View Full Version : What is a good price for an ejector?

Utah Shooter
06-02-2011, 08:50 PM
Just curious.

Red River Rick
06-02-2011, 10:10 PM
Sorry, but you asked..............NOT $100.00.


06-02-2011, 10:19 PM
BTSniper of this forum makes and sells them. Ask him for a quote, as it may vary, depending on which press you have.

Utah Shooter
06-02-2011, 10:36 PM
No that is fine red. Part of why I am asking.

I am thinking of doing them myself and thinking how much to charge Shaggist. I know under 100 now. But how much would be helpfull to others and myself as well?

06-03-2011, 10:21 AM
about 15.00 in material and a 6yr kid can drill the holes. just some flat iron and reddy rod.
If you can't build one yourself what the H**l are you swaging for or even reloading. if you re loded to the gills with money buy one .
I boughtt a "homemade" bullet making die to make 44 mag bullets. It was a C&H conversion and the add on prts were substandard t best. so I just ordered the complete die from C&H end of problems.
The manufactures stay in business because they have made quality products for years. There are always going to be people with ideas some work some flop just like the defective parts in the make over die I have. I sold the die for a 100.00 but the guy brought it back because he could not get it to work either. I have aa degree in diesel mechanics and machining.electrician and plumbing so I do know what shaddy workmanship is.
If you can't do it right when do you have time to do it over. If that is good enough does that make it right.
Some of the things I have seen is nothing more than africian engineering. If a person has a welder does thaat make him a welder no difference than calling someone a mchinist becuse they have a lathe.
I have to get baack to my mold making so I can get the injecting going jsut contact me if you have a bone to pick in anything I have said I have pictures and facts

Utah Shooter
06-03-2011, 12:08 PM
So you are saying maybe 20 bucks?

BT Sniper
06-03-2011, 12:14 PM

How come you just didn't send the die back to the one that sold the conversion to you? I'm sure he would have reset the die back to it's orginial correct settings, replaced parts you where not happy with it or refunded you for your purchase.

Seems there is a lot of guys here using the same "homemade" die with perfect results. Maybe yours could have been fixed.

I'm glad the stock CH dies are working for you. There are those of us that have not been as lucky when using the stock CH parts to make bullets from brass.

As for the ejector anyone is free to make their own. It is just a matter of how much your time is worth to you and if you have the tools to do so.

Good shooting,


Red River Rick
06-03-2011, 12:23 PM
......about 15.00 in material and a 6yr kid can drill the holes. just some flat iron and reddy rod.

Well not quite! The material portion may be close, but a 6 year old! Come on now, lets be realistic.


Price would depend on what the material costs are and the amount of time you actually put into making these ejectors. Remember, your not going to get top shop rates for the machining time you have into this project.

If the price your asking is what you need to recoup your costs, it may be better to reconsider this project.



Utah Shooter
06-03-2011, 12:38 PM
Oh these will be done on a cnc. So tolerances will be way better than someone trying to drill holes in it while holding it in their hand.

I would not want to make them just to recoup costs. Time spent on them and material spent. But at an affordable price to others.

BT Sniper
06-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Just what would this ejector look like? How would it attach to the ram? What press/dies would it work with? Do you offer a new threaded ram in the offered price?

Many here post pictures of their ideas and list in great detail how they have come about the sucess they have had in making bullets and offering help and ideas so others can improve upon their success. It is a great feeling to help someone achive somthing great.

I must say the ejector I have come up with turned out to look quite similar to "swagerman's" though it was not my intention to begin with. Who's will yours look like? Point being as long as there are those of us that post pics of our work on the net we always run the risk of copies. This is a great sight with alot of helpful and knowlegble members, I can only hope they continue to post pics and info of their work. Feel free to use those pics or ideas I have posted to better your "personal" swaging experience. I am glad I could help.

Should you try to sell a product I say to anyone feel free to make what ever you want. From what I have learned customer satisfaction and quality products is important no matter what the cost. Prove your design works and post pics of what you have to offer. If you chose to sell on this sight be fimilar with the rules of doing so reguarding vedor sponsorship.

Good shooting and Swage On!


06-03-2011, 01:30 PM
Materials are usually 1/3 of the price and labor is the other 2/3s, so if you have $6 in materials $18 is about right. CNC means less time more profit. You have no time in research and development, I have seen that design before.

Utah Shooter
06-03-2011, 01:49 PM
Not sure if there really is a way to get away from this design unless it is the box and spring method. Or as Blackmon does with it flipped over and the auto eject is built into the ram.

Gathered from this design.


Diameter of how it attaches to the ram can be made per ejector. Just need to know what press is being used.

I have contacted 45nut.

You have no time in research and development, I have seen that design before.

? Of course it has been seen before. It is a tried and true method. Used it for over 200 cores the night before last.

06-03-2011, 09:12 PM
This is a picture of my CH4D Champion Press with the bullet ejector custom made by BTSniper.

Some of us have no machining capabilities, so we must depend on others who do to provide something that we can't do ourselves. BTS made this for my press, which has a 1.186" diameter ram. I liked his design, he used top quality materials, made and delivered it in a timely fashion, and it has worked superbly ever since. I remember his price, delivered, as being $135.00, which I felt was very fair.

If you have the skills to make your own, I envy you. But keep in mind, that price isn't everything when you buy or sell a product. I doubt that anyone will make a better press out of better materials and deliver it in less time than Brian did.

It is like anything else. You makes your choice and you pays your money.

Utah Shooter
06-03-2011, 09:44 PM
That is a nice looking ejector. I should definately mount mine to a press and take a photo. I do believe that I can even get them powder coated as well for about 5-10 bucks a piece.

06-04-2011, 09:54 AM
At $135 I guess I might have to go buy some materials and start making a bunch of them.

Taking orders!:kidding:

06-04-2011, 11:45 AM
Is anyone making a copy of the "cam-type" C-H ejector ?

06-04-2011, 12:10 PM
Is anyone making a copy of the "cam-type" C-H ejector ?

I can do that! There is more machine time than the others and some welding, so the cost will be higher.

Utah Shooter
06-04-2011, 12:47 PM
At $135 I guess I might have to go buy some materials and start making a bunch of them.

Taking orders!

I think that is too high of a price. Or at least that is what I am gathering.

Thus the start of the thread. I was going to make them and try to sell them myself and that is why I asked.

Thanks for the hijack. :hijack:

06-04-2011, 01:03 PM
CH Bullet Ejector.

I had some made up for me by a friend with a small machine shop. Here are some tips on how to improve on the design:

1. Make the roller cam at least 1" wide, so there's more bearing surface
2. Make the handle from 1/2" stock, or it will bend or break. Don't reduce the size of the handle to fit into the roller cam. It can be fitted into a 1/2" hole and a set screw can hold it in place, instead of threading. Just machine a flat on the handle for the set screw to bear on inside the roller cam.
3. Make the pivot pin larger, or it will bend
4. Drill the collar that goes onto the die for three set screws, spaced evenly, to keep it from slipping
5. No need to weld the uprights. A groove can be milled into the upright, and a flat on the collar, then a machine screw will hold it in place. A lip on the bottom of the upright will bear on the bottom of the collar and help with keeping it in place.

It's important that the collar doesn't slip, or the roller cam won't be properly aligned with the top of the ejector and will push sideways, rather than straight down.

Mine work well and are fast to use. It gives you the opportunity to eject the finished bullet when your hand is under it to catch it, rather than on the downstroke of the press. This is more convenient for me and I don't have bullets hitting the floor.

Hope this helps.


BT Sniper
06-04-2011, 01:28 PM
[QUOTE=Utah Shooter;
Thanks for the hijack.[/QUOTE]

Many here are capible of making these ejectors. Heck I say if copying of others work and selling of their ideas is to be allowed on this forum without vendor sponsorship I invite anyone and everyone to offer this ejector. Lets drive the price so low everyone can have one and no one profits.

b2riesel, Deltaenterprises, anyone else, GO FOR IT! Utah has posted great pics.

From the looks of the work Utah has had done it looks top notch. How about your cost of material X 3 then and lets shoot for $30 a piece or lower.

At least B2riesel realized this exact product was allready offered and to him I still think highly of but now I say... Go for it B2. If cut throat tactics, compition and lowballing are to be the norm here I say let the buyers chose who to be loyal too.

Utah, Like I said your product looks very well made, I should know! Why couldn't we have worked together on this one? I would have been happy to offer yours or anyones product under my "vendor sponsorship" allowing everyone more profits and a quality product to the public. This was my thinking with B2 as well and now I say to all go for it if these are to be the tactics used on this forum.

I am not against compition and don't get me wrong. I am just against people copying designs others post on the open forum freely for others to use for "personal" gain and people selling products on this great sight without Vendor Sponsorship.

As this sight grows we will attract many people with the talents to copy other's work that has been posted. It will not be long till no one shares their thoughts and ideas if they are to be stolen and used for other's profit.

Let the Customers decide I guess.

Glad your happpy with your purchase Shaggist, thanks for your support.

Swage On!


06-04-2011, 04:41 PM
Many here are capible of making these ejectors. Heck I say if copying of others work and selling of their ideas is to be allowed on this forum without vendor sponsorship I invite anyone and everyone to offer this ejector. Lets drive the price so low everyone can have one and no one profits.

b2riesel, Deltaenterprises, anyone else, GO FOR IT! Utah has posted great pics.

From the looks of the work Utah has had done it looks top notch. How about your cost of material X 3 then and lets shoot for $30 a piece or lower.

At least B2riesel realized this exact product was allready offered and to him I still think highly of but now I say... Go for it B2. If cut throat tactics, compition and lowballing are to be the norm here I say let the buyers chose who to be loyal too.

Utah, Like I said your product looks very well made, I should know! Why couldn't we have worked together on this one? I would have been happy to offer yours or anyones product under my "vendor sponsorship" allowing everyone more profits and a quality product to the public. This was my thinking with B2 as well and now I say to all go for it if these are to be the tactics used on this forum.

I am not against compition and don't get me wrong. I am just against people copying designs others post on the open forum freely for others to use for "personal" gain and people selling products on this great sight without Vendor Sponsorship.

As this sight grows we will attract many people with the talents to copy other's work that has been posted. It will not be long till no one shares their thoughts and ideas if they are to be stolen and used for other's profit.

Let the Customers decide I guess.

Glad your happpy with your purchase Shaggist, thanks for your support.

Swage On!


why does it have to be cut-throat ??? there are plenty of people on this site that make bullet molds !!! i have my preferance and i pay more for them so like you said let the buyer pic which one he likes best !! as far as copying goes.. i thought you got the ejector idea from swagerman ??? unless i misunderstood your post you got it from him and are making personal gain !! just asking !!! not lookin for another flame war !!

06-04-2011, 04:47 PM
I did contact the "maker of the die" this was an early model where holes are off center and a bolt was cut off with a hacksaw. It appears to be drilled by hand, unless the tilt table ws not checked before drilling I am sure the using of a hacksaw is maybe upgraded to a chopsaw.
I just called C&H and purchased replacement parts
I also have a herters die for the 44 mag and that has no problem with annealed 40 cal. jackets
i have to get back to the injection molding Have a good day.

C&H cam ejector works really good on pistol. Have'n tried it on the 308 bullets. Still have a couple thousand made back in the 70's

06-04-2011, 05:13 PM
BT, the gentleman asked what a fair price was and revealed that he is using CNC equipment to produce them. I have run CNC machines so I know how long it will take to turn our those parts and about what the materials cost. I do not intend to produce any of those ejectors and I do have access to CNC equipment if I wanted to produce them.

There is not a big enough market for even 10 of those units and I would be bald as a cue ball and any hair left would be white as snow before I sold the last one. The post is in jest, but for $100 to $135 it is tempting

People that do not have knowledge of machine tools are in awe of what they can do. I see 8 holes and maybe two that may or may not be tapped and 2 lengths of threaded rod. With the parts stacked 3 holes are drilled and the 1'' hole needs to be opened up, how long does that take? Add opening the 1'' hole and drilling the holes in the side and maybe tapping them and then cut the slots, then assemble product.
Even on a manual machine the longest operation is the slot in the bottom part, if the OP does not want an honest answer do not ask the question!

Utah Shooter
06-04-2011, 05:24 PM
Utah, Like I said your product looks very well made, I should know! Why couldn't we have worked together on this one? I would have been happy to offer yours or anyones product under my "vendor sponsorship" allowing everyone more profits and a quality product to the public. This was my thinking with B2 as well and now I say to all go for it if these are to be the tactics used on this forum.

I am not against compition and don't get me wrong. I am just against people copying designs others post on the open forum freely for others to use for "personal" gain and people selling products on this great sight without Vendor Sponsorship.

As this sight grows we will attract many people with the talents to copy other's work that has been posted. It will not be long till no one shares their thoughts and ideas if they are to be stolen and used for other's profit.


I am not following you BT. Are you saying that I am copying your design? It is just kind of a common sense way to maken ejector in my opinion.

I have yet to sell one of these on this site. Yes I did try but pulled it off after talking to someone about how to go about it the right way.

I contacted 45Nut on Vendor Sponsorship. I am just feeling the waters on this one before I go about and make some for selling. In which is why this topic was posted. I am curious as of the interest that one would have on this particular type of product.

if the OP does not want an honest answer do not ask the question!

I do want an honest opinion. Why I asked.

06-05-2011, 07:44 AM
O' Boy, this place gets heated while I'm away at work all night. I'm only replying because my name was brought up...yep...I didn't know that Brian already offered this product and thought I'd help out one or two other people by offering to make them one...but that was about all I was interested in...maybe a half dozen at the most. Then when I found out that Brian was making them I backed off..because he intends to do this stuff seriously and I was just trying to be helpful.

Now, if I was going to do it seriously...I'd have to charge the same or more as Brian does. While the materials bought in bulk may not be expensive...your time is. You also have to figure in waste from screwing up a part here and there. Ofcourse some people may have 'access' to a machine shop equipment and be able to make stuff cheap...because they don't have to pay for electricity or wear and tear on the machine. I don't know about most places of employment but mine will let you do something for yourself every now and then...but if I tried to remotely make stuff for sale my butt would be on the street in about 10 seconds...with 9 of those seconds being the wind up and swing of the foot before it hits my butt.

Now...off to sleep I go to dream of actually having some time off to shoot some of the 20,000 .40 S&W boolits I have made with the equipment I got from BTSniper.

Thanks Brian!!!

BT Sniper
06-05-2011, 01:00 PM
Glad I could help B2. Save some jackets and cores. I might need you to test out a new die for me soon:) Possibly even some 22 cal bullets.

Swage On

As for the price of the ejector I charge/charged what it cost me in tools and material to make one complete ejector. I figured this would be the out of pocket cost for anyone that wanted to make one of these themselfs. As I recall the special 1" boring bit I got was around $80. The fit of this 1" hole is critical and I was not sure a standard $30 1" drill bit would have done the job. Then add on the steel, allthread, nuts, and cutting tools/grinders, not to mention wether or not the customer has a decent drill press let allone a CNC machine. I make all the ones I offer on a large milling machine as well to ensure pression and quality. Then the cost for anyone to actually make one to the same quality as these allready shown is nearing, or over $100. Basicly I figured for the cost I save them the time of making it themselfs. Not to mention what a challenge that relief grove is to cut with out CNC!!!

Obviously there is ways to cut costs. As for a market.... well that all depends on the seller's ability to promote the product. Delta was some what correct in that there hasn't been a huge demand for them yet, and is correct that I have sold less then 10, maybe much less I would have to check, but for anyone that has used one of these ejectors vs. a hammer I would imagine you may have felt the same way I did. Jump up for joy! I know anyone that has one of these either purchased or made themselfs would say the same thing, Using a hammer sucks :)

Good shooting,


06-05-2011, 02:53 PM
The 1'' hole is not a critical fit, that is why the slots are there. There no critical fits on the whole assembly. This is not a precision item.

Building a better mouse trap is what American capitalism is all about. If you have a better idea or a way to make something cheaper and better the market will beat a path to your door.
Competition is what makes better and cheaper products and is why we have the standard of living we enjoy today.

The better machinist is determined by the one that can produce the same product of equal quality in the least amount of time. This ability comes with experience. Being able to look at a part and visualize the operations necessary to produce the part without changing set ups or machines and using existing tooling so it takes the least amount of time and money.

Those fancy dueling pistols from the 1600s were made with drills, saws and files, that was all that was available and it took 6 months to produce them. Through competition we now can produce a much better pistol in about 6 hours for much less cost and better performance.

BT Sniper
06-05-2011, 04:22 PM
The closer the tollerance on the fit of the part to the 1" ram the less torque required to sqeeze and hold tight. NO? You can only force a 3/4 x 1 1/2" piece of steel to bend so much in my experience no matter how big the slots are unless the base was two pieces clamped together.


06-05-2011, 05:34 PM
But once you cut the slot, the stress in the steel causes the opening to spring open and you lose any precision that existed before the slot was cut.
The purpose of the slot is to allow the part to fit over the ram without a precise hole diameter.
The nominal 1'' diameter ram may be .999'' or 1.001, unless it is checked with a micrometer there is no way to know.
The part is designed for a friction fit between the part and the ram by contact of the radius with the ram. Even if the radius is too small or oversized tightening the 2 bolts will distort the part to fit around the ram. The part is designed to allow for a drilled hole.

BT Sniper
06-05-2011, 05:39 PM
Didn't think about the steel springing open.


06-05-2011, 05:58 PM
The whole system is designed to be able to be made with a drill press, or possibly a hand drill, a hacksaw, a half round file and a vise, with no precise fitting.

Utah Shooter
06-05-2011, 08:11 PM
with no precise fitting.

Right does not have be dead nuts. Just prettier when in is closer to.

06-11-2011, 06:08 PM
How come you just didn't send the die back to the one that sold the conversion to you? I'm sure he would have reset the die back to it's orginial correct settings, replaced parts you where not happy with it or refunded you for your purchase.

Looking at the die it takes more than a drill press and a side grinder to be a machinist
I can post a picture of how far the "ejector bolt" or a bolt that was cut off with a hacksaw and just how far the hole is off center that the ejector bolt goes thru. with the high price, quality should be a concern.

Self ejector on e-bay is bid at 25.00 looks to be better quality 2 bolts to fasten it to the ram instead of the slot cut with a hacksaw and pinched on just one side with one bolt.
Looks like it is a lot better made appears like time and effort was involved


06-12-2011, 04:10 PM
Ejector sold today on Ebay for $57

06-12-2011, 05:58 PM
who sold it?

06-12-2011, 06:56 PM
"who sold it?"

