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View Full Version : Bull Plate Sprue Plate Lube

12-09-2006, 12:42 PM
There is a learning curve with this lube but once you take the time to learn how to properly use it for your personal application, it is wonderful stuff!

I first started using it on a single, double cavity mold on a Magma Engineering "MASTERCASTER" hand operated casting machine. At first, I was using waaaay to much and had to pull the handle like a man possessed to burn it down to an acceptable level. The proper amount seems to be just enough that you can BARELY detect that is on the mold and sprue plate. Bull Plate also seems to "season" the top of the mold and the sprue plate with repeated use much like cooking oil does on a cast iron skillet....the more you use it, the less it takes to get the job done. No lead buildup on the top of the mold, bottom of the sprue plate, sprue plate shears easily and smoothly, no galling of the sprue plate and top of the mold at the hinge point....clean cut, smooth, flat bullet bases, etc., etc..

I then started using Bull Plate on the eight, two cavity molds on a Magma Engineering "BULLETMASTER" commercial casting machine. Same great results. I can cast faster (about 30%) with the bullets that need to be run HOT and still get good smooth, flat, "pretty" bases. Again no galling on the top of the mold block and bottom of the sprue plate at the hinge point on the molds-that is extremely important when you run a set of molds enough turns around the wheel to make 50,000 bullets at a time.

I have used just about every sprue plate llube available.. paraffin, alox, Magma MASTERLUBE, Aero Dag, and others too numerous to mention. None of them perform as well as Bull Plate!

Dan, you have got a REAL WINNER with your Bull Plate lube!!!!!


12-09-2006, 01:47 PM
No question about it...Dan's magic elixir is THE RIGHT STUFF. It is all I use for every mould I own.


12-09-2006, 03:28 PM
No question about it...Dan's magic elixir is THE RIGHT STUFF. It is all I use for every mould I own.


Same here...love the stuff!