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View Full Version : Help! Looking For Hard to Find Nose Punches!

06-04-2005, 12:32 AM
Hi Guys,

To paraphrase Princess Leia, "...you're my only hope..." Just finished posting a "Wanted" ad in the exchange forum, but am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm in desperate need of two RCBS top/nose punches to fit RCBS/Lyman luber/sizers for sizing cast bullets. I'm looking for #506 RCBS P/N 85506, which fits RCBS mould 22-55-SP and the #115 RCBS P/N 82504 which fits RCBS mould 09-115-RN. I've searched all the local gun shops, and checked with all the mail-order houses up here in Canada. Both punches appear to be scarcer' 'n hens teeth. I've been searching for the past month. Now I've got two new moulds, two new guns and can't load a single darn bullet while the prime shooting weather is passing my by! Any ideas, hints, tips, etc...would be very welcome, 'cause it looks like I'm out of options. Thanks! You can reach my via E-mail at sgpenney@gmail.com

06-04-2005, 12:57 AM
..............X man, in the interests of International relations with our frozen neighbor's to the north in Socialistic Canukistan, I would be happy to make one each for you for the cost of shipping via return mail to said location. However, you would first have to send me one each of these slugs to go by.

If I might take this moment to suggest that now would be a good time to consider one of the 7x10" lathes currently selling for less then $400 U.S Federal Reserve bucks. You would be able to manufacture nose punches, lube-size dies, push through dies, pins, screws, bushings, shellholders, M die plugs, firing pins, de-capper bodies, seater plugs and etc, etc to your heart's content and the amazement and accolades of freinds and relatives alike.[smilie=w:


06-04-2005, 03:18 PM
use the boolet for the facing-mould and using a flat punch as a base apply either JB weld or hot melt glue to a saran wrapped coated boolet & let set

My Lee 155 2R is a reeel pointy-tip and no such punch is around and my home made punch has worked for years


06-04-2005, 08:29 PM
Hi Buckshot! Thanks for the very kind offer! I believe a fellow board member may have the punches I'm looking for, so I may be able to save you some trouble! :)

I would dearly love to own my own lathe and milling machine. In fact, there were two of each up for auction at Fitzpatrick's Auction House (About 1.5 hour drive from me) today. However, I had several fields that need to be plowed in for a late planting, so that had to take precedence. June 24th they have another auction that's devoted exclusively to industrial tools and machinery that has been declared excess to need at the nearby Hibernia Off-shore oil field manufacturing facility. (If you ever caught either of the shows the Discovery Channel did on Newfoundland's Hibernia oil field and the massive GBS oil rig you'd know what I was talking about. Biggest gravity based oil rig in the world) I'm hoping that second time will be the charm. Already have someone lined up to take care of the stock for me.

To the others guys who posted and PM'ed, thanks for taking the time! It is much appreciated...makes me feel all warm and fuzzy...like we're back to the "good ole' days" of the Cast Bullet Board on Shooters.com :wink: