View Full Version : Ohaus sclae?

05-17-2011, 08:03 PM
I've been offered a Ohaus scale, turns out to be some kind of triple beam with added weights to go up to 2610 gr. Would this be too cumbersome to weigh powder charges, or the bee's knees? He's asking 60 clams.


05-17-2011, 08:08 PM
I can't envision why the typical reloader( unless you were loading 105 mm rounds ) would ever need that kind of weighing capacity.

Makes me wonder if the scale could weigh that much , just how sensitive it would be at say.....3.0 grs. of B'Eye.

You might be better off spending your $60 on some other style.

That's my .02 on the subject.

05-17-2011, 08:17 PM
I have one of the older OHAUS 5 scales balance beams. I bought it when I started reloading
in 1965. Looks like it's going to out last me.
It goes to 500 grains on the beam, then you can add the weight that came with it, and start
over from 500, and it will weigh up to 1000 grains. Great for weighing my big 45-70 boolits.
This is a very accurate set of scales. I still see them on fle-bay quite often. If something was
to happen to the one that I have, I would buy another one in a heartbeat.

05-17-2011, 08:31 PM
I have one of those triple beam scales, and have been thinking it wouldn't be bad with the extra weights (which I lack) to weigh small ingots and solder for the casting pot. Sixty is no great bargain, though, as I think that's in the auction price ballpark.

05-17-2011, 08:39 PM
As long as it weighs in GRAINS instead of GRAMS .

Wayne Smith
05-17-2011, 09:17 PM
As long as it weighs in GRAINS instead of GRAMS .

It doesn't, it weighs in grams or lbs and oz. They have models for both. NOT useful for powder, obviously, but otherwise a very accurate and useful scale.

05-17-2011, 09:52 PM
They are excellant lab scales that were much more than reloaders usually needed and the design priced them out of the market. If it's a model calibrated in grains (and some were) $60 is a bargain price.

05-17-2011, 10:09 PM
Lots of good info, thanks! I checked out ohaus' web page, the model most similar to the pic the seller sent does indeed appear to measure in grams, not grains. I'll ask the seller for certain first chance I get, I suspect he paid no attention when I told him I was looking for a scale accurate to 0.1 grain.

05-18-2011, 12:54 AM
Get one of these instead: Dillon Eliminator
It is also made by Ohaus.


05-18-2011, 11:24 AM
Ask him if it is the dial-o-matic model. They make a third model not shown here yet that has weights on the ballance beam for tens and ones and a dial for 0.1 grain incriments. It was made by ohaus and marketed under the ohaus and rcbs name brands. It is a jim dandy scale and a bargin at $60. I bought mine damaged for pennies and sent it back to ohaus for repair. That was twenty years ago and it is still going strong.

05-18-2011, 11:49 AM
I also have an RCBS 304 "Dial-O-Matic". Although I have a couple other beam scales the 304 is the most convenient.
As jgt pointed out the dial is in 0.1 grains. It gives very reproduceable results !

Ohaus also made the exact same scale in grams.



05-18-2011, 11:55 AM
Ohaus also made a 3100 Dial-o-GRAIN scale that measured in grains and went up to 3100 grains. Looks very similar to the RCBS 304, but had a vernier-type measurement on the dial.

As a side not, Ohaus does not make any of them anymore, and when I contacted them, they said they will no longer provide parts or service for them. I have an RCBS 304 and love it.

05-18-2011, 06:13 PM
The seller reports indeed the scale measures in grams, not grains. I'll look elsewhere. Thanks for the great 4-1-1.

05-19-2011, 01:40 PM
I also have an RCBS 304 "Dial-O-Matic". Although I have a couple other beam scales the 304 is the most convenient.
As jgt pointed out the dial is in 0.1 grains. It gives very reproduceable results !

Ohaus also made the exact same scale in grams.


Got the exact same scale...

Puchased it sometime in the early 80's I think. I know I didn't have many $$$$ back then, but I sure am glad I purchased it..

I also have other beam scales, but the 304 is the one set up on my reloading bench...

Priced any of them on E-bay? Phewwwww...


05-19-2011, 11:27 PM
I have an Ohaus 3100 Dial-o-GRAIN.

That is a $200 scale [that you can't get anymore] for $60.