View Full Version : Wanted to extend the invitation to all

05-14-2011, 03:47 PM
The NES Third Annual Cast Bullet Workshop is May 21st (two weeks away), and will be an opportunity for all in the New England area to show the new people what casting is all about.

The original thread is here:

I wanted to offer a broader coverage (audience) the opportunity to know about it.

Randy Rat (Thanks, Randy!) has send in some lube raw material samples for the event, and there are other donations (free raffle) to make the effort worth while.

If you're in the New England area, and have the 21st open, we'd love to have you stop by.

05-15-2011, 07:06 AM
Besides the fall colors, this is about all that would get to New england area. Wish I could attend.

05-15-2011, 09:26 AM
Well, the last of the snow melted a couple of weeks ago. I did see a snow bank while about an hour North of here the other day.

We're just coming into black fly season, which precedes "mud season". Then we have two weeks of summer, and then it's Fall again.

So, right now, while the tulips and daffodils are in bloom, is the sweetest time to visit New England. And, Maine is the best of them all.