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View Full Version : I'd love to be Eight, again!

12-06-2006, 09:41 PM
Now; what is it about the above statement that I mis-understood?

The wifes birthday was near so I asked her what she would like for her birthday.

She replied; "I'd love to be eight, again".

So I prepared for her birthday. On the morning of her birthday, I arose early and made her a nice bowl of Coco Pops.
Accepting no arguments, I then took her off to the local theme park. [smilie=1:

WOW; what a day! :-D

Despite her attempted protests I put her on every ride in the park. Hours later and breathless she staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reelling and her stomach felt upside down. :-D

We then went to the nearest McDonalds where I ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a large refreshing chocolate Milk Shake.

Then we went off to the movies; the latest Star Wars epic, a hot dog, popcorn and all the coke she could drink, her favourite lollies and M&Ms. What a fabulous adventure. :roll:

Finally, we went home and she wobbled inside and collapsed onto the bed, exhausted.

I leaned over the birthday Girl with a big smile and asked, "Well Dear, what was it like being eight, again?"

She slowly opened her eyes, her expression changed, then she said, "I meant my dress size, you f*#kin' tw*t".

Now, even when I listen to what she is saying, I am still going to get it wrong.

I may be able to move back into the house next week, meanwhile the dog snores at night and needs some more flea powder.


12-08-2006, 10:32 AM
Now that right there is funny.......


12-08-2006, 01:12 PM
well, if she said "love to be eight" you theoretically were right. if she said "love to be an eight" you missunderstood. [smilie=1:

12-08-2006, 02:35 PM
Lemme get this straight, you took an 8 yr old on a date, lol?!

Candy litlle girl? J/K.