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View Full Version : Children's hospital of Pittsburgh

05-12-2011, 12:53 PM
I can't begin to tell you how wonderful the Children's hospital of Pittsburgh is.
Let me preface that statement by telling you in 1996 my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, 2 weeks later my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and 6 months later my wife's little brother was diagnosed with testicular cancer. We spent more than a year tending to them and living in and out of hospitals. my father and brother in law passed in 1997, but my mother fought breast cancer, extra hepatic bile duct cancer, and uterine cancer over the next 10 years. I have formed some very firm opinions about our local hospitals. They're seemingly staffed with good people but run too much like a big business.

I have never seen a hospital like the childrens hospital of Pittsburgh before. Instead of trying to squezze every last nickle out of their patients families, their concern is obviously the care and welfare of the families. They provide laundry facilities for famlies. In addition to a Ronald McDonald house, they have several family house in the area. The rooms have sleeping accomodations for parents as well.
My son had 4 pitchers from the Pittsburgh Pirates visit him. A "therapy animal" visited him, a boxer that was a dead ringer for my son's dog. She jumped right up in bed with him. It was the first time he smiled in a couple days. You've seen this one before.
This is our dog and her little boy. They snuck out christmas eve to wait up for santa.


The hospital has several play areas set up for the kids with everything from video games, to movies, to legos...... These are "no medical zones" where kids can get together and play, and parents don't talk about their medical woes.

the nurses and staff were absolutely wonderful. They went above and beyond at every opportunity.

I can't possibly tell everyone how much respect I have for the men and women at CHOP.

My friends,
Our son is doing extremely well. His recovery is a testament to the skill and care of the Medical staff of the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and the grace of God.
Thank you all so much for your concern, well wishes and prayers.

Dean D.
05-12-2011, 01:01 PM
Wow Dean, that sounds like what hospitals used to be like. It is good to know there are still a few out there that are not just about dollars.

I can't tell you how happy I am to hear how well your Son's procedure went. Thanks for keeping us up to date with your reports.

05-12-2011, 07:19 PM
I'm happy for you and your family Dean. As I told you....Pa. has a number of hospitals like the Pitt children's hospital. I'm not sure why it is that way but it is. The hospitals here have been the only place I've ever heard....don't you worry about payment, we'll work something out and ....don't you ever not come here for help because you don't have money. It's things like that that help kep your faith in this country and it's future. A sppedy recovering to your son Dean and may you never be plagued like this again.

05-13-2011, 03:20 AM

We continue to pray for your son and your family and for the medical professionals whose care he is entrusted with.

It's great news to hear that things are going well.


05-13-2011, 07:59 AM
Glad things are working out for your boy. That Childrens Hospital is an exceptional place. We have had our grandkids treated there and it is first class all the way. Will keep you in prayer.

05-14-2011, 01:10 AM
..............St Jude's Children's Research Hospital here in So. California is the same way. I've had a small automatic deduction coming out of our checking account going to them each month for several years now. It simply rips my heart out to see those innocent babies and small children suffering like that. All I have to do is think about my 14 month old grand daughter and think 'What if', to almost get me bawling to think of her like that.

http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f87d4c2a71fca210VgnVCM1000001e 0215acRCRD


05-15-2011, 09:37 PM
So glad to hear the good report. God is Good!

05-16-2011, 01:07 AM
It sure makes you feel extra good when you can get healed up then be able to give the hospital a high grade also. I've seen hospitals that gave great medical care but were out to lunch on their bedside manner or acted like you were a job and not a person.