View Full Version : Are the new 3oz WW the same alloy as smaller WW??

zomby woof
05-26-2011, 08:17 PM
With the new lead WW law in NY, I've come across some unused large WW. They are mostly 3oz. Are these larger WW of a different alloy than the smaller ones? Most of the pails I've gotten in the past were majority small WW and a few large. This pail is the opposite. Before I render them. Is it advantages to separate the larger ones and keep them as a separate (maybe harder) alloy?

05-26-2011, 08:26 PM
If a new 3 ounce weight is larger than the old 3 ounce weights, then it has to be because it's less dense. They are probably Zinc or Iron. Check the weight with a magnet. If it's not ferrous, my money is on Zinc.

05-26-2011, 09:24 PM
After the magnet test, check them with a pair of wire cutters to see if they're zinc.
If you can cut into them, then they are lead. If you barely scratch the surface then they are zinc.

05-26-2011, 10:13 PM
If they are lead and I bet they are, they are likely the same alloy as your average wheel weight, just bigger for really crooked wheels. I'd melt them all together after sorting out the Zinc ones per bumpo628's advice.

His wire cutter trick has saved me more than once. You can't miss a Zinc that way!

05-29-2011, 10:52 AM
I ran up on 500lbs of unused 3 3/4oz wheelweights at the recycler about 2 months ago. They appeared to be softer then most of the large wheel wheelweights I've seen in the past. No issues ingotizing or casting boolits. I'm thinking that since they were 6-7" long there was little call for their use at the tire store and the recycler was one option for their disposal. When I saw them I got a big smile on my face, and then thought I ain't got enough buckets. One of the guys that works in the yard said they came in the day before. I got them for a nice shiny $100 bill.
My advice is to melt hell out of them before they get away.

05-29-2011, 11:07 AM
If you can pinch them with cutters - they are most likely lead. Even though the formula for ww alloy has changed slightly over the years they should be the same alloy as the smaller weights. Good find!Robert

white eagle
05-29-2011, 11:48 AM
no need to cut if you can bend them with pliers they are lead