View Full Version : turning 3fg Black Powder into 4fhg

05-14-2011, 02:39 PM
Can you turn fffg into ffffhg by putting it in a blender?
Will it blow up the kitchen?
I am trying to not pay a hasmat fee to buy ffffhg (and caps too)

05-14-2011, 03:03 PM
"Can you turn fffg into ffffhg by putting it in a blender? Will it blow up the kitchen?"

I don't think that's a wise idea, but I certainly understand not wanting to pay an additional Hazmat fee. Not long ago I was in the same boat as you (no FFFFg), but I had plenty of FFg and FFFg. Btw, you can use the latter for priming a flintlock, but I didn't know that at the time. What I did was use a large, ceramic mortar and pestle* to GENTLY grind1 tablespoon of FFg into an approximation of FFFFg. However, I wore full face protection and a long sleeved shirt while I did so. It worked quite well the few times that I tried it, but I stopped once I got the genuine article from Dixons.

*This was a pharmaceutical grade item that belonged to my parents, who were both pharmacists. It was used for compounding as per prescriptions and is several years older than I am.

Baron von Trollwhack
05-14-2011, 03:47 PM
I have used crushdown powder for years as a pan charge. I have a small mortar and pestle and do like Maven. Ultimately I make a prime horn at a time. But it will not make ffffg. You will make crushed down powder every where between dust so light it floats in the air and something clearly less than what you started with. Mine is ground to less than ffffg. It works superbly. FAST!!! Just make as Maven did.


05-16-2011, 06:19 AM
If you do not want to use the 3f for priming, just sift the 3f in a fine sieve. There is enough smaller stuff in the average can to fill you prime.

05-16-2011, 09:39 AM
If a flintlock is built right and the lock is good 2f will work as a prime, I've done it many times. But I agree with Baron, the ground stuff is the best primiing powder I have found. It's the "match ammo" in a flintlock. So , everything being equal I would use the ground powder. Don't use any plastic as it carries static electricity & sparks could fly. be careful. the mortar & pestle is a good idea.

Baron von Trollwhack
05-18-2011, 07:05 AM
Thunderthud.......let us not have any more of this baloney about plastic carrying static electriciity and igniting your powder. There is just not enough heat produced to ignite powder. There is good research on it here, search recent posts.

You know they ship the dang powder in plastic!

They make powder flasks of plastic !

Tens of thousands of Skirmishers use plastic minie' cartridge tubes. ......