View Full Version : Cavity spacing on old Lyman molds

old turtle
03-26-2011, 10:02 AM
I have acquired several old Lyman molds. It has come to my attention that the old double cavity molds have a spacing of the cavities and the sprue plate of roughly .450. All the newer molds have a spacing of .550. I need several plates for the older molds which brings up two questions. Does anyone supply the sprue plates for the old molds? I would appear that having the cutoff so far to each side of the boolits might present an accuracy problem. What do you other members think about this? All ideas are appreciated.

03-26-2011, 11:54 AM
Just ran into the same problem-though I would try making my own.


old turtle
03-26-2011, 01:38 PM
I was also thinking of that but I do not have any machine tools. I have a friend however who does. Just though that some one might make them. Also the old single cavity mold sprue plate have a different spacing between the pivot hole and the cavity. Might be a little profit in making up some of these as I know others must have the same problem.

03-26-2011, 06:58 PM

Another point to watch is that the older sprue plate screws were 10 x 36. The newer ones are 10 x 32. Not much difference, but enough that one won't work in the other without danger of stripping.


03-26-2011, 07:04 PM
Check with our very own sprue plate manufacture "Red River Rick". He make a variety of parts for moulds and such.

