View Full Version : Zinkers for roof moss???

05-10-2011, 09:12 PM
Hi all,

Anyone put the evil zinc WWs to work on their roof to control moss? I have a number of pounds of zinc that I have seperated out from the good stuff. Melt them down and pour into "little coins" and strategically place on the roof?


05-11-2011, 02:54 AM
Wile I have not done this as I have no roof of my own to do so, My good friend owns his own roofing company, and on a couple of jobs I had worked at with him, there was roofs that had zinc strips placed just under the shingle over a few courses of the side of the roof. It does work but it needs to be a strip to run across the length of the roof.

..And a shout out to my BC brother..

05-11-2011, 06:57 AM
I've used zinc powder to get rid of moss and lichens on a roof before. Worked like a charm and it hasn't come back for over five years now.

Try taking some to a grinding wheel and sprinkling a line of it across the peak of the roof. You don't need much, if you can see it on the roof you're over doing it.