View Full Version : lee 459-405HB need help (45-70)

05-24-2011, 10:20 AM
Ok so last night I was in my local gun shop and this mold was on the shelf so I said why not and picked ut up. Opinions please? Will this work in my marlin 1895 45-70 also anyone have experience with this mold, esp with imr3031

05-24-2011, 10:38 AM
I find it to be an excellent shooting boolit. I have not heard much on how it does for hunting.

05-24-2011, 11:32 AM
I find it to be an excellent shooting boolit. I have not heard much on how it does for hunting.

How do you load it, and what rifle do you shoot it out of?

05-24-2011, 11:52 AM
How do you load it, and what rifle do you shoot it out of?
The Leverguns forum srction probably has the audience you are looking for.

05-24-2011, 12:30 PM
mb007, I use that CB in my Marlin #336 .45-70 and am quite impressed with how accurate it is. 26-28gr. H/IMR 4198 or XMP 5744 are good powders to start with. Be advised that each 50fps of speed you add will noticeably increase recoil. Btw, 65-70gr. FFg (compressed) works as well as the newfangled smokeless stuff, but you'll need to cast those bullets of a softer alloy and use a BP lube as well.

05-24-2011, 12:38 PM
I use it in a Trapdoor with a very worn and oversized bore that would not work with
anything else. It expanded enough to fill the rifling and shot very accurately.

I believe that if you push it hard with a slow powder, which will give a high muzzle pressure,
you will get to a point where the skirt blows out as it exits the muzzle and accy will
go to zero. At muzzle pressures below that point, it should be an excellent performer.


05-24-2011, 12:52 PM
I use it in my 1895 SS Marlin with Micro grove barrel over 17gr of Unique and it is a great load
I have also shot it over IMR 3031 but off hand I don't remembe rthe load but it did work well
I use LLA lube on all the bullets I shoot and it works great!

05-24-2011, 01:07 PM
these are the answers i am looking for. keep them coming guys. when i find a mold local i like to pick it up because there is no shipping involved. i was thinking of casting them of ww and water dropping. all i have on hand at the moment is unique, hp-38, w231, h110, reloader 22, and imr3031. looked at some 4198 last night but didnt get any. once the rifle shows up ill slug it and get a sizer for it.

05-24-2011, 01:32 PM
I am willing to bet that the Lee 405 HB is the most commonly use design among 45/70 shooters regardless of rifle type or powder type.
Even though it was intended for BP in the Springfield Trapdoor it has become a universally accepted design for all 45/70s

Chicken Thief
05-24-2011, 02:32 PM
I am willing to bet that the Lee 405 HB is the most commonly use design among 45/70 shooters regardless of rifle type or powder type.
Even though it was intended for BP in the Springfield Trapdoor it has become a universally accepted design for all 45/70s

Amen bro!

It might not shoot to max perfection but, it will make any 45-70 (and Danish RB) shoot pretty decent at the least. I thing it is because of the large grease grooves and the hollow bottom, it will "swage" and swell to fit "any" barrel. I am on mould #2 the first got tossed after @5000 castings (the nose pour hole got wel worn and quite oval).

05-24-2011, 03:14 PM
any tricks to know about nose pouring?

05-24-2011, 04:02 PM
"Any tricks to know about nose pouring?"

Not so much about nose pouring, but hollow base, Al mold pouring. In short, once you degrease and thoroughly dry the mold,* you need to adjust your furnace temp. to ~800 deg. F until you get perfectly filled out CB's, i.e., no wrinkles on the nose, body, or HB. You can then reduce the temp. to ~740 - 750 deg. Although some [now] frown upon it, I generally smoke my Lee molds with wooden matches for better casting. A butane cig. lighter also works, but do either when the mold is hot so as to avoid condensation in the mold cavity. Be sure you smoke the HB pin as well.

*hot water with dish soap and an old toothbrush work very well as does clear mineral spirits (not the eco-friendly white variety) and toothbrush.

06-03-2011, 10:43 AM
Check this link for some good info/results on the Lee 405 HB ... link (http://www.marlinowners.com/forums/index.php/topic,79268.0.html)