View Full Version : gun broker

04-01-2011, 11:48 AM
well i may have just stepped in it. was prusing the gun broker for bpcr rifles and found two that cought my eye...wonder huh? well i placed a bid and now am waiting to see what happens...has anyone bid and won there...if so what can i expect to happen next?

i know huh....both feet in the open cave called my mouth...i learn slow and seems like instead of gettin smarter i continue to just smart.

any advise before i barter the farm for yet another "NEEDED" gun?...[smilie=1:

Doc Highwall
04-01-2011, 12:19 PM
I have bought guns there. Payment was as per seller and shipped to FFL to do transfer. Seller should have a dealer with an FFL ship the gun to your gun shop after he faxes a copy of his FFL.

04-01-2011, 12:56 PM
I sold a gun through them recently and except for a couple of admin learning steps I had to do, things went great. In my case I got an email from and interested buyer and we talked on the phone as he had some questions. He decided he wanted the gun so I had him use the "buy it now" button as I had enabled it and all went well.
I shipped the gun to the buyer's FFL by UPS and I had a copy of the FFL to show UPS but the lady did not seem to care for it? She said "adult signature" was all that mattered??!! Now that I think of it, my black powder order did NOT even require that!

I also bought my Rolling Block through them and after finding the seller lived about a mile from me and I decided I wanted the gun he pulled the ad and I bought it. That is probably the wrong way to do it as then Gunbroker looses their fee which in the case of my sale was only $11.

Don McDowell
04-01-2011, 02:13 PM
Well the first thing to watch out for is the prices. Alot of the stuff there is priced over the top to beginwith, then there's always the dweebs that will pay more thru the auction than you can buy it new for. So watch how much you bid on what, and don't get sucked into letting them run the bid on you. And don't be surpised if about a minute before the auction closes they'll come a nashin at the teeth to get it out from under you.
Have bought several things there, have also not got the bid on several as they went for way more than I was/am willing to pay. All the transactions I've had there have been fine.

04-01-2011, 03:03 PM
Most people with good rep and feedback should give a three day exam with you paying shipping. I have always got a good deal where the seller offered to stand behind it. FFL dealers will handle paperwork around here for $15-$20. Good luck Last minute bids extend the auction `15min.

04-01-2011, 03:33 PM
thanks...didnt get the one i was bidding on but i guess im not as gullable as first thought...lol age does have its bennys i guess...ill live just fine without this particular gun...well at least for now...lol.

04-01-2011, 04:37 PM
Comments above are all true.
The vast majority of folks are straight up sellers regardless of the sometimes silly prices.
The only time I had trouble was with an individual with no selling experience. With patience and persistance we finallygot the seller's infor for transfer.
Other individuals and NO FFL holder have ever been a problem.
Full and frequent communication is essential to easy transactions.
If you know your product well, and know the "should cost" prices, then you should do fine.
Some older guns are worth more than the current production models, for the materials and workmanship if nothing else. My target vintage is 1930 through about 1955 for rifles. If it's what I want in an older model, I'll pay a bit of a premium, but let the silly prices pass...

On the revolver/pistol end, it's a different story...some current production pistols are among the best ever made, (same with some replica long guns).

04-01-2011, 09:40 PM
i agree with everything mentioned above .... but i sometimes wonder if a few people on there listing items dont take a few hits off the crack pipe right before setting a reserve or starting auction price ... ive been considering a mva scope for awhile now as my eyes having been none to good to start with arent getting better with age so i looked on g/b and sure enough theres a used mva scope listed .. starting bid is more than mva wants for one brand new with shipping

Don McDowell
04-01-2011, 10:18 PM
Hahaha if that's the same MVA scope I think it is, that guy bought it off of gunbroker. slipped a last minute bid in 1$ over the max (650)I had set in the auto bid....
Love those honesthinjuns just trying to get by with a 300 $ markup....

04-01-2011, 11:57 PM
It's people just like in real life. Most of 'em are nice, helpful, honest, and as anxious that you be happy as you are that they be so.

However, the BPCR has some fragile elements and must be packed very carefully to survive the trip. Emphasize this with the seller and indicate your willingness to help defray the cost of proper packaging to ensure the rifle gets to you in one piece (literally). You might even go so far as to pony up for overnight shipping so as to minimize the number of goons handling the rifle in transit.

Avoid UPS at all costs as the shipping agent. Again, tell the seller you'll pay the difference if necessary. This can make the difference between getting a BPCR or a box of splinters.

04-02-2011, 02:19 AM
i also keep an eye on shiloh's on g/b theres a couple thats been listed for well over 18 months off and on and one thats been on there well over 2 years .. im not sure what they expect . but if you watch for a few weeks youll notice the rifles that have a reasonable starting bid and no reserve sell fast with a high bid count and always bring what i think is top doller .... theres a couple listed now that i look to see listed for a long long time

04-02-2011, 11:59 AM
well i didnt win the 45-90 i first wanted but ...lol...im in on to another bidding frienzy...prolly win after awhile then ill have to cough up the cash and bring another sweety home. oh the sickness. almost ashamed but...naaaa...not yet...still have the house n a hot rod harley that will vacate me if it gets too hot in the house ... the new car for the missus will take me for a long stroll with my sickness before i see mayham in her eyes again.

thanks all for the kind words of encouragment and wisdom...i will post signs with your names on the wall when this sickness gets me in hot water here at home. wish me luck...lol

04-02-2011, 07:30 PM
Joe, I will remind you, if the gun is listed on another site, all mention of it must be removed from here. As it is, we may need to remove these posts anyway, as you say the shop is now the seller. I will run this through staff for a determination.

04-03-2011, 12:44 PM
yepper...stepped into the quicksand here...won the bid for a browning bpcr with all the trimmings. now to get ahold of the owner n square up the details for getting this lil beast home. should be fairly straight forward i think in lou of what you all have told me here...thanks for the hints and advice. what kind of shipping container should i request to insure that it gets here ok?

04-03-2011, 01:41 PM
yepper...stepped into the quicksand here... what kind of shipping container should i request to insure that it gets here ok?

SHILOH SHARPS ships their guns in a pretty durable Doskocil black plastic case. It has hauled my 50/90 for the last five years going to the Quigley shoot, etc.

While I've had some MARLIN lever guns shipped by wrapping in bubble wrap and a cardboard box, I'd give the seller some extra yankee dollars and have him get something to withstand vandalism and mis-treatment. I bought a MARLIN Cowboy off gunbroker (my favorite auction site) and had the seller keep a fairly nice scope and mounts for getting the hard case. I've accumulated several hard cases in this manner and would send one to the seller for return shipping BUT the one way shipping is equal to the local cost of the case so I might as well add to the collection/have one for when the kids/grandkids borrow a beater 30/30 for deer hunting.


04-04-2011, 11:17 PM
Hey there Bigted,

I was also bidding on that rifle and you stole it away from me. He, he, just kidding.

Actually I did bid on it, but it would have been for resale if I'd won it. It looks like a nice rifle. Just make sure the seller fully insures it and packs it up real well. I've sold around 150 of the Browning and more recent Winchester BPCRs and have had a few damaged by the carriers (UPS, FedEx & USPS) - mostly cracked stocks and a couple with damaged front sights. All but one was being shipped to me.

The one that was damaged that I shipped must have been dropped off the back of a delivery truck on to a concrete floor. It was packed very well in a padded gun case inside a shipping carton. The muzzle was shoved all the way through the end of the case and carton, badly damaging the front sight and cracking the stock. The bottom line is you can't pack those heavy rifles up too well, which is why I dedicated a chapter in my book on the Browning's to discussing methods of packing and shipping.

The original factory shipping box is not well designed to adequately protect the rifle. So I've learned the hard way how to package them. As EDK suggested, one solution is the Doskocil black plastic case is. It's economical and does a pretty good job of protecting the rifle. But even then I put a lot of padding on both ends of the rifle in case the carton is dropped on the end. I also wrap the rifle in old towels or bubble wrap even if the Doskocil case is used. It helps to protect the stock from cracking if the carton is dropped or tipped over and falls flat on a hard concrete surface. Think about what will happen as that long heavy barrel compresses the packing but the lighter and wider stock does not. The result can and usually results in a stock that's cracked at the wrist.


04-05-2011, 01:29 AM
Wayne...yes i read your book and especially the shipping part. the shipper is going to use one of those plastic hard cussioned cases and a cardboard wrap around that...it will also ship 2 day air to get it out of their hands as fast as possible. thanks for the well wish and srry if i bid you outta the picture...that last 25 dollor bid was going to be my last as well. i wanted a 50-90 but this came stumbling along so i bid on it.

your book is a little vague on where to obtain a replacement stock if the worst happens. do you have any good hints as to where i can get another complete butstock for these rifles? i have a browning hunter that i am having re-barreled with a g/m barrel in #4 winchester profile chambered in 38-55,,,but it still wears the straight ,crecent butstock that id like to change out for the pistolgrip butstock complete...preferably a stock one from browning complete with the butplate and the grip cap.

anyway Wayne...thanks for the wellwish and i hope this finds you still smilin about life.

04-05-2011, 11:16 AM
You might check with CPA, I think they make the Stock for the 1885 BPCR.

I jsut screwed up the stock on one of mine, and if I can't fix it, I am going to get one from them


04-05-2011, 11:20 AM

I think you will like the .45-70 a lot better than the significantly harder kicking 50-90.

Concerning replacement stocks suppliers, click on the following link for an article on my web site titled STOCK REPAIR OR RESTOCKING A MIROKU MANUFACTURED BROWNING OR WINCHESTER BPCR
http://www.texas-mac.com/Stock_Repair_or_Restocking_Browning_or_Winchester_ BPCR.html

One thing you need to be aware of is that the tang on the Traditional Hunter model is a little shorter than the BPCR model. Should you consider going with a new semi-inletted stock from CPA Corporation, they discuss the difference in their web site.


04-05-2011, 01:16 PM
fired off a mail to cpa corp. looking forward to their reply. thanks again Wayne

04-08-2011, 02:59 PM
Back to the original thread........look close at the details in the posted pictures and never be afraid to ask for more pictures to be emailed to you. Be suspicious of areas of any guns omitted by the picures. Ask questions either by telephone or email.....jsut my 2 cents and worth everything you paid for it

04-08-2011, 06:29 PM
I have nothing but good to say about gunbroker.


04-08-2011, 08:53 PM
I see a bit of talk about shipping cases. I've found that most pawn shops buy their guns off desperate sellers and don't really think about the case. I picked up a nice aluminum rifle case for $25. They pulled a rifle out of it and put it on the rack. Worth walking in and asking anyway.


04-22-2011, 10:52 AM
got it!!! what a nice browning bpcr rifle. came in tact with no shipping damage. took it in and imediatly ran some cleaning thru it but it is just fine. took it out to finish the breakin with jacketed and after the exhausting cleanup looked into the mirror bright bore with satasfaction. she shoots very well and im very happy with it. cant wait to smoke it with bp...got em all loaded up with fresh cast and gobs of bp so the initiation should be perfect after today.

04-22-2011, 11:49 AM
Good deal Bigted.

Dang, I should have bid higher on that rifle. ;-)

Boy, it's starting to get hot down here in Texas. I'm ready for a couple cool ones. :drinks:


04-22-2011, 12:28 PM
Good deal Bigted.

Dang, I should have bid higher on that rifle. ;-)

Boy, it's starting to get hot down here in Texas. I'm ready for a couple cool ones. :drinks:


:roll:almos feel bad.....almost! thanks for the well wish and its a nice one. fyi...lol...that last 25 dollor bid was gonna be my last:-D..:drinks:

its gettin 'hot' here too...almost got to 42 degree yesterday...but....looks like snow now today:(:roll: seems like spring comes later every year here...ho hum ill take this as this is gotta be the best place on earth for adventures and plain clean livin.

have a good one Wayne and thanks again for the advise and well wish.

04-27-2011, 04:40 PM
I like GunBroker O.K.
Like E-Bay you can learn a lot.
Looking at GunBroker.com you can find how much something is worth.
Things that are not rare come along once a week or once a month.
Lay low and observe the thing you want first. Then bid once you know what it is going for.

Sometimes the seller does not know the rules (or he is looking the other way).
I have had things shipped to me that were not really legal where I live.

Buying and selling on GunBroker.com is fun and you can learn about guns from what people list on the site.