View Full Version : Got my xl650 yesterday.

03-31-2011, 04:39 PM
I got my press that I ordered from parrott1969. If you are looking to get a new dillon don't hesitate to deal with him. He is one stand up guy.

I think that I may have set a record getting it set up. Opened the box at 1830 and was loading shells at 2230. This speedy set was do to all the help I received from my daughter (17months) and my boy (almost 4).

I decided to read the instructions after I pinched my thumb trying to lower loading plate. Turns out the handle makes this task alot easier (and less painful). Continued reading the instructions while the daughter helped me put all the bags of parts in the "proper" places (the nice layout that I had was obviously wrong, good thing she was there :-P )

My boy did help hold some of the tools for me but grew tired of that quickly. He proceeded to play in a bucket of shot that I have (yeah, he has lots of toys but they aren't as much fun as a bag of shot in a 5 gall bucket :roll:).

Once I got it all set up he helped me fill the tube with casings and pulled and pushed the handle a few times. Then he decided to go play with Grandpa. He does help me quite a bit loading rifle shells on the single stage press. Its a big slower with him helping but seems to really enjoy it.

So in conclusion I would highly recommend the xl650 (if you need any help setting it up you can borrow my daughter :razz:). There is a learning curve like any other press but it seems to be a very small curve (example, I figured it out pretty quick). Now i have to go cast some more boolits. The 700 or so that I had are now waiting to go dive in a box of sand.

Jerry Jr.

03-31-2011, 05:07 PM
Now u realize in 3 or 4 hours of setup with all that help u had that a few photos are warranted here of the kids having a ball with their dad. I won't go so far as to say "no pictures it never happened", but they would have been pretty cool.
Hope you enjoy the new setup!

03-31-2011, 11:33 PM
congrats hard to beat a good press and helpers. With any thing mechanical a lefty could be in danger ! ! ! LOL. Ask me how I know (fellow south paw here) FB

Cowboy T
04-01-2011, 09:38 AM
Congratulations! That 650 is a lot of press.

04-01-2011, 06:28 PM
Thanks guys. I will try to sweet talk momma into taking and posting some pics for me. FB I would like to see these rightys try and make it if we switched everything to the otherside. Now that would be funny!

Oh yeah, of course the reloading bench is a mess and no I am not gonna clean it up.:-P

Jerry Jr.

04-01-2011, 11:18 PM
Keeping enough boolits around to load is tough with a 650 on the bench! Congrats on the new press!

Good for you getting your kids involved! My 2 year old hands me gas checks for now=)