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05-06-2011, 08:40 AM
I am just about to get started I have a couple bags of brass and 25# of range lead and I'm going back to the range for more tomorrow but finding a pot is hard one user said weld a .25 in steel plate on a steel pipe but all the junk yards in my area are only open on weekdays and it's kinda impossible when you don't have your own car and your parents work late. I have shredded paper in excess my fathers job requires alot of papers and I can't really find a steady supply of sawdust. Will this work? I have a turkey fryer I just need a propane tank the one we have is older than me and rusted I wouldn't trust it and we could probably use bigger one anyway it's a 20# tank. What is the easiest and fastest way to pickup range lead I've tried wheelweights but nobody really has them. I'm building a sifter out of 1x2 in wood cut and screwed together with a screen on it

05-06-2011, 08:59 AM
Sure it will work and I was even thinking of doing the same thing this weekend when I smelt me some ingots. I would not use it for casting flux due to flames and smoke, but for smelting it would be fine.

05-06-2011, 09:52 AM
If you have access to a range, pick up the expended boolits/J-words however you can. Some folks can just pick them up off the bottom of the berm, other berms aren't as friendly and the scrap has to be dug out, and indoor ranges usually make thing easier. Otherwise, your sifter idea is good, but use hardware cloth (1/4") rather than screen wire.

What calibers will you be casting and loading? What equipment do you have?

Wayne Smith
05-06-2011, 09:54 AM
As to picking up range lead it all depends on the conditions of the range and your availability. If you have a shovel, sifter, and time with a dirt bank thats all you need. If the boolits are shot into a rubber medium it is different, and if at steel the lead will be all shattered and fall through your sifter.

05-06-2011, 10:13 AM
Plus 1 for 1/4 inch mesh unless your working a blow sand back stop. I used a 2 qt cast iron pot for several years doing double duty for smelting and pouring. Lately I've been using bbq charcal to stop the oxidation of the pour . That little cast iron pot will hold about 25# to pour.

05-06-2011, 11:29 AM
Your old 20lb propane tank can be re-cycled into a great smelting pot. Empty the tank, screw out the viller/valve, fill the tank with water to displace any residual gas, use a hand held cutting wheel/grinder to cut about a 4" hole where the valve used to be. Drain the water, lay the tank on its side and cut the top off with the grinder (I cut mine right at the start of the top shoulder) at whatever length you want your pot to be.

05-06-2011, 01:59 PM
Cast iron dutch ovens can be had at many garage sales or cheap @ Walmart. A heavy stainless pot works too. If you have welding gear, then making your own out of a pice of 8" pipe & plate or cutting your old propane tank is great too.

Hawker man
05-06-2011, 07:53 PM

Blackthorn might want to come down from B.C. Canada to cut it up for you but please DO NOT attempt this foolish task yourself!!!!

Go with the cast iron Dutch oven!!!!

05-06-2011, 08:09 PM
My suggestion would be only slightly different from that of Blackthorn's.

Empty the tank, pull the valve, fill with water and let sit over night. Next day, dump the water, mark and cut.

If the tank sits over night full of water, there's no way there's going to be any residual gas left in the tank. I've done it and I'm still alive to tell you.

05-06-2011, 08:27 PM
And I would bet a lot of members here have done the same.

05-07-2011, 01:04 AM
[QUOTE=Hawker man;1260958]James:

Blackthorn might want to come down from B.C. Canada to cut it up for you but please DO NOT attempt this foolish task yourself!!!!

Been there, done it, got the t shirt, several times. If done, as Blackthorn describes. It is perfectly safe. I used a zip cut wheel on my 5" grinder to acomplish the task. It worked fantastic.

Hawker man
05-07-2011, 07:49 AM
I'm not suggesting cutting a propane tank cannot be done safely, and I'm not suggesting James is not capable of cutting the tank open himself. But James is a teenager, and if he gets hurt cutting the tank I would feel real bad if I was the one who even suggested he take on this operation. If he wanted to use a table saw and had never used one before, I would not tell him the fence is for ripping and the mitre gauge is for cross cutting, go have fun. I would make sure he had training, direct instruction/supervision, the proper safety equipment and guards in place before he even turned on the saw. After he demonstrated his ability to use the saw in a responsible and safe manner would he be allowed to operate the saw by himself.
By taking on smelting lead and bullet casting, cutting tanks that could hold a lot of stored energy, he is moving into some potentially hazardous activities. My primary concern is for the young man's safety. Perhaps a better thing to suggest is he find a boolet caster in his local area and see if he can find a mentor who is willing to help him along a safe path. He might even be able take his material to someone and do the smelting on their equipment, under their tutelage.
Again, my concern is for James safety.

05-07-2011, 09:35 AM
I used my skill saw with a friction disc and cut mine in half. Perfectly safe following the prescribed directions.

05-08-2011, 03:05 PM
Thankyou for your concern I have been using power tools all my life and have bees doing projects like this awhile there are no boolit casters in my area

05-08-2011, 04:58 PM
And since I only work with wood I will have to go visit my doctor friend who has welding and metal working stuff

MT Gianni
05-09-2011, 09:35 AM
If you have someone to mentor you with the process go for it. The propane tank will make a usuable pot, just don't get in a hurry. Open the valve and turn oit upside down away from anything and leave it over night. Unscrew the valve the next day and fill with water. Leave it over night then you can cut it down. A 20 lb tank wil run you a long time while smelting and casting.

05-10-2011, 12:49 PM
remember to check the valve if you just open it and turn it upside down

some valves don't actually open until something is screwed into them. look for a small ball bearing inside the valve.