View Full Version : leatherwood malcolm scopes again

05-30-2011, 10:03 PM
yes i know this again but after a search i cant find any posts about the 30 " long 6x scope , due to age and already poor eyesight ive decided its time for a scope for at least one of my sharps and i realy like the looks of the longer scope . i'd be interested in some feed back on this using the dovetail mounts , call me a sissy but i dont care to drill and tap for a mount .. i dont plan on using it for any match shooting , just banging steel for entertainment and maybe a bit of hunting ... what can i expect for a max range , repeatability and durabilty of the dovetail mounts ....

05-31-2011, 08:37 PM
I have one of the long ones on my Sharps and have had no issues with it other than the same with all the screws on all 3 of my black powder rifles in that screws want to loosen so I have gotten used to checking them every 5 shots or so. The scope is very repeatable and if it was set to hit at 100 yds when I leave then it is the same next time I come to shoot. I did add two of the recoil rings, one on each side of the rear clamp so the scope does not move fore/aft. So far it has worked fine out to 300 tds.