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04-16-2011, 02:43 PM
Had a enjoyable night of casting that could have turned bad. Was topping off my 20lb Lee pot with a preheated ingot when it slipped out of the pliers and into the pot. I watched the geyser of lead shoot up about 24" as I was stepping back. While I was cleaning the lead up, I noticed 3 quarter size splotches of lead on my sleeve. If it wasnt for the long sleeves, Im sure I would have noticed it right away and cussed up a storm.

Long pants...check
long sleeve shirt...CHECK...

Just another thing to think about while we all cast.

04-16-2011, 03:07 PM
Wow! Good job, 44!!!

04-16-2011, 03:09 PM
Glad you were not hurt I only had one tinsel fairy attack myself when I first started casting. I was melting battery plates it was before they had calcium in them but I found out there was water yet! Was not burned bad just a little on the skin and hair. Never could get it all off the brick wall that was behind me.

Charlie Two Tracks
04-16-2011, 03:48 PM
Glad to hear you weren't hurt 44. That was a close one.

04-16-2011, 04:17 PM
Was about to introduce myself to him again....

Water dropping some boolits and the pan that I cut my sprues into is right next to the water bucket. Grabbed a handful of sprues and dropped them in the pot, then got to thinking.

Water on a cold sprue back into a hot pot...not good. Sprues will be going into a 9" cake pan, onto the hotplate before going back into the pot.

and time to get back to casting...pot should be ready to go after filling it up with ingots.

04-16-2011, 05:02 PM
Smart decision...I heard the sizzle as the sprues were heating up on the hot plate

04-16-2011, 06:42 PM
The Tinsel Fairy's only visit to my shop occurred when a live primer somehow got mixed in with about 15 pounds of pulled bullets I was remelting.

..........I left the lead splash on the ceiling and the wall behind the bench as a perpetual reminder of what happens when you're STUPID!!!!



04-16-2011, 08:49 PM
She sure likes to leave a present when she visits!

04-16-2011, 09:02 PM
At work we had a 6 inch water pipe up in the ceiling burst and it all landed on one of our 16,000 pound PB pots it looked like old fateful with alot of silver flash. Took quite a few shifts to get it all cleaned up and the pot back up and running

04-16-2011, 09:20 PM
I know you are glad you had the long sleeves on. I have gotten a couple of small but serious burns, and they took an extremely long time to heal.

04-17-2011, 08:38 AM
Yup! Mama tinsel certainly does leave a present. Just check the back of my right hand. This one was courtesy of a grasshopper. Those folks that believe that a hummingbird sized grasshopper at terminal velocity can't penetrate the surface of a lead pot are probably the same folks that believe that a lead boolit can't penetrate a steel plate because the lead is much softer than the steel. It is true that liquid that doesn't penetrate the surface will just boil away. But anyone that believes that a bird turd won't penetrate the surface is in for a rude awakening. These are usually too small and too light to penetrate but sometimes they do. Are you ready for the results? If you don't believe me just try dropping a fresh chicken turd into a pot from about ten feet and see what happens. This is roughly the equivelent of a Seagull (Flying Rat) dropping. Neil

04-17-2011, 08:42 AM
Wow, makes me glad I cast in the garage. No birds and haven't seen a grasshopper in there yet either.
I am lucky, I have only had a couple of small burns from casting. Biggest was maybe 1/8 by 1/4 inch by the base of my thumb. That sucker hurt for a few days.
I do everything I can to keep the fairy away, she and I just don't seem to see eye to eye on much.

04-17-2011, 09:02 AM
The Tinsel Fairy trys to visit everyone at one time or other i'm glad your weren't burned. I know she almost got me once but i was lucky. Be safe and remember she always lurking around waiting for you to slip up.

04-17-2011, 09:57 AM
The Tinsel Fairy trys to visit everyone at one time or other i'm glad your weren't burned. I know she almost got me once but i was lucky. Be safe and remember she always lurking around waiting for you to slip up.

Yup! .....She's exactly like my ex-wife! (....Even after 30 years, she is still attentively looking for an opportunity to make me miserable.)


04-17-2011, 06:05 PM
The only other thing I would add to your list is a hat. I use a cowboy hat keeps the fairy from landing on my balding head............

Glad to hear all went well for you.


04-17-2011, 11:03 PM
The only other thing I would add to your list is a hat. I use a cowboy hat keeps the fairy from landing on my balding head............

Glad to hear all went well for you.


The hat was there...going thin myself.

04-18-2011, 05:14 PM
One addition to your list that I adhere to is all the clothing is cotton. No synthetics as the lead can slip right through it and find skin. Cotton or wool.


04-19-2011, 05:51 PM
While I haven't had a visit from the tinsel fairy, yet. I have had a few invitations from her. It isn't any fun listening to a full pot burbling after you just put in an ingot you thought was hot enough.


04-20-2011, 10:03 PM
44 sure glad you weren't hurt that Tinsel Fairy's a scary experience also thanks for the reminder on clothing and safety protection needed,sometimes us older casters can get a bit lax on clothing attire :D

..........I left the lead splash on the ceiling and the wall behind the bench as a perpetual reminder of what happens when you're STUPID!!!!



I hear ya I should've left my STUPID for a reminder lol
I was and still am recovering from back surgery,about three weeks of total boredom I decide to cast bullets...Well pain killers and casting just don't mix the only thing that saved me was the way I had the ladel directed as I was pouring some cuttings and bad bullets back in the pot.All of a sudden KABOOM!!! emptied my 20lb. lyman?? Scared the @#%@!!! out of me!! Not sure where the term Tinsel Fairy term came from??? I am more inclined to call it the Tinsel Monster!!!! First and I hope last time I experience that!!