of vermin pukebucket spammer. If it wasn't for the watchful eyes of every forum member, helping us out by reporting the spammers, we'd never be able to keep up with all of it!

A Hearty THANK YOU to you guys out there, reporting the spammers, and everything else for that matter that needs to be dealt with.

You don't realise how much easier it is for us mods to do what we do when you guys help us out.

Carolina Cast Bullets
06-05-2011, 11:03 AM
lowlife piece of vermin pukebucket

really Ken, you must learn to be more athoritative if you are going to be a Mod here

06-05-2011, 11:50 AM
Honest question here, how does one decide if a thread should be started in the off topic forum or the community forum? Seems like there is over lap? :?:

06-05-2011, 12:54 PM
Honest question here, how does one decide if a thread should be started in the off topic forum or the community forum?
It's not the Community Center any more. Now, it's Our Town.

That would make it seem logical that you post 'off topic' (non-shooting) stuff in the Off Topic section if it is about the world in general.
If it is about the site, or the membership, if would be right at home in 'Our Town'.

General shooting subjects ... not the specialized ones like Military Rifles, Leverguns, Rimfires, etc. ... no longer have a spot. If you are about to build your own little range, or you discovered a neat trick for teaching a kid to aquire a good sight picture, it doesn't fit in Our Town.

If you are in the habit of browsing titles, looking for interesting shooting topics, that shooting section is gone. Personally, I did that daily ... and occasionally peeked into threads where a member was asking for some assistance.

Since I have no inclination to browse an Our Town section, I will never be aware of those requests in the future.

Having noted in the past how easily a new section could be made to appear if five-guys-and-one-moderator-thought-it-was-cool, I am puzzled about why 'Shooters' had to die so that 'Town' could be born ...


Ohio Rusty
06-05-2011, 01:31 PM
The only thing that stays the same is change .......
Ohio Rusty ><>

06-05-2011, 02:31 PM
I do not always like change but I can accept that it will happen. Not all change is bad, not all is good. I just have come to grips with the fact I can't stop it so I learned to love with it.

As for an "our town" section- the site owner can call it whatever he wants. That isn't change, it is called ownership.

06-05-2011, 03:42 PM
But there are some things I would kill for. This change ain't one of them.
The new title is soft and cuddly and will work for me.
I tend to resist change that has no benifit for me. Some change is good. Some change don't matter. Some changes are disgusting.
Make sure you vote. Just a little more than a year from now.

Life is good

06-05-2011, 04:00 PM
CHANGE is here. Can HOPE be far behind ? hee hee

Seriously, I read about everything on this site anyway so a different title won't affect me !

06-05-2011, 04:59 PM
But there are some things I would kill for. This change ain't one of them.
The new title is soft and cuddly and will work for me.
I tend to resist change that has no benifit for me. Some change is good. Some change don't matter. Some changes are disgusting.
Make sure you vote. Just a little more than a year from now.

Life is good

Well said.


06-05-2011, 06:31 PM
Sometimes ya just got to Bite The Boolit when things change.

06-05-2011, 06:35 PM
Ya, change is bad.

Like, getting rid of Obama. That would be change.

Like, shrinking the .gov to about 10% of what it is now.

Like, reining in our Fed budget, now that would be a huge change.

Or, we could contine on as we are, with about 3% honesty in our governments.

I think I'll stick with medical professionals that keep up with the latest technologies.

Why, you could even change my pension amount, as long as it was up!

I think 45nut should pick a new name every day until you feel better Bret. You'd get used to it. C'mon, you know you would!

:) :) :)


MT Gianni
06-05-2011, 06:48 PM
Too many people were posting shooting questions here instead of the separate forums where they could be seen and answered. If you look at this as things that deal with our members and Cast Boolits as a Forum where questions and posts that used to be split between the two I think we will get a better feel for where we want to go.
Remember the Model T, "any color you want as long as it is black" if we are not progressing we are stuck.

06-05-2011, 07:47 PM
You can't please everyone all of the time. Everyone has their own vision on how things ought to be. I like that the ownership listens to our suggestions, but it is his choice on how to run it.

Sometimes change is good and sometimes it's not. I personally think this is a great place to hang out and learn. The change doesn't bother me.



06-05-2011, 09:48 PM
"Like, shrinking the .gov to about 10% of what it is now."

Only 10%?

Or, we could contine on as we are, with about 3% honesty in our governments."

I think that number is too high.

I look at change this way: It's going to happen. It's up to me to accept it or not. Since I was born 100-years too late, the socio-economic changes within the last 25-years have been rather difficult for me to accept.

06-05-2011, 10:17 PM
The only time there will be no change is when we are dead. So what are they going to name this area next week?

06-05-2011, 10:23 PM
You know, a better name would have been Our Gang.

With some of the stuff that go's on here...It would have been a better fit.:kidding:

06-05-2011, 10:30 PM
So, keep "Our Town" and right below it, put Shooters.Com. Change!!! All you folks that make this site work do a great job. I'm still glad we're all here. Mike

06-06-2011, 12:36 AM
i was kinda wondering why i was only seeing the same few threads here last couple of days. now i dont know where to find the good threads.

06-06-2011, 07:53 AM
Jeeze, I just missed the old "Shooters" logo. I didn't realize I needed help...Dr. Phil! Where are ya?