View Full Version : Trajectory Tables (5.45x39)

04-28-2011, 09:48 AM

I was wondering if any of you know a good website/book/etc. listing trajectory tables, particularly for the 5.45x39 round. It's still kind of an obscure caliber here in the West, and I'm having trouble finding data on it. Thanks!

04-28-2011, 12:07 PM

This should get you in the ballpark.

Larry Gibson
04-28-2011, 12:36 PM
Back when in SF I chronographed and thoroughly tested a new AK74 and Yugoslav 5.45x39 ammo out to 600 yards. The velocity for a 20 round string was 3090 fps. A base was made replacing the rear sight so a 2X Leupold scout scope could be mounted. It was tested along side a M16A2 with a Colt 4X scope mounted on the carrying handle. M855 "green tip" ammunition was used in the M16A2.

We (4 shooters) found no trajectory difference between the 2 rounds out to 600 yards. the m16A2 was a little more accurate; 2 - 2.5 MOA vs 3 - 3.5 moa for the AK74 but at 300 yards (we were on a standard known distance HP range) 100% hits on an E silhouette from prone supported was quite probable with either rifle/ammo. We put several hundred rounds through the AK between the 4 of us shooting and marking each hit at all ranges.

This is just FYI as I know you want more precise data on the trajectory. However, trajectory dat for the M855 round should be very close and at least a good place to start.

Larry Gibson