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View Full Version : Bullet broke, Colt jammed

Silver Jack Hammer
05-15-2011, 10:18 AM
Yesterday my 3rd gen SAA bp frame jammed and I thought it was a broken spring. I was shooting 454190 straight wheelweights sized .454" lubed with Alox. 5.6 gr. Red Dot. What happened was a bullet broke in half in the cylinder under recoil, the front part of the bullet came forward and sdtuck out of the front of the cylinder preventing me from being able to cock the revolver. The broken piece of the bullet was sticking out of the front of the cylinder just enough to jam the gun. The front piece of the broken bullet caught on the barrel and prevented me from being able to turn the cylinder. I knew immediately my pour had been interupted. I dip with a ladel rather than bottom pour. Obviously, and I think I remember pouring half a mold and going back and pouring the second half right away. Not soon enough. The second half of the pour did not adhere to the first half of the bullet in the mould and it broke while shooting. I was just practicing close and fast shooting by myself so nothing was lost and knowledge was gained. My first post on Cast Boolits.

05-15-2011, 10:40 AM
Welcome to the fire. You will enjoy it here. Lots of good people here and a few old buzzards, just like a real family.

Oh, we need pics of the gun!!:)
Pics important here.

05-15-2011, 10:43 AM
Jack, you got the first part right. You asked yourself 'What did I do wrong?' and found it. Didn't go blaming the equipment or alloy. That's great!

Now for the second part. Remember the lesson well enough not to do it again. Fortunately no pain was involved.

Keep casting and keep learning. Good Luck

05-15-2011, 10:44 AM
Welcome with your first post, you will love it here. :Fire:
That was a strange thing to happen but you found the reason. :drinks:

05-15-2011, 10:50 AM
Welcome, SJH. This is a good gang, some silly, some Old & Ugly (like me), but no flames. Glad to have you among us.

gray wolf
05-15-2011, 12:23 PM
So now that he is all welcomed up and feels warm and fuzzy,
How do we help him out ?

05-15-2011, 12:39 PM
Welcome to the forum. I'd be willing to bet some of the geezers here have done the same thing at some time in their lives.

05-15-2011, 01:48 PM
So now that he is all welcomed up and feels warm and fuzzy,
How do we help him out ?

Pretty sure he's figured his issue at this point.

Seems we can't help him quite yet.

Phat Man Mike
05-15-2011, 02:12 PM
Welcome to the forum ![smilie=w: and glad your ok and your pistol. :bigsmyl2: sounds like you where shooting last Friday to me. :veryconfu I'm sure that this will happen to me one day but hope not to soon. :oops:

05-15-2011, 02:25 PM
Any interuptsion could be a MAJOR problem. The casting gods just sent you a wake-up call. No distractions ever. Oh yeah! Welcome

MT Gianni
05-15-2011, 03:07 PM
A good piece pf advice for those who want to make soft nose boolits without ensuring the alloys are joined. I have seen them break in a sizer but not in a cylinder. Thanks and Welcome.

05-15-2011, 03:22 PM
A good piece pf advice for those who want to make soft nose boolits without ensuring the alloys are joined. I have seen them break in a sizer but not in a cylinder. Thanks and Welcome.

Good thought, Gianni. This phenomenon iis outside my experience, and I also thank the original poster for sharing this event as his initial post. Food for thought, certainly.


05-15-2011, 04:08 PM
I shoot lead bullets almost exclusively & have to say, never seen that one happen, but the way you described your pour, I could see that happening.

05-15-2011, 04:14 PM
I am glad nothing bad happened to you and/or the pistol. Most everything I have learned worthwhile came from my mistakes. We tend to remember those.

05-15-2011, 04:42 PM
Welcome to the group - glad you determined the problem without any injury.

Wayne Smith
05-16-2011, 08:36 AM
If I remember right and did it right the essential element of BruceB's two-alloy boolit is pouring molten alloy onto molten alloy. This provides the strong bond.

Welcome to the gang. Nice to hear of someone who figures out for himself what went wrong and how to fix it. Thanks for passing it on.