View Full Version : ?'s about lead wire

tomme boy
06-03-2011, 11:24 PM
A friend of mine is a private contractor. He works on telephone wire replacement. They let him keep all of the wire he replaces.

He calls me up tonite and says he is doing a new job. He has about 800lbs of this wire. What the wire is, is about 2" diameter of copper wire. It is encased in pure lead that is about 1/8" thick. This stuff is very very soft and is supposed to be pure lead.

Tonite I cut up about 120ft of it into 6" sections. I melted it all down and ended up with about 150lbs. :):):) All free. Got to love it. Also about 50lbs of copper wire that is going to the scrap yard tomorrow.

Has anyone else ever seen or used this type before? He said he has been just taking it to the scrapyard. But now that he knows I can use it, I can have it till I am sick of it. It is going to take a little bit to get all of this melted down. Now, what to do with pure lead?

06-03-2011, 11:33 PM
I'm sure you can sell all of it on this forum that you'd care to - assuming the price is right.

06-04-2011, 12:09 AM
I used to be able to get it from a friend of mine who worked for the phone company. I used it in muzzle loaders a lot. It is some of the softest lead I have ever used. Take all you can get of it would be my suggestion.

06-04-2011, 12:15 AM
You can mix it 50/50 with WW for pistol boolits. You'll have to add a little tin, though.
You could also mix it with lead shot and tin to make a WW like alloy.